Aβ42 oligomers trigger synaptic loss through CAMKK2-AMPK-dependent effectors coordinating mitochondrial fission and mitophagy

Lee, A., Kondapalli, C., Virga, D. M., Lewis, T. L., Koo, S. Y., Ashok, A., Mairet-Coello, G., Herzig, S., Foretz, M., Viollet, B., Shaw, R., Sproul, A., & Polleux, F. (2022). Aβ42 oligomers trigger synaptic loss through CAMKK2-AMPK-dependent effectors coordinating mitochondrial fission and mitophagy. Nature Communications, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-32130-5
Annie Lee
Chandana Kondapalli
Daniel M. Virga
Tommy L. Lewis
So Yeon Koo
Archana Ashok
Georges Mairet-Coello
Sebastien Herzig
Marc Foretz
Benoit Viollet
Reuben Shaw
Andrew Sproul
Franck Polleux
Affiliated Authors:
Annie Lee
Chandana Kondapalli
Daniel M. Virga
Tommy L. Lewis
So Yeon Koo
Archana Ashok
Andrew Sproul
Franck Polleux
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