Department of Microbiology and Immunology

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Laleu, B., Rubiano, K., Yeo, T., Hallyburton, I., Anderson, M., Crespo‐Fernandez, B., Gamo, F., Antonova‐Koch, Y., Orjuela‐Sanchez, P., Wittlin, S., Jana, G. P., Maity, B. C., Chenu, E., Duffy, J., Sjö, P., Waterson, D., Winzeler, E., Guantai, E., Fidock, D. A., & Hansson, T. G. (2022). Exploring a Tetrahydroquinoline Antimalarial Hit from the Medicines for Malaria Pathogen Box and Identification of its Mode of Resistance as PfeEF2. ChemMedChem, 17(22). Portico.
Publication Date
Wang, Q., Iketani, S., Li, Z., Guo, Y., Yeh, A. Y., Liu, M., Yu, J., Sheng, Z., Huang, Y., Liu, L., & Ho, D. D. (2022). Antigenic characterization of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariant BA.2.75. Cell Host & Microbe, 30(11), 1512-1517.e4.
Publication Date
Okombo, J., Mok, S., Qahash, T., Yeo, T., Bath, J., Orchard, L. M., Owens, E., Koo, I., Albert, I., Llinás, M., & Fidock, D. A. (2022). Piperaquine-resistant PfCRT mutations differentially impact drug transport, hemoglobin catabolism and parasite physiology in Plasmodium falciparum asexual blood stages. PLOS Pathogens, 18(10), e1010926.
Publication Date
Gomez-Simmonds, A., Annavajhala, M. K., Nunez, M. P., Macesic, N., Park, H., & Uhlemann, A.-C. (2022). Intestinal Dysbiosis and Risk of Posttransplant Clostridioides difficile Infection in a Longitudinal Cohort of Liver Transplant Recipients. MSphere, 7(5).
Publication Date
Arendse, L. B., Murithi, J. M., Qahash, T., Pasaje, C. F. A., Godoy, L. C., Dey, S., Gibhard, L., Ghidelli-Disse, S., Drewes, G., Bantscheff, M., Lafuente-Monasterio, M. J., Fienberg, S., Wambua, L., Gachuhi, S., Coertzen, D., van der Watt, M., Reader, J., Aswat, A. S., Erlank, E., … Chibale, K. (2022). The anticancer human mTOR inhibitor sapanisertib potently inhibits multiple Plasmodium kinases and life cycle stages. Science Translational Medicine, 14(667).
Publication Date
Filliol, A., Saito, Y., Nair, A., Dapito, D. H., Yu, L.-X., Ravichandra, A., Bhattacharjee, S., Affo, S., Fujiwara, N., Su, H., Sun, Q., Savage, T. M., Wilson-Kanamori, J. R., Caviglia, J. M., Chin, L., Chen, D., Wang, X., Caruso, S., Kang, J. K., … Schwabe, R. F. (2022). Opposing roles of hepatic stellate cell subpopulations in hepatocarcinogenesis. Nature, 610(7931), 356–365.
Publication Date
Iketani, S., Hong, S. J., Sheng, J., Bahari, F., Culbertson, B., Atanaki, F. F., Aditham, A. K., Kratz, A. F., Luck, M. I., Tian, R., Goff, S. P., Montazeri, H., Sabo, Y., Ho, D. D., & Chavez, A. (2022). Functional map of SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease reveals tolerant and immutable sites. Cell Host & Microbe, 30(10), 1354-1362.e6.
Publication Date
Lowe, M. A., Cardenas, A., Valentin, J.-P., Zhu, Z., Abendroth, J., Castro, J. L., Class, R., Delaunois, A., Fleurance, R., Gerets, H., Gryshkova, V., King, L., Lorimer, D. D., MacCoss, M., Rowley, J. H., Rosseels, M.-L., Royer, L., Taylor, R. D., Wong, M., … de Haro, T. (2022). Discovery and Characterization of Potent, Efficacious, Orally Available Antimalarial Plasmepsin X Inhibitors and Preclinical Safety Assessment of UCB7362. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 65(20), 14121–14143.
Publication Date
Goubet, A.-G., Lordello, L., Alves Costa Silva, C., Peguillet, I., Gazzano, M., Mbogning-Fonkou, M. D., Thelemaque, C., Lebacle, C., Thibault, C., Audenet, F., Pignot, G., Gravis, G., Helissey, C., Campedel, L., Roupret, M., Xylinas, E., Ouzaid, I., Dubuisson, A., Mazzenga, M., … Loriot, Y. (2022). Escherichia coli–Specific CXCL13-Producing TFH Are Associated with Clinical Efficacy of Neoadjuvant PD-1 Blockade against Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer. Cancer Discovery, 12(10), 2280–2307.
