Department of Microbiology and Immunology

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Wang, Q., Mellis, I. A., Guo, Y., Gherasim, C., Valdez, R., Gordon, A., Ho, D. D., & Liu, L. (2024). Robust SARS-CoV-2-neutralizing antibodies sustained through 6 months post XBB.1.5 mRNA vaccine booster. Cell Reports Medicine, 5(9), 101701.
Publication Date
Wang, Q., Mellis, I. A., Ho, J., Bowen, A., Kowalski-Dobson, T., Valdez, R., Katsamba, P. S., Wu, M., Lee, C., Shapiro, L., Gordon, A., Guo, Y., Ho, D. D., & Liu, L. (2024). Recurrent SARS-CoV-2 spike mutations confer growth advantages to select JN.1 sublineages. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 13(1).
Publication Date
Grattoni, A., Korbutt, G., Tomei, A. A., García, A. J., Pepper, A. R., Stabler, C., Brehm, M., Papas, K., Citro, A., Shirwan, H., Millman, J. R., Melero-Martin, J., Graham, M., Sefton, M., Ma, M., Kenyon, N., Veiseh, O., Desai, T. A., Nostro, M. C., … de Vos, P. (2024). Harnessing cellular therapeutics for type 1 diabetes mellitus: progress, challenges, and the road ahead. Nature Reviews Endocrinology.
Publication Date
Araujo, L. P., Edwards, M., Irie, K., Huang, Y., Kawano, Y., Tran, A., De Michele, S., Bhagat, G., Wang, H. H., & Ivanov, I. I. (2024). Context-dependent role of group 3 innate lymphoid cells in mucosal protection. Science Immunology, 9(98).
Publication Date
Lawong, A., Gahalawat, S., Ray, S., Ho, N., Han, Y., Ward, K. E., Deng, X., Chen, Z., Kumar, A., Xing, C., Hosangadi, V., Fairhurst, K. J., Tashiro, K., Liszczak, G., Shackleford, D. M., Katneni, K., Chen, G., Saunders, J., Crighton, E., … Phillips, M. A. (2024). Identification of potent and reversible piperidine carboxamides that are species-selective orally active proteasome inhibitors to treat malaria. Cell Chemical Biology, 31(8), 1503-1517.e19.
Publication Date
Niikura, R., Hayakawa, Y., Nagata, N., Miyoshi-Akiayama, T., Miyabayashi, K., Tsuboi, M., Suzuki, N., Hata, M., Arai, J., Kurokawa, K., Abe, S., Uekura, C., Miyoshi, K., Ihara, S., Hirata, Y., Yamada, A., Fujiwara, H., Ushiku, T., Woods, S. L., … Fujishiro, M. (2023). Non-Helicobacter pylori Gastric Microbiome Modulates Prooncogenic Responses and Is Associated With Gastric Cancer Risk. Gastro Hep Advances, 2(5), 684–700.
Publication Date
Nair, M. S., Luck, M. I., Huang, Y., Sabo, Y., & Ho, D. D. (2024). Persistence of an Infectious Form of SARS-CoV-2 After Protease Inhibitor Treatment of Permissive Cells In Vitro. The Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Publication Date
Scuoppo, C., Cai, B., Ofori, K., Scholze, H., Kumar, R., D’Alessandro, A., Basso, K., Pasqualucci, L., & Dalla-Favera, R. (2024). Repurposing NAMPT Inhibitors for Germinal Center B Cell–Like Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Blood Cancer Discovery, 5(6), 417–427.
Publication Date
Suryadevara, N., Otrelo-Cardoso, A. R., Kose, N., Hu, Y.-X., Binshtein, E., Wolters, R. M., Greninger, A. L., Handal, L. S., Carnahan, R. H., Moscona, A., Jardetzky, T. S., & Crowe, J. E. (2024). Functional and structural basis of human parainfluenza virus type 3 neutralization with human monoclonal antibodies. Nature Microbiology, 9(8), 2128–2143.
Publication Date
David, A. F., Heinzel, A., Kammer, M., Aschauer, C., Reindl-Schwaighofer, R., Hu, K., Chen, H.-S., Muckenhuber, M., Kubetz, A., Weijler, A. M., Worel, N., Edinger, M., Berlakovich, G., Lion, T., Sykes, M., Wekerle, T., & Oberbauer, R. (2024). Combination cell therapy leads to clonal deletion of donor-specific T cells in kidney transplant recipients. EBioMedicine, 106, 105239.
Publication Date
Verma, S., Bradley, M. C., Gray, J., Dogra, P., Caron, D. P., Maurrasse, S., Grunstein, E., Waldman, E., Jang, M., Pethe, K., Farber, D. L., & Connors, T. J. (2024). Distinct Localization, Transcriptional Profiles, and Functionality in Early Life Tonsil Regulatory T Cells. The Journal of Immunology, 213(3), 306–316.
