Breast Neoplasms

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Reyes, A., Sun, L., Ha, R., Desperito, E., Brown, M., Francescone, M. A., Ugras, S., Wiechmann, L., Rao, R., & Taback, B. (2024). A Comprehensive Assessment of Radial Scars on Core Needle Biopsy in Patients with or without Breast Cancer: Upgrade Rate and Implications on Management. Clinical Breast Cancer.
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Zettler, C. M., De Silva, D. L., Blinder, V. S., Robson, M. E., & Elkin, E. B. (2024). Cost-Effectiveness of Adjuvant Olaparib for Patients With Breast Cancer and Germline BRCA1/2 Mutations. JAMA Network Open, 7(1), e2350067.
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Zeng, C., Matias‐Gomez, L., Kelly, M., Hershman, D. L., Rosenberg, S., & Pinheiro, L. C. (2024). Psychosocial support among adults living with metastatic breast cancer: Perspectives from providers across four New York‐Presbyterian hospitals. Psycho-Oncology, 33(1). Portico.
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Li, W., Partridge, S. C., Newitt, D. C., Steingrimsson, J., Marques, H. S., Bolan, P. J., Hirano, M., Bearce, B. A., Kalpathy-Cramer, J., Boss, M. A., Teng, X., Zhang, J., Cai, J., Kontos, D., Cohen, E. A., Mankowski, W. C., Liu, M., Ha, R., Pellicer-Valero, O. J., … Hylton, N. M. (2024). Breast Multiparametric MRI for Prediction of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer: The BMMR2 Challenge. Radiology: Imaging Cancer, 6(1).
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Goodwin, P. J., Chen, B. E., Gelmon, K. A., Whelan, T. J., Ennis, M., Lemieux, J., Ligibel, J. A., Hershman, D. L., Mayer, I. A., Hobday, T. J., Bliss, J. M., Rastogi, P., Rabaglio-Poretti, M., Thompson, A. M., Rea, D. W., Stos, P. M., Shepherd, L. E., Stambolic, V., & Parulekar, W. R. (2023). Effect of Metformin Versus Placebo on New Primary Cancers in Canadian Cancer Trials Group MA.32: A Secondary Analysis of a Phase III Randomized Double-Blind Trial in Early Breast Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41(35), 5356–5362.
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Accordino, M. K., Lee, S., Leu, C. S., Levin, B., Trivedi, M. S., Crew, K. D., Kalinsky, K., Raghunathan, R., Faheem, K., Harden, E., Taboada, A., de Oliveira, B. D., Larson, E., Franks, L., Honan, E., Law, C., & Hershman, D. L. (2023). Randomized adaptive selection trial of cryotherapy, compression therapy, and placebo to prevent taxane-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 204(1), 49–59.
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O’Neil, D. S., Martei, Y. M., Crew, K. D., Castillo, B. S., Costa, P., Lim, T., Michel, A., Rubin, E., Goel, N., Hurley, J., Lopes, G., & Antoni, M. H. (2023). Time to Cancer Treatment and Chemotherapy Relative Dose Intensity for Patients With Breast Cancer Living With HIV. JAMA Network Open, 6(12), e2346223.
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Lawal, K. O., Nilan, L., Amenta, J., McGuinness, J. E., Kukafka, R., & Crew, K. D. (2023). Comparing Breast Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Use of Chemoprevention and Statins among Women with High-risk Breast Lesions. Cancer Prevention Research, 16(12), 661–667.
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Levi, H., Carmi, S., Rosset, S., Yerushalmi, R., Zick, A., Yablonski-Peretz, T., Wang, Q., Bolla, M. K., Dennis, J., Michailidou, K., Lush, M., Ahearn, T., Andrulis, I. L., Anton-Culver, H., Antoniou, A. C., Arndt, V., Augustinsson, A., Auvinen, P., … Beane Freeman, L. (2023). Evaluation of European-based polygenic risk score for breast cancer in Ashkenazi Jewish women in Israel. Journal of Medical Genetics, 60(12), 1186–1197.
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Ayeni, O. A., Joffe, M., Mapanga, W., Chen, W. C., O’Neil, D. S., Phakathi, B., Nietz, S., Buccimazza, I., Čačala, S., Stopforth, L. W., Jacobson, J. S., Crew, K. D., Neugut, A. I., Ramiah, D., Ruff, P., Cubasch, H., Chirwa, T., McCormack, V., Micklesfield, L. K., & Norris, S. A. (2023). Multimorbidity and overall survival among women with breast cancer: results from the South African Breast Cancer and HIV Outcomes Study. Breast Cancer Research, 25(1).
