Center for Statistical Genetics

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Sattar, S., Bharadwaj, T., Kalsoom, U.-, Acharya, A., Khan, S., Leal, S. M., & Schrauwen, I. (2025). A pathogenic COL7A1 variant highlights semi-dominant inheritance in dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa. BMC Medical Genomics, 18(1).
Publication Date
Lessel, I., Baresic, A., Chinn, I. K., May, J., Goenka, A., Chandler, K. E., Posey, J. E., Afenjar, A., Averdunk, L., Bedeschi, M. F., Besnard, T., Brager, R., Brick, L., Brugger, M., Brunet, T., Byrne, S., Calle-Martín, O. de la, Capra, V., Cardenas, P., … Lessel, D. (2025). DNA-binding affinity and specificity determine the phenotypic diversity in BCL11B-related disorders. The American Journal of Human Genetics.
Publication Date
Bharadwaj, T., Acharya, A., Khan, F. U., Khan, S., Ullah, I., Schrauwen, I., Ahmad, W., & Leal, S. M. (2024). THBS1 is a new autosomal recessive non-syndromic hearing impairment gene. BMC Medical Genomics, 17(1).
Publication Date
Yalcouyé, A., Schrauwen, I., Traoré, O., Bamba, S., Aboagye, E. T., Acharya, A., Bharadwaj, T., Latanich, R., Esoh, K., Fortes-Lima, C. A., de Kock, C., Jonas, M., Maiga, A. dit B., Cissé, C. A. K., Sangaré, M. A., Guinto, C. O., Landouré, G., Leal, S. M., & Wonkam, A. (2025). Whole-exome sequencing reveals known and candidate genes for hearing impairment in Mali. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances, 6(1), 100391.
Publication Date
Schrauwen, I., Rajendran, Y., Acharya, A., Öhman, S., Arvio, M., Paetau, R., Siren, A., Avela, K., Granvik, J., Leal, S. M., Määttä, T., Kokkonen, H., & Järvelä, I. (2024). Optical genome mapping unveils hidden structural variants in neurodevelopmental disorders. Scientific Reports, 14(1).
Publication Date
Salokivi, T., Parkkola, R., Rajendran, Y., Bharadwaj, T., Acharya, A., Leal, S. M., Järvelä, I., Arvio, M., & Schrauwen, I. (2023). A novel variant in CYFIP2 in a girl with severe disabilities and bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 194(4). Portico.
Publication Date
Cho, Y., Guadarrama-Sanz, M., Molina, I., Eideh, A., & Berg, E. (2024). Optimal Predictors of General Small Area Parameters Under an Informative Sample Design Using Parametric Sample Distribution Models. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 12(5), 1430–1463.
Publication Date
Nawaz, S., Hussain, S., Bilal, M., Syed, N., Liaqat, K., Ullah, I., Akil, A. A., Fakhro, K. A., & Ahmad, W. (2023). A variant in sperm‐specific glycolytic enzyme enolase 4 (ENO4) causes human male infertility. The Journal of Gene Medicine, 26(1). Portico.
Publication Date
Somerville, C., Erkut, E., Schwartz, M., Chen, X., Manshaei, R., Ding, Q., Diderich, K., Herzig, L., Dingmann, B., Quelin, C., Pingault, V., Dubourg, C., Salgado, J. R., Sousa, S., Koboldt, D., Gosselin, R., McBride, K., Arvio, M., Järvelä, I., … Jobling, R. (2024). O07: Haploinsufficiency of EIF3A and EIF3B cause a clinically variable phenotype characterized by neurodevelopmental abnormalities and congenital heart defects. Genetics in Medicine Open, 2, 101469.
Publication Date
Järvelä, I., Paetau, R., Rajendran, Y., Acharya, A., Bharadwaj, T., Leal, S. M., Lehesjoki, A.-E., Palomäki, M., & Schrauwen, I. (2024). Heterogeneous genetic patterns in bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria: insights from a Finnish family cohort. Brain Communications, 6(3).