Publication Date
Fu, J., Hsiao, T., Waffarn, E., Meng, W., Long, K. D., Frangaj, K., Jones, R., Gorur, A., Shtewe, A., Li, M., Muntnich, C. B., Rogers, K., Jiao, W., Velasco, M., Matsumoto, R., Kubota, M., Wells, S., Danzl, N., Ravella, S., … Sykes, M. (2024). Dynamic establishment and maintenance of the human intestinal B cell population and repertoire following transplantation in a pediatric-dominated cohort. Frontiers in Immunology, 15.
Publication Date
Merl, S., Chen, B., Gunes, M. E., Atta, H., Yang, K., Ekanayake-Alper, D., Hajosi, D., Huang, F., Bhola, B., Patwardhan, S., Jordache, P., Nowak, G., Martinez, M., Kato, T., Sykes, M., Yamada, K., & Weiner, J. (2024). Development of a large animal orthotopic intestinal transplantation model with long-term survival for study of immunologic outcomes. Frontiers in Transplantation, 3.
Publication Date
Zyla, D. S., Della Marca, R., Niemeyer, G., Zipursky, G., Stearns, K., Leedale, C., Sobolik, E. B., Callaway, H. M., Hariharan, C., Peng, W., Parekh, D., Marcink, T. C., Diaz Avalos, R., Horvat, B., Mathieu, C., Snijder, J., Greninger, A. L., Hastie, K. M., Niewiesk, S., … Ollmann Saphire, E. (2024). A neutralizing antibody prevents postfusion transition of measles virus fusion protein. Science, 384(6703).
Publication Date
Collins, J. E., Jiang, T., Lee, J. W., Wendt, K., Nardella, F., Jeon, J., Paes, R., Santos, N. M., Rocamora, F., Chang, M., Schaefer, S., Cichewicz, R. H., Winzeler, E. A., & Chakrabarti, D. (2024). Understanding the Antiplasmodial Action of Resistance-Refractory Xanthoquinodin A1. ACS Infectious Diseases, 10(6), 2276–2287.
Publication Date
Overbey, E. G., Kim, J., Tierney, B. T., Park, J., Houerbi, N., Lucaci, A. G., Garcia Medina, S., Damle, N., Najjar, D., Grigorev, K., Afshin, E. E., Ryon, K. A., Sienkiewicz, K., Patras, L., Klotz, R., Ortiz, V., MacKay, M., Schweickart, A., Chin, C. R., … Mason, C. E. (2024). The Space Omics and Medical Atlas (SOMA) and international astronaut biobank. Nature.
Publication Date
Jones, C. W., Overbey, E. G., Lacombe, J., Ecker, A. J., Meydan, C., Ryon, K., Tierney, B., Damle, N., MacKay, M., Afshin, E. E., Foox, J., Park, J., Nelson, T. M., Suhail Mohamad, M., Byhaqui, S. G. A., Aslam, B., Tali, U. A., Nisa, L., Menon, P. V., … Mason, C. E. (2024). Molecular and physiological changes in the SpaceX Inspiration4 civilian crew. Nature.
Publication Date
Grigorev, K., Nelson, T. M., Overbey, E. G., Houerbi, N., Kim, J., Najjar, D., Damle, N., Afshin, E. E., Ryon, K. A., Thierry-Mieg, J., Thierry-Mieg, D., Melnick, A. M., Mateus, J., & Mason, C. E. (2024). Direct RNA sequencing of astronaut blood reveals spaceflight-associated m6A increases and hematopoietic transcriptional responses. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Publication Date
Gray, J. I., Caron, D. P., Wells, S. B., Guyer, R., Szabo, P., Rainbow, D., Ergen, C., Rybkina, K., Bradley, M. C., Matsumoto, R., Pethe, K., Kubota, M., Teichmann, S., Jones, J., Yosef, N., Atkinson, M., Brusko, M., Brusko, T. M., Connors, T. J., … Farber, D. L. (2024). Human γδ T cells in diverse tissues exhibit site-specific maturation dynamics across the life span. Science Immunology, 9(96).
Publication Date
Obbo, C. J. D., Mwangi, E. M., Kariuki, S. T., Gathirwa, J. W., Fairhurst, K. J., Burkhard, A. Y., Fidock, D. A., Sadgrove, N., Langat, M. K., Mas-Claret, E., & Mulholland, D. A. (2024). Anti-plasmodial limonoids from Khaya anthotheca (Welw.) C.DC. Phytochemistry Letters, 61, 1–6.
Publication Date
Cummings, M. J., Guichard, V., Owor, N., Ochar, T., Kiwubeyi, M., Nankwanga, R., Kibisi, R., Kassaja, C., Ross, J. E., Postler, T. S., Kayiwa, J., Reynolds, S. J., Nakibuuka, M. C., Nakaseegu, J., Lutwama, J. J., Lipkin, W. I., Ghosh, S., Bakamutumaho, B., & O’Donnell, M. R. (2024). Heterogenous expansion of polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells distinguishes high-risk sepsis immunophenotypes in Uganda. Shock.