Publication Date
Ward, K. E., Fidock, D. A., & Bridgford, J. L. (2022). Plasmodium falciparum resistance to artemisinin-based combination therapies. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 69, 102193.
Publication Date
Qiu, D., Pei, J. V., Rosling, J. E. O., Thathy, V., Li, D., Xue, Y., Tanner, J. D., Penington, J. S., Aw, Y. T. V., Aw, J. Y. H., Xu, G., Tripathi, A. K., Gnadig, N. F., Yeo, T., Fairhurst, K. J., Stokes, B. H., Murithi, J. M., Kümpornsin, K., Hasemer, H., … Lehane, A. M. (2022). A G358S mutation in the Plasmodium falciparum Na+ pump PfATP4 confers clinically-relevant resistance to cipargamin. Nature Communications, 13(1).
Publication Date
Kawano, Y., Edwards, M., Huang, Y., Bilate, A. M., Araujo, L. P., Tanoue, T., Atarashi, K., Ladinsky, M. S., Reiner, S. L., Wang, H. H., Mucida, D., Honda, K., & Ivanov, I. I. (2022). Microbiota imbalance induced by dietary sugar disrupts immune-mediated protection from metabolic syndrome. Cell, 185(19), 3501-3519.e20.
Publication Date
Chethikkattuveli Salih, A. R., Asif, A., Samantasinghar, A., Umer Farooqi, H. M., Kim, S., & Choi, K. H. (2022). Renal Hypoxic Reperfusion Injury-on-Chip Model for Studying Combinational Vitamin Therapy. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 8(9), 3733–3740.
Publication Date
Mathema, B., Chen, L., Wang, P., Cunningham, M. H., Mediavilla, J. R., Chow, K. F., Luo, Y., Zhao, Y., Composto, K., Zuckerman, J., Zody, M. C., Wilson, N., Lee, A., Oschwald, D. M., Liu, L., Iketani, S., Germer, S., Fennessey, S., Wang, M., … Kreiswirth, B. N. (2022). Genomic Epidemiology and Serology Associated with a SARS-CoV-2 R.1 Variant Outbreak in New Jersey. MBio, 13(5).
Publication Date
Kanai, M., Hagenah, L. M., Ashley, E. A., Chibale, K., & Fidock, D. A. (2022). Keystone Malaria Symposium 2022: a vibrant discussion of progress made and challenges ahead from drug discovery to treatment. Trends in Parasitology, 38(9), 711–718.
Publication Date
Fu, J., Wang, Z., Martinez, M., Jiao, W., Frangaj, K., Jones, R., Guo, X. V., Zhang, Y., Kuo, W.-I., Obradovic, A., Ma, W., Rogers, K., Kato, T., Shen, Y., & Sykes, M. (2022). 425.3: Single-Cell Immune Profiling of Human Intestinal Allografts Reveals Differential Phenotypes of Alloreactive T-Cell Clones in Quiescent vs Chronically Rejecting Allografts. Transplantation, 106(9S), S485–S485.
Publication Date
Marcink, T. C., Kicmal, T., Armbruster, E., Zhang, Z., Zipursky, G., Golub, K. L., Idris, M., Khao, J., Drew-Bear, J., McGill, G., Gallagher, T., Porotto, M., des Georges, A., & Moscona, A. (2022). Intermediates in SARS-CoV-2 spike–mediated cell entry. Science Advances, 8(33).
Publication Date
Wang, Q., Guo, Y., Iketani, S., Nair, M. S., Li, Z., Mohri, H., Wang, M., Yu, J., Bowen, A. D., Chang, J. Y., Shah, J. G., Nguyen, N., Chen, Z., Meyers, K., Yin, M. T., Sobieszczyk, M. E., Sheng, Z., Huang, Y., Liu, L., & Ho, D. D. (2022). Antibody evasion by SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariants BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5. Nature, 608(7923), 603–608.
Publication Date
Wang, P. H., Washburn, R., Maniar, R., Mu, M., Ringham, O., Kratchmarov, R., Henick, B. S., & Reiner, S. L. (2022). Cutting Edge: Promoting T Cell Factor 1+ T Cell Self-Renewal to Improve Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 Blockade. The Journal of Immunology, 209(4), 660–664.
Publication Date
Christensen, P., Racklyeft, A., Ward, K. E., Matheson, J., Suwanarusk, R., Chua, A. C. Y., Kaneko, O., Aung, H. L., Rénia, L., Amanzougaghene, N., Magneron, V., Lemaitre, J., Le Grand, R., Kyle, D., Bifani, P., Cook, G. M., Snounou, G., & Russell, B. (2022). Improving in vitro continuous cultivation of Plasmodium cynomolgi, a model for P. vivax. Parasitology International, 89, 102589.
