Comparative Analysis of Recurrence-Free Survival and Mortality in Postmastectomy Patients: Insights From Multidecade, Multiinstitutional Propensity Score Matching

Chen, Y., Alston, C., Chadab, T. M., Asadourian, P., Black, G. G., Rohde, C. H., & Otterburn, D. M. (2024). Comparative Analysis of Recurrence-Free Survival and Mortality in Postmastectomy Patients. Annals of Plastic Surgery, 92(4S), S105–S111.
Yunchan Chen
Chase Alston
Tara M Chadab
Paul Asadourian
Grant G Black
Christine H Rohde
David M Otterburn
Affiliated Authors:
Christine H Rohde
Author Keywords:
postmastectomy breast reconstruction disparities
breast cancer recurrence and reconstruction inequities
mortality disparities in breast reconstruction
racial disparities in postmastectomy reconstruction outcomes
socioeconomic factors and breast reconstruction outcomes
access to breast reconstruction and cancer recurrence
disparities in oncologic outcomes postreconstruction
ethnic disparities in breast cancer mortality after reconstruction
healthcare disparities and postmastectomy outcomes
impact of disparities on breast cancer survival after reconstruction
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