Whole genome sequencing identifies candidate genes for familial essential tremor and reveals biological pathways implicated in essential tremor aetiology

Clark, L. N., Gao, Y., Wang, G. T., Hernandez, N., Ashley-Koch, A., Jankovic, J., Ottman, R., Leal, S. M., Rodriguez, S. M. B., & Louis, E. D. (2022). Whole genome sequencing identifies candidate genes for familial essential tremor and reveals biological pathways implicated in essential tremor aetiology. EBioMedicine, 85, 104290. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2022.104290
Lorraine N Clark
Yizhe Gao
Gao T Wang
Nora Hernandez
Allison Ashley-Koch
Joseph Jankovic
Ruth Ottman
Suzanne M Leal
Sandra M Barral Rodriguez
Elan D Louis
Affiliated Authors:
Lorraine N Clark
Yizhe Gao
Gao T Wang
Ruth Ottman
Suzanne M Leal
Sandra M Barral Rodriguez
Author Keywords:
essential tremor
whole genome sequencing
genome-wide linkage analysis
multi-generation et families
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