Publication Date
Harimoto, T., Hahn, J., Chen, Y.-Y., Im, J., Zhang, J., Hou, N., Li, F., Coker, C., Gray, K., Harr, N., Chowdhury, S., Pu, K., Nimura, C., Arpaia, N., Leong, K. W., & Danino, T. (2022). A programmable encapsulation system improves delivery of therapeutic bacteria in mice. Nature Biotechnology, 40(8), 1259–1269.
Publication Date
Bal, E., Kumar, R., Hadigol, M., Holmes, A. B., Hilton, L. K., Loh, J. W., Dreval, K., Wong, J. C. H., Vlasevska, S., Corinaldesi, C., Soni, R. K., Basso, K., Morin, R. D., Khiabanian, H., Pasqualucci, L., & Dalla-Favera, R. (2022). Super-enhancer hypermutation alters oncogene expression in B cell lymphoma. Nature, 607(7920), 808–815.
Publication Date
Reis, B. S., Darcy, P. W., Khan, I. Z., Moon, C. S., Kornberg, A. E., Schneider, V. S., Alvarez, Y., Eleso, O., Zhu, C., Schernthanner, M., Lockhart, A., Reed, A., Bortolatto, J., Castro, T. B. R., Bilate, A. M., Grivennikov, S., Han, A. S., & Mucida, D. (2022). TCR-Vγδ usage distinguishes protumor from antitumor intestinal γδ T cell subsets. Science, 377(6603), 276–284.
Publication Date
Wu, H., Qiu, W., Zhu, X., Li, X., Xie, Z., Carreras, I., Dedeoglu, A., Van Dyke, T., Han, Y. W., Karimbux, N., Tu, Q., Cheng, L., & Chen, J. (2022). The Periodontal Pathogen Fusobacterium nucleatum Exacerbates Alzheimer’s Pathogenesis via Specific Pathways. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14.
Publication Date
Vecchione, A., Madley, R., Danzl, N., Borsotti, C., Marharlooei, M. K., Li, H.-W., Nauman, G., Ding, X., Ho, S.-H., Fousteri, G., & Sykes, M. (2022). T1D patient-derived hematopoietic stem cells are programmed to generate Tph, Tfh, and autoimmunity-associated B cell subsets in human immune system mice. Clinical Immunology, 240, 109048.
Publication Date
Schmitz, K. S., Lange, M. V., Gommers, L., Handrejk, K., Porter, D. P., Alabi, C. A., Moscona, A., Porotto, M., de Vries, R. D., & de Swart, R. L. (2022). Repurposing an In Vitro Measles Virus Dissemination Assay for Screening of Antiviral Compounds. Viruses, 14(6), 1186.
Publication Date
Lim, J., Laffleur, B., Basu, U., & Yu, K. (2022). Identification of RNA–DNA Hybrids Associated with R-Loops at the IgH Switch Sequence in Activated B Cells. R-Loops, 55–66.
Publication Date
Rouanne, M., Adam, J., Radulescu, C., Letourneur, D., Bredel, D., Mouraud, S., Goubet, A.-G., Leduc, M., Chen, N., Tan, T. Z., Signolle, N., Bigorgne, A., Dussiot, M., Tselikas, L., Susini, S., Danlos, F.-X., Schneider, A. K., Chabanon, R., Vacher, S., … Marabelle, A. (2022). BCG therapy downregulates HLA-I on malignant cells to subvert antitumor immune responses in bladder cancer. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 132(12).
Publication Date
Schmitz, K. S., Geers, D., de Vries, R. D., Bovier, T. F., Mykytyn, A. Z., Geurts van Kessel, C. H., Haagmans, B. L., Porotto, M., de Swart, R. L., & Moscona, A. (2022). Potency of Fusion-Inhibitory Lipopeptides against SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern. MBio, 13(3).
Publication Date
Chait, M., Yilmaz, M. M., Shakil, S., Ku, A. W., Dogra, P., Connors, T. J., Szabo, P. A., Gray, J. I., Wells, S. B., Kubota, M., Matsumoto, R., Poon, M. M. L., Snyder, M. E., Baldwin, M. R., Sims, P. A., Saqi, A., Farber, D. L., & Weisberg, S. P. (2022). Immune and epithelial determinants of age-related risk and alveolar injury in fatal COVID-19. JCI Insight, 7(11).
Publication Date
Laffleur, B., Batista, C. R., Zhang, W., Lim, J., Yang, B., Rossille, D., Wu, L., Estrella, J., Rothschild, G., Pefanis, E., & Basu, U. (2022). RNA exosome drives early B cell development via noncoding RNA processing mechanisms. Science Immunology, 7(72).