Publication Date
Naderi, E., Aguado-Barrera, M. E., Schack, L. M. H., Dorling, L., Rattay, T., Fachal, L., Summersgill, H., Martínez-Calvo, L., Welsh, C., Dudding, T., Odding, Y., Varela-Pazos, A., Jena, R., Thomson, D. J., Steenbakkers, R. J. H. M., Dennis, J., Lobato-Busto, R., Alsner, J., … Ness, A. (2023). Large-scale meta–genome-wide association study reveals common genetic factors linked to radiation-induced acute toxicities across cancer types. JNCI Cancer Spectrum, 7(6).
Publication Date
Malik, M. A., Saqib, M. A. N., Mientjes, E., Acharya, A., Alam, M. R., Wallaard, I., Schrauwen, I., Bamshad, M. J., Santos-Cortez, R. L. P., Elgersma, Y., Leal, S. M., & Ansar, M. (2023). A loss of function variant in AGPAT3 underlies intellectual disability and retinitis pigmentosa (IDRP) syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics, 31(12), 1447–1454.
Publication Date
Tedesco Silva, L. M., Sharma, S., Schrauwen, I., Margolesky, J., & Detyniecki, K. (2022). A De Novo HECW2 Variant in a Patient with Acetazolamide-Responsive Episodic Ataxia. The Cerebellum, 22(5), 1029–1033.
Publication Date
Bilal, M., Khan, H., Khan, M. J., Haack, T. B., Buchert, R., Liaqat, K., Ullah, K., Ahmed, S., Bharadwaj, T., Acharya, A., Peralta, S., Najumuddin, Ali, H., Hasni, M. S., Schrauwen, I., Ullah, A., Ahmad, W., & Leal, S. M. (2023). Variants in EFCAB7 underlie nonsyndromic postaxial polydactyly. European Journal of Human Genetics, 31(11), 1270–1274.
Publication Date
Sandhu, A., Naderi, E., Wijninga, M., Liemburg, E., Cath, D., Bruggeman, R., & Alizadeh, B. (2023). Pharmacogenetics of Long-Term Outcomes of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: The Functional Role of CYP2D6 and CYP2C19. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13(9), 1354.
Publication Date
Chen, Z., Wang, S., He, Z., Tegegne, B. S., van Roon, A. M., Holtjer, J. C. S., van der Harst, P., Snieder, H., & Thio, C. H. L. (2023). Observational and genetic evidence support a relationship between cardiac autonomic function and blood pressure. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 10.
Publication Date
DeWan, A. T., Cahill, M. E., Cornejo-Sanchez, D. M., Li, Y., Dong, Z., Fabiha, T., Sun, H., Wang, G., & Leal, S. M. (2023). Variants in JAZF1 are associated with asthma, type 2 diabetes, and height in the United Kingdom biobank population. Frontiers in Genetics, 14.
Publication Date
Faridi, R., Yousaf, R., Gu, S., Inagaki, S., Turriff, A. E., Pelstring, K., Guan, B., Naik, A., Griffith, A. J., Adadey, S. M., Aboagye, E. T., Awandare, G. A., Morell, R. J., Tsilou, E., Noyes, A. G., Sulmonte, L. A. G., Wonkam, A., Schrauwen, I., Leal, S. M., … Friedman, T. B. (2023). Variants of LRP2, encoding a multifunctional cell‐surface endocytic receptor, associated with hearing loss and retinal dystrophy. Clinical Genetics, 103(6), 699–703. Portico.
Publication Date
Cornejo-Sanchez, D. M., Li, G., Fabiha, T., Wang, R., Acharya, A., Everard, J. L., Kadlubowska, M. K., Huang, Y., Schrauwen, I., Wang, G. T., DeWan, A. T., & Leal, S. M. (2023). Rare-variant association analysis reveals known and new age-related hearing loss genes. European Journal of Human Genetics, 31(6), 638–647.
Publication Date
Bilal, M., Haack, T. B., Buchert, R., Peralta, S., Uddin, N., Ali, R. H., Liaqat, K., & Ahmad, W. (2023). Sequence Variants in MEGF8 and GJA1 Underlying Syndactyly. Molecular Syndromology, 14(3), 201–207. Portico.
