Department of Epidemiology

Displaying 751 - 800 of 2757CSV
Llanos, A. A. M., Fong, A. J., Ghosh, N., Devine, K. A., O’Malley, D., Paddock, L. E., Bandera, E. V., Hudson, S. V., Evens, A. M., & Manne, S. L. (2022). COVID-19 perceptions, impacts, and experiences: a cross-sectional analysis among New Jersey cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 18(2), 439–449.
Publication Date
Diaz-Toro, F., Nazzal Nazal, C., Nazar, G., Diaz-Martinez, X., Concha-Cisternas, Y., Celis-Morales, C., & Petermann-Rocha, F. (2023). Association of Sitting Time With All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality: How Does Frailty Modify This Association? Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 32(2), 236–243.
Publication Date
Maihofer, A. X., Ratanatharathorn, A., Hemmings, S. M. J., Costenbader, K. H., Michopoulos, V., Polimanti, R., Rothbaum, A. O., Seedat, S., Mikita, E. A., Smith, A. K., Salem, R. M., Shaffer, R. A., Wu, T., Sebat, J., Ressler, K. J., Stein, M. B., Koenen, K. C., Wolf, E. J., … Sumner, J. A. (2024). Effects of genetically predicted posttraumatic stress disorder on autoimmune phenotypes. Translational Psychiatry, 14(1).
Publication Date
Sachathep, K., Duong, Y. T., Reid, G., Dokubo, E. K., Shang, J. D., Ndongmo, C. B., Gabriel, E., Tharp, G., Dimite, L. E., N’Dir, A., Okpu, G., Ogollah, F. M., Nguafack, D., Ntse, M. C., Hrusa, G., Yuengling, K., Tebbenhoff, M., René, E., Françoise, N. S., … Harris, T. G. (2024). Seroprevalence of SARS‐CoV‐2 in 10 Regional Capitals of Cameroon, October–December 2020. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 18(4). Portico.
Publication Date
Stingone, J. A., Geller, A. M., Hood, D. B., Makris, K. C., Mouton, C. P., States, J. C., Sumner, S. J., Wu, K. L., & Rajasekar, A. K. (2023). Community-level exposomics: a population-centered approach to address public health concerns. Exposome, 3(1).
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Huang, Y., Rauh-Hain, J. A., McCoy, T. H., Hou, J. Y., Hillyer, G., Ferris, J. S., Hershman, D., Wright, J. D., & Melamed, A. (2024). Comparing survival of older ovarian cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus primary cytoreductive surgery: Reducing bias through machine learning. Gynecologic Oncology, 186, 9–16.
Publication Date
Guida, J. L., Hyun, G., Belsky, D. W., Armstrong, G. T., Ehrhardt, M. J., Hudson, M. M., Green, P. A., Robison, L. L., Streck, B. P., Tonorezos, E. S., Yasui, Y., Wilson, C. L., Wang, Z., & Ness, K. K. (2024). Associations of seven measures of biological age acceleration with frailty and all-cause mortality among adult survivors of childhood cancer in the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort. Nature Cancer, 5(5), 731–741.
Publication Date
Xiao, H., Vaidya, R., Hershman, D. L., & Unger, J. M. (2024). Impact of Broadening Trial Eligibility Criteria on the Inclusion of Patients With Brain Metastases in Cancer Clinical Trials: Time Series Analyses for 2012-2022. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 42(16), 1953–1960.
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Cullen, S. W., Olfson, M., Xie, M., & Marcus, S. C. (2024). Impact of Emergency Department Safety Planning on 30-Day Mental Health Service Use. Psychiatric Services, 75(6), 528–533.
Publication Date
Gao, Y. N., Wang, R., Gu, G., Chung, R., & Olfson, M. (2024). Inpatient antipsychotic medication switching and rehospitalization risk among patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Schizophrenia Research, 267, 165–172.
Publication Date
Rivera-Segarra, E., Mascayano, F., Florence, A., Caballero, J., & Cabassa, L. J. (2024). Mental health implementation research in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Lancet Psychiatry, 11(5), 319–321.
Publication Date
Nguyen, S. T., Guo, J., Song, S., Reyes-Dumeyer, D., Sanchez, D., Brickman, A. M., Manly, J. J., Schupf, N., Lantigua, R. A., Mayeux, R. P., & Gu, Y. (2024). Physical Activity Moderates the Relationship between Cardiovascular Disease Risk Burden and Cognition in Older Adults. Neuroepidemiology, 1–11. Portico.
Publication Date
Yuan, H., Kehm, R. D., Daaboul, J. M., Lloyd, S. E., McDonald, J. A., Mu, L., Tehranifar, P., Zhang, K., Terry, M. B., & Yang, W. (2024). Cancer incidence trends in New York State and associations with common population-level exposures 2010–2018: an ecological study. Scientific Reports, 14(1).