Publication Date
Barber, B. E., Fernandez, M., Patel, H. B., Barcelo, C., Woolley, S. D., Patel, H., Llewellyn, S., Abd-Rahman, A. N., Sharma, S., Jain, M., Ghoghari, A., Di Resta, I., Fuchs, A., Deni, I., Yeo, T., Mok, S., Fidock, D. A., Chalon, S., Möhrle, J. J., … Kansagra, K. (2022). Safety, pharmacokinetics, and antimalarial activity of the novel triaminopyrimidine ZY-19489: a first-in-human, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, single ascending dose study, pilot food-effect study, and volunteer infection study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 22(6), 879–890.
Publication Date
Liu, L., Iketani, S., Guo, Y., Reddem, E. R., Casner, R. G., Nair, M. S., Yu, J., Chan, J. F.-W., Wang, M., Cerutti, G., Li, Z., Morano, N. C., Castagna, C. D., Corredor, L., Chu, H., Yuan, S., Poon, V. K.-M., Chan, C. C.-S., Chen, Z., … Ho, D. D. (2022). An antibody class with a common CDRH3 motif broadly neutralizes sarbecoviruses. Science Translational Medicine, 14(646).
Publication Date
Diez, S., Hydorn, M., Whalen, A., & Dworkin, J. (2022). Crosstalk between guanosine nucleotides regulates cellular heterogeneity in protein synthesis during nutrient limitation. PLOS Genetics, 18(5), e1009957.
Publication Date
Murithi, J. M., Deni, I., Pasaje, C. F. A., Okombo, J., Bridgford, J. L., Gnädig, N. F., Edwards, R. L., Yeo, T., Mok, S., Burkhard, A. Y., Coburn-Flynn, O., Istvan, E. S., Sakata-Kato, T., Gomez-Lorenzo, M. G., Cowell, A. N., Wicht, K. J., Le Manach, C., Kalantarov, G. F., Dey, S., … Fidock, D. A. (2022). The Plasmodium falciparum ABC transporter ABCI3 confers parasite strain-dependent pleiotropic antimalarial drug resistance. Cell Chemical Biology, 29(5), 824-839.e6.
Publication Date
Domínguez Conde, C., Xu, C., Jarvis, L. B., Rainbow, D. B., Wells, S. B., Gomes, T., Howlett, S. K., Suchanek, O., Polanski, K., King, H. W., Mamanova, L., Huang, N., Szabo, P. A., Richardson, L., Bolt, L., Fasouli, E. S., Mahbubani, K. T., Prete, M., Tuck, L., … Teichmann, S. A. (2022). Cross-tissue immune cell analysis reveals tissue-specific features in humans. Science, 376(6594).
Publication Date
Gras-Peña, R., Danzl, N. M., Khosravi-Maharlooei, M., Campbell, S. R., Ruiz, A. E., Parks, C. A., Suen Savage, W. M., Holzl, M. A., Chatterjee, D., & Sykes, M. (2022). Human stem cell-derived thymic epithelial cells enhance human T-cell development in a xenogeneic thymus. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 149(5), 1755–1771.
Publication Date
Reed, E. F., Chong, A. S., Levings, M. K., Mutrie, C., Laufer, T. M., Roncarolo, M. G., & Sykes, M. (2022). The Women of FOCIS: Promoting Equality and Inclusiveness in a Professional Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies. Frontiers in Immunology, 13.
Publication Date
Iketani, S., Liu, L., Guo, Y., Liu, L., Chan, J. F.-W., Huang, Y., Wang, M., Luo, Y., Yu, J., Chu, H., Chik, K. K.-H., Yuen, T. T.-T., Yin, M. T., Sobieszczyk, M. E., Huang, Y., Yuen, K.-Y., Wang, H. H., Sheng, Z., & Ho, D. D. (2022). Antibody evasion properties of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron sublineages. Nature, 604(7906), 553–556.
Publication Date
Chang, A., Xiang, X., Wang, J., Lee, C., Arakhamia, T., Simjanoska, M., Wang, C., Carlomagno, Y., Zhang, G., Dhingra, S., Thierry, M., Perneel, J., Heeman, B., Forgrave, L. M., DeTure, M., DeMarco, M. L., Cook, C. N., Rademakers, R., Dickson, D. W., … Fitzpatrick, A. W. P. (2022). Homotypic fibrillization of TMEM106B across diverse neurodegenerative diseases. Cell, 185(8), 1346-1355.e15.
Publication Date
Papa (Άννα Παπά), A., Marklewitz, M., Paraskevopoulou (Σοφία Παρασκευοπούλου), S., Garrison, A. R., Alkhovsky (Альховский Сергей Владимирович), S. V., Avšič-Županc, T., Bente, D. A., Bergeron, É., Burt, F., Di Paola, N., Ergünay, K., Hewson, R., Mirazimi, A., Sall, A. A., Spengler, J. R., Postler, T. S., Palacios, G., & Kuhn, J. H. (2022). History and classification of Aigai virus (formerly Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever virus genotype VI). Journal of General Virology, 103(4).
Publication Date