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Shachar, S. S., Korzets, Y., Shepshelovich, D., Zlothover, N., Amir, E., Tibau, A., & Goldvaser, H. (2024). Reporting of post-protocol therapies in metastatic breast cancer registration clinical trials: A systematic review. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 122, 102666.
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Sanft, T., Harrigan, M., McGowan, C., Cartmel, B., Zupa, M., Li, F.-Y., Ferrucci, L. M., Puklin, L., Cao, A., Nguyen, T. H., Neuhouser, M. L., Hershman, D. L., Basen-Engquist, K., Jones, B. A., Knobf, T., Chagpar, A. B., Silber, A., Tanasijevic, A., Ligibel, J. A., & Irwin, M. L. (2023). Randomized Trial of Exercise and Nutrition on Chemotherapy Completion and Pathologic Complete Response in Women With Breast Cancer: The Lifestyle, Exercise, and Nutrition Early After Diagnosis Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41(34), 5285–5295.
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McCarthy, A. M., Fernandez Perez, C., Beidas, R. S., Bekelman, J. E., Blumenthal, D., Mack, E., Bauer, A.-M., Ehsan, S., Conant, E. F., Wheeler, B. C., Guerra, C. E., Nunes, L. W., Gabriel, P., Doucette, A., Wileyto, E. P., Buttenheim, A. M., Asch, D. A., Rendle, K. A., Shelton, R. C., … Schnoll, R. (2023). Protocol for a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomized clinical trial testing behavioral economic implementation strategies to increase supplemental breast MRI screening among patients with extremely dense breasts. Implementation Science, 18(1).
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Daniel, O., Ashrafi, A., Muthoni, M. A., Njoki, N., Eric, H., Marilynn, O., Faith, A. B., Beth, W. G., Nyakio, M., Odero-Marah, V., Ragin, C., & Llanos, A. A. M. (2023). Delayed breast cancer presentation, diagnosis, and treatment in Kenya. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 202(3), 515–527.
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Mueller, S. H., Lai, A. G., Valkovskaya, M., Michailidou, K., Bolla, M. K., Wang, Q., Dennis, J., Lush, M., Abu-Ful, Z., Ahearn, T. U., Andrulis, I. L., Anton-Culver, H., Antonenkova, N. N., Arndt, V., Aronson, K. J., Augustinsson, A., Baert, T., Freeman, L. E. B., … Beckmann, M. W. (2023). Aggregation tests identify new gene associations with breast cancer in populations with diverse ancestry. Genome Medicine, 15(1).
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Kim, D. K., Corpuz, G. S., Ta, C. N., Weng, C., & Rohde, C. H. (2024). Applying unsupervised machine learning approaches to characterize autologous breast reconstruction patient subgroups: an NSQIP analysis of 14,274 patients. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 88, 330–339.
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Yeh, C., Zhou, M., Bapodra, N., Hershman, D., Espinal, E., Moran, M., Rivero, M., Fojo, A. T., & Bates, S. E. (2023). Analysis of data from the PALOMA-3 trial confirms the efficacy of palbociclib and offers alternatives for novel assessment of clinical trials. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 204(1), 39–47.
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Kantor, E. D., O’Connell, K., Ergas, I. J., Valice, E., Roh, J. M., Bhimani, J., Heon, N., Griggs, J. J., Lee, J., Bowles, E. J., Rivera, D. R., Kolevska, T., Bandera, E. V., & Kushi, L. H. (2023). Assessment of breast cancer chemotherapy dose reduction in an integrated healthcare delivery system. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 203(3), 565–574.
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Tehranifar, P., & Bertrand, K. A. (2023). Enhancing Mammography and Empowering Solutions for Breast Cancer Disparities. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, 32(11), 1479–1481.
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Kim, S., Armand, J., Safonov, A., Zhang, M., Soni, R. K., Schwartz, G., McGuinness, J. E., Hibshoosh, H., Razavi, P., Kim, M., Chandarlapaty, S., & Yang, H. W. (2023). Sequential activation of E2F via Rb degradation and c-Myc drives resistance to CDK4/6 inhibitors in breast cancer. Cell Reports, 42(11), 113198.