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Askari, M. S., Belsky, D. W., Olfson, M., Mojtabai, R., Breslau, J., & Keyes, K. M. (2024). Poverty and birth cohort effects of experiencing the 2007–2009 Great Recession during adolescence on major depressive episodes and mental health treatment of young adults in the United States. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
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Kim, A. E., Bennett, J. C., Luiten, K., O’Hanlon, J. A., Wolf, C. R., Magedson, A., Han, P. D., Acker, Z., Regelbrugge, L., McCaffrey, K. M., Stone, J., Reinhart, D., Capodanno, B. J., Morse, S. S., Bedford, T., Englund, J. A., Boeckh, M., Starita, L. M., Uyeki, T. M., … Chu, H. Y. (2024). Comparative Diagnostic Utility of SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen and Molecular Testing in a Community Setting. The Journal of Infectious Diseases.
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Espinosa Dice, A. L., Lawn, R. B., Ratanatharathorn, A., Roberts, A. L., Denckla, C. A., Kim, A. H., de la Rosa, P. A., Zhu, Y., VanderWeele, T. J., & Koenen, K. C. (2024). Childhood maltreatment and health in the UK Biobank: triangulation of outcome-wide and polygenic risk score analyses. BMC Medicine, 22(1).
Publication Date
Lee, K. T., Gonzalez, B. D., Geiss, C., Fulton, H. J., Charles, D., Vadaparampil, S. T., Henry, N. L., Jim, H. S. L., Hershman, D. L., Tworoger, S. S., & Gwede, C. K. (2024). Barriers to endocrine therapy adherence: perspectives of Black breast cancer survivors and their providers. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
Publication Date
Eschliman, E. L., Patel, E. U., Murray, S. M., German, D., Kirk, G. D., Mehta, S. H., Kaufman, M. R., & Genberg, B. L. (2024). Drug Use-Related Discrimination in Healthcare Settings and Subsequent Emergency Department Utilization in a Prospective Cohort Study of People With a History of Injection Drug Use. Substance Use & Misuse, 59(8), 1210–1220.
Publication Date
Naidoo, K., Perumal, R., Cox, H., Mathema, B., Loveday, M., Ismail, N., Omar, S. V., Georghiou, S. B., Daftary, A., O’Donnell, M., & Ndjeka, N. (2024). The epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis, and management of drug-resistant tuberculosis—lessons from the South African experience. The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Publication Date
Kaur, N., Adkins-Jackson, P. B., Joseph, V., Campbell, M. N., & Keyes, K. M. (2024). Assessing trends in internalizing symptoms among racialized and minoritized adolescents: results from the Monitoring the Future Study 2005-2020. American Journal of Epidemiology.
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Schold, Jesse. D., Tambur, A. R., Mohan, S., & Kaplan, B. (2024). Calibration of Priority Points for Sensitization Status of Kidney Transplant Candidates in the United States. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 19(6), 767–777.
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Al-Ajlouni, Y. A., Al Ta’ani, O., Shamaileh, G., Nagi, Y., Tanashat, M., Al-Bitar, F., Duncan, D. T., & Makarem, N. (2024). The burden of Cardiovascular diseases in Jordan: a longitudinal analysis from the global burden of disease study, 1990–2019. BMC Public Health, 24(1).
Publication Date
Ma, B. M., Elefant, N., Tedesco, M., Bogyo, K., Vena, N., Murthy, S. K., Bheda, S. A., Yang, S., Tomar, N., Zhang, J. Y., Husain, S. A., Mohan, S., Kiryluk, K., Rasouly, H. M., & Gharavi, A. G. (2024). Developing a genetic testing panel for evaluation of morbidities in kidney transplant recipients. Kidney International, 106(1), 115–125.
Publication Date
Talasaz, A. H., Sadeghipour, P., Ortega-Paz, L., Kakavand, H., Aghakouchakzadeh, M., Beavers, C., Fanikos, J., Eikelboom, J. W., Siegal, D. M., Monreal, M., Jimenez, D., Vaduganathan, M., Castellucci, L. A., Cuker, A., Barnes, G. D., Connors, J. M., Secemsky, E. A., Van Tassell, B. W., De Caterina, R., … Bikdeli, B. (2024). Optimizing antithrombotic therapy in patients with coexisting cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disease. Nature Reviews Cardiology, 21(8), 574–592.
Publication Date
Suri, R., Markovic, D., Woo, H., Arjomandi, M., Barr, R. G., Bowler, R. P., Criner, G., Curtis, J. L., Dransfield, M. T., Drummond, M. B., Fortis, S., Han, M. K., Hoffman, E. A., Kaner, R. J., Kaufman, J. D., Krishnan, J. A., Martinez, F. J., Ohar, J., Ortega, V. E., … Barjaktarevic, I. Z. (2024). The Effect of Chronic Altitude Exposure on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Outcomes in the SPIROMICS Cohort: An Observational Cohort Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 210(10), 1210–1218.
Publication Date
Hopper, J. L., Li, S., MacInnis, R. J., Dowty, J. G., Nguyen, T. L., Bui, M., Dite, G. S., Esser, V. F. C., Ye, Z., Makalic, E., Schmidt, D. F., Goudey, B., Alpen, K., Kapuscinski, M., Win, A. K., Dugué, P., Milne, R. L., Jayasekara, H., Brooks, J. D., … Jenkins, M. A. (2024). Breast and bowel cancers diagnosed in people ‘too young to have cancer’: A blueprint for research using