Discovery and Characterization of Potent, Efficacious, Orally Available Antimalarial Plasmepsin X Inhibitors and Preclinical Safety Assessment of UCB7362

Lowe, M. A., Cardenas, A., Valentin, J.-P., Zhu, Z., Abendroth, J., Castro, J. L., Class, R., Delaunois, A., Fleurance, R., Gerets, H., Gryshkova, V., King, L., Lorimer, D. D., MacCoss, M., Rowley, J. H., Rosseels, M.-L., Royer, L., Taylor, R. D., Wong, M., … de Haro, T. (2022). Discovery and Characterization of Potent, Efficacious, Orally Available Antimalarial Plasmepsin X Inhibitors and Preclinical Safety Assessment of UCB7362. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 65(20), 14121–14143.
Martin A. Lowe
Á. de Pablo Cárdenas
Jean‐Pierre Valentin
Zhaoning Zhu
Jan Abendroth
José L. Castro
Reiner Class
Annie Delaunois
Renaud Fleurance
Helga H.J. Gerets
Vitalina Gryshkova
Lloyd E. King
Donald D. Lorimer
Malcolm MacCoss
Julian H. Rowley
Marie‐Luce Rosseels
Leandro Royer
Richard D. Taylor
Melanie Wong
Oliver Zaccheo
V. P. Chavan
Gokul A. Ghule
Bapusaheb K. Tapkir
Jeremy N. Burrows
Maëlle Duffey
Matthias Rottmann
Sergio Wittlin
Íñigo Angulo‐Barturen
Marı́a Belén Jiménez-Dı́az
Josefine Striepen
Kate J. Fairhurst
Tomas Yeo
David A. Fidock
Alan F. Cowman
Paola Favuzza
Benigno Crespo-Fernández
Francisco‐Javier Gamo
Daniel E. Goldberg
Dominique Soldati‐Favre
Benoı̂t Laleu
Teresa de Haro
Affiliated Authors:
Josefine Striepen
Kate J. Fairhurst
Tomas Yeo
David A. Fidock
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