Publication Date
Frankel, E., Podder, A., Sharifi, M., Pillai, R., Belnap, N., Ramsey, K., Dodson, J., Venugopal, P., Brzezinski, M., Llaci, L., Gerald, B., Mills, G., Sanchez-Castillo, M., Balak, C. D., Szelinger, S., Jepsen, W. M., Siniard, A. L., Richholt, R., Naymik, M., … Rangasamy, S. (2023). Genetic and Protein Network Underlying the Convergence of Rett-Syndrome-like (RTT-L) Phenotype in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Cells, 12(10), 1437.
Publication Date
Hussain, A., Acharya, A., Bharadwaj, T., Genomics, U. O. W. C. F. M., Leal, S. M., Khaliq, A., Mir, A., & Schrauwen, I. (2023). A Novel Variant in VPS13B Underlying Cohen Syndrome. BioMed Research International, 2023(1). Portico.
Publication Date
Schrauwen, I., Ghaffar, A., Bharadwaj, T., Shah, K., Rehman, S., Acharya, A., Liaqat, K., Lin, N. S., Everard, J. L., Khan, A., Ahmed, Z. M., Ahmad, W., Riazuddin, S., & Leal, S. M. (2022). Syntaxin 4 is essential for hearing in human and zebrafish. Human Molecular Genetics, 32(7), 1184–1192.
Publication Date
Teng, Y., Sandhu, A., Liemburg, E. J., Naderi, E., & Alizadeh, B. Z. (2023). The Progress and Pitfalls of Pharmacogenetics-Based Precision Medicine in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13(3), 471.
Publication Date
Naderi, E., Cornejo-Sanchez, D. M., Li, G., Schrauwen, I., Wang, G. T., Dewan, A. T., & Leal, S. M. (2023). The genetic contribution of the X chromosome in age-related hearing loss. Frontiers in Genetics, 14.
Publication Date
Xie, Z., Sun, C., Liu, C., Xie, Z., Wei, L., Yu, J., Ling, C., Guo, X., Liu, Y., Yu, M., Leng, Y., Meng, L., Sun, Y., Deng, J., Leal, S. M., Schrauwen, I., Wang, Z., & Yuan, Y. (2022). Clinical, muscle imaging, and genetic characteristics of dystrophinopathies with deep-intronic DMD variants. Journal of Neurology, 270(2), 925–937.
Publication Date
Tavernier, L. J. M., Vanpoucke, T., Schrauwen, I., Van Camp, G., & Fransen, E. (2022). Targeted Resequencing of Otosclerosis Patients from Different Populations Replicates Results from a Previous Genome-Wide Association Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(23), 6978.
Publication Date
Adadey, S. M., Aboagye, E. T., Esoh, K., Acharya, A., Bharadwaj, T., Lin, N. S., Amenga-Etego, L., Awandare, G. A., Schrauwen, I., Leal, S. M., & Wonkam, A. (2022). A novel autosomal dominant GREB1L variant associated with non-syndromic hearing impairment in Ghana. BMC Medical Genomics, 15(1).
Publication Date
Wonkam, A., Adadey, S. M., Schrauwen, I., Aboagye, E. T., Wonkam-Tingang, E., Esoh, K., Popel, K., Manyisa, N., Jonas, M., deKock, C., Nembaware, V., Cornejo Sanchez, D. M., Bharadwaj, T., Nasir, A., Everard, J. L., Kadlubowska, M. K., Nouel-Saied, L. M., Acharya, A., Quaye, O., … Leal, S. M. (2022). Exome sequencing of families from Ghana reveals known and candidate hearing impairment genes. Communications Biology, 5(1).
Publication Date
Clark, L. N., Gao, Y., Wang, G. T., Hernandez, N., Ashley-Koch, A., Jankovic, J., Ottman, R., Leal, S. M., Rodriguez, S. M. B., & Louis, E. D. (2022). Whole genome sequencing identifies candidate genes for familial essential tremor and reveals biological pathways implicated in essential tremor aetiology. EBioMedicine, 85, 104290.