Publication Date
Abadie, V., Han, A. S., Jabri, B., & Sollid, L. M. (2024). New Insights on Genes, Gluten, and Immunopathogenesis of Celiac Disease. Gastroenterology, 167(1), 4–22.
Publication Date
Gao, L., Lee, H., Goodman, J. H., & Ding, L. (2024). Hematopoietic stem cell niche generation and maintenance are distinguishable by an epitranscriptomic program. Cell, 187(11), 2801-2816.e17.
Publication Date
Rosado-Quiñones, A. M., Colón-Lorenzo, E. E., Pala, Z. R., Bosch, J., Kudyba, K., Kudyba, H., Leed, S. E., Roncal, N., Baerga-Ortiz, A., Roche-Lima, A., Gerena, Y., Fidock, D. A., Roth, A., Vega-Rodríguez, J., & Serrano, A. E. (2024). Novel hydrazone compounds with broad-spectrum antiplasmodial activity and synergistic interactions with antimalarial drugs. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Publication Date
Small-Saunders, J. L., Sinha, A., Bloxham, T. S., Hagenah, L. M., Sun, G., Preiser, P. R., Dedon, P. C., & Fidock, D. A. (2024). tRNA modification reprogramming contributes to artemisinin resistance in Plasmodium falciparum. Nature Microbiology, 9(6), 1483–1498.
Publication Date
Galanti, L., Peritore, M., Gnügge, R., Cannavo, E., Heipke, J., Palumbieri, M. D., Steigenberger, B., Symington, L. S., Cejka, P., & Pfander, B. (2024). Dbf4-dependent kinase promotes cell cycle controlled resection of DNA double-strand breaks and repair by homologous recombination. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Publication Date
Lalle, G., Lautraite, R., Bouherrou, K., Plaschka, M., Pignata, A., Voisin, A., Twardowski, J., Perrin-Niquet, M., Stéphan, P., Durget, S., Tonon, L., Ardin, M., Degletagne, C., Viari, A., Belgarbi Dutron, L., Davoust, N., Postler, T. S., Zhao, J., Caux, C., … Grinberg-Bleyer, Y. (2024). NF-κB subunits RelA and c-Rel selectively control CD4+ T cell function in multiple sclerosis and cancer. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 221(6).
Publication Date
Leeman-Neill, R. J., Bhagat, G., & Basu, U. (2024). AID in non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphomas: The consequences of on- and off-target activity. Nucleic Acid Associated Mechanisms in Immunity and Disease, 127–164.
Publication Date
Nguyen, W., Boulet, C., Dans, M. G., Loi, K., Jarman, K. E., Watson, G. M., Tham, W.-H., Fairhurst, K. J., Yeo, T., Fidock, D. A., Wittlin, S., Chowdury, M., de Koning-Ward, T. F., Chen, G., Yan, D., Charman, S. A., Baud, D., Brand, S., Jackson, P. F., … Sleebs, B. E. (2024). Activity refinement of aryl amino acetamides that target the P. falciparum STAR-related lipid transfer 1 protein. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 270, 116354.
Publication Date
Reed, A. E., Peraza, J., van den Haak, F., Hernandez, E. R., Gibbs, R. A., Chinn, I. K., Lupski, J. R., Marchi, E., Reshef, R., Alobeid, B., Mace, E. M., & Orange, J. S. (2024). β-Actin G342D as a Cause of NK Cell Deficiency Impairing Lytic Synapse Termination. The Journal of Immunology, 212(6), 962–973.
Publication Date
Bekdash, R., Yoshida, K., Nair, M. S., Qiu, L., Ahdout, J., Tsai, H.-Y., Uryu, K., Soni, R. K., Huang, Y., Ho, D. D., & Yazawa, M. (2024). Developing inhibitory peptides against SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein. PLOS Biology, 22(3), e3002522.
Publication Date
Rosenthal, P. J., Asua, V., Bailey, J. A., Conrad, M. D., Ishengoma, D. S., Kamya, M. R., Rasmussen, C., Tadesse, F. G., Uwimana, A., & Fidock, D. A. (2024). The emergence of artemisinin partial resistance in Africa: how do we respond? The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Publication Date
Luna, Y., Guerrero, V., Weaver, K., Hahn, K., Campbell, T., & Brown, S. (2024). Abstract 2156 Summer STEM Camps Can Drive Exposure and Positively Impact Middle and High School Students’ Interest and Confidence in STEM Careers. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 300(3), 107112.
Publication Date
Nelson, T., Zhang, D., Sorid, S., Chang, T., Bajaj, N., Viola, J., Heckelman, L., & Pollack, R. (2024). Abstract 2366 Glass Half Full or Empty: Illuminating the Human Transcriptome - Inspiring Underserved High School Students with an Experiential Biology Laboratory Research Experience. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 300(3), 107113.
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