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O’Neil, D. S., Ayeni, O. A., Farrow, H. A., Chen, W. C., Demetriou, G., Buccimazza, I., Čačala, S., Stopforth, L. W., Joffe, M., Antoni, M. H., Lopes, G., Pumpalova, Y. S., Mapanga, W., Jacobson, J. S., Crew, K. D., Neugut, A. I., Ruff, P., & Cubasch, H. (2023). The Impact of HIV Infection on Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Chemotherapy Relative Dose Intensity in South African Patients with Breast Cancer. The Oncologist, 28(10), e921–e929.
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Doshi, S. D., DeStephano, D., Accordino, M. K., Elkin, E., Raghunathan, R. R., Wright, J. D., & Hershman, D. L. (2023). Disparities with influenza vaccine use in long-term survivors of metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 203(1), 111–119.
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Terry, M. B., & Colditz, G. A. (2023). Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Breast Cancer: 21st Century Advances, Gaps to Address through Interdisciplinary Science. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 13(9), a041317.
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Kalinsky, K., Accordino, M. K., Chiuzan, C., Mundi, P. S., Sakach, E., Sathe, C., Ahn, H., Trivedi, M. S., Novik, Y., Tiersten, A., Raptis, G., Baer, L. N., Oh, S. Y., Zelnak, A. B., Wisinski, K. B., Andreopoulou, E., Gradishar, W. J., Stringer-Reasor, E., Reid, S. A., … Hershman, D. L. (2023). Randomized Phase II Trial of Endocrine Therapy With or Without Ribociclib After Progression on Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4/6 Inhibition in Hormone Receptor–Positive, Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2–Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer: MAINTAIN Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 41(24), 4004–4013.
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Koch, P. A., Paul, R., Contento, I. R., Gray, H. L., Marín-Chollom, A. M., Santiago-Torres, M., Shen, H., Jones, S. M. W., Hershman, D. L., & Greenlee, H. (2023). Mi Vida Saludable: Content Validity and Reliability of The Preferences and Self-Efficacy of Diet and Physical Activity Behaviors Questionnaire for Latina Women (PSEDPALW) for Cancer Survivors. Nutrients, 15(16), 3563.
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Phakathi, B., Dix-Peek, T., Van Den Berg, E., Dickens, C., Nietz, S., Cubasch, H., Joffe, M., Neugut, A. I., Jacobson, J. S., Ruff, P., & Duarte, R. (2023). PAM50 intrinsic subtypes, risk of recurrence score and breast cancer survival in HIV-positive and HIV-negative patients—a South African cohort study. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 200(3), 337–346.
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Michel, A., Ro, V., McGuinness, J. E., Mutasa, S., Terry, M. B., Tehranifar, P., May, B., Ha, R., & Crew, K. D. (2023). Breast cancer risk prediction combining a convolutional neural network-based mammographic evaluation with clinical factors. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 200(2), 237–245.
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Sathe, C., Accordino, M. K., DeStephano, D., Shah, M., Wright, J. D., & Hershman, D. L. (2023). Social determinants of health and CDK4/6 inhibitor use and outcomes among patients with metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 200(1), 85–92.
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Odai-Afotey, A., Lederman, R. I., Ko, N. Y., Gagnon, H., Fikre, T., Gundersen, D. A., Revette, A. C., Hershman, D. L., Crew, K. D., Keating, N. L., & Freedman, R. A. (2023). Breast cancer treatment receipt and the role of financial stress, health literacy, and numeracy among diverse breast cancer survivors. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 200(1), 127–137.
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Acheampong, T., Rodríguez, C. B., O’Neill, S. C., Agovino, M., Argov, E. J. L., & Tehranifar, P. (2023). Scientific uncertainty and perceived mammography benefits in women screened for breast cancer. Cancer Causes & Control, 34(7), 611–619.
Publication Date
Hershman, D. L., Chen, B. E., Sathe, C., Parulekar, W. R., Lemieux, J., Ligibel, J. A., Gelmon, K. A., Whelan, T. J., & Goodwin, P. J. (2023). Metformin, placebo, and endocrine therapy discontinuation among participants in a randomized double-blind trial of metformin vs placebo in hormone receptor-positive early-stage breast cancer (CCTG MA32). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 200(1), 93–102.
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