Genomic analysis of childhood hearing loss in the Yoruba population of Nigeria

Adeyemo, A., Faridi, R., Chattaraj, P., Yousaf, R., Tona, R., Okorie, S., Bharadwaj, T., Nouel-Saied, L. M., Acharya, A., Schrauwen, I., Morell, R. J., Leal, S. M., Friedman, T. B., Griffith, A. J., & Roux, I. (2021). Genomic analysis of childhood hearing loss in the Yoruba population of Nigeria. European Journal of Human Genetics, 30(1), 42–52.
Adebolajo Adeyemo
Rabia Faridi
Parna Chattaraj
Rizwan Yousaf
Risa Tona
Samuel Okorie
Thashi Bharadwaj
Liz M. Nouel-Saied
Anushree Acharya
Isabelle Schrauwen
Robert J. Morell
Suzanne M. Leal
Thomas B. Friedman
Andrew J. Griffith
Isabelle Roux
Affiliated Authors:
Thashi Bharadwaj
Liz M. Nouel-Saied
Anushree Acharya
Isabelle Schrauwen
Suzanne M. Leal
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