Publication Date
Hussain, S., Nawaz, S., Khan, H., Acharya, A., Schrauwen, I., Ahmad, W., & Leal, S. M. (2022). A splice site variant in TCTN3 underlies an atypical form of orofaciodigital syndrome IV. Annals of Human Genetics, 86(6), 291–296. Portico.
Publication Date
Acharya, A., Kavus, H., Dunn, P., Nasir, A., Folk, L., Withrow, K., Wentzensen, I. M., Ruzhnikov, M. R. Z., Fallot, C., Smol, T., Rama, M., Brown, K., Whalen, S., Ziegler, A., Barth, M., Chassevent, A., Smith-Hicks, C., Afenjar, A., Courtin, T., … Schrauwen, I. (2021). Delineating the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum of HECW2-related neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Medical Genetics, 59(7), 669–677.
Publication Date
Yalcouyé, A., Traoré, O., Diarra, S., Schrauwen, I., Esoh, K., Kadlubowska, M. K., Bharadwaj, T., Adadey, S. M., Kéita, M., Guinto, C. O., Leal, S. M., Landouré, G., & Wonkam, A. (2022). A monoallelic variant in EYA1 is associated with Branchio‐Otic syndrome in a Malian family. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 10(7). Portico.
Publication Date
Cornejo-Sanchez, D. M., Acharya, A., Bharadwaj, T., Marin-Gomez, L., Pereira-Gomez, P., Nouel-Saied, L. M., Nickerson, D. A., Bamshad, M. J., Mefford, H. C., Schrauwen, I., Carrizosa-Moog, J., Cornejo-Ochoa, W., Pineda-Trujillo, N., & Leal, S. M. (2022). SCN1A Variants as the Underlying Cause of Genetic Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus in Two Multi-Generational Colombian Families. Genes, 13(5), 754.
Publication Date
Liaqat, K., Hussain, S., Acharya, A., Nasir, A., Bharadwaj, T., Ansar, M., Basit, S., Schrauwen, I., Ahmad, W., & Leal, S. M. (2022). Phenotype Expansion for Atypical Gaucher Disease Due to Homozygous Missense PSAP Variant in a Large Consanguineous Pakistani Family. Genes, 13(4), 662.
Publication Date
Højland, A. T., Tavernier, L. J. M., Schrauwen, I., Sommen, M., Topsakal, V., Schatteman, I., Dhooge, I., Huber, A., Zanetti, D., Kunst, H. P. M., Hoischen, A., Petersen, M. B., Van Camp, G., & Fransen, E. (2021). A wide range of protective and predisposing variants in aggrecan influence the susceptibility for otosclerosis. Human Genetics, 141(3–4), 951–963.
Publication Date
Bharadwaj, T., Schrauwen, I., Acharya, A., Nouel‐Saied, L. M., Väisänen, M., Kraatari, M., Rahikkala, E., Jarvela, I., Kotimäki, J., & Leal, S. M. (2022). Autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing impairment in two Finnish families due to the population enriched CABP2 c.637+1G>T variant. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 10(3). Portico.
Publication Date
Adeyemo, A., Faridi, R., Chattaraj, P., Yousaf, R., Tona, R., Okorie, S., Bharadwaj, T., Nouel-Saied, L. M., Acharya, A., Schrauwen, I., Morell, R. J., Leal, S. M., Friedman, T. B., Griffith, A. J., & Roux, I. (2021). Genomic analysis of childhood hearing loss in the Yoruba population of Nigeria. European Journal of Human Genetics, 30(1), 42–52.
Publication Date
Bharadwaj, T., Schrauwen, I., Rehman, S., Liaqat, K., Acharya, A., Giese, A. P. J., Nouel-Saied, L. M., Nasir, A., Everard, J. L., Pollock, L. M., Zhu, S., Bamshad, M. J., Nickerson, D. A., Ali, R. H., Ullah, A., Wali, A., Ali, G., Santos-Cortez, R. L. P., Ahmed, Z. M., … Leal, S. M. (2021). ADAMTS1, MPDZ, MVD, and SEZ6: candidate genes for autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing impairment. European Journal of Human Genetics, 30(1), 22–33.
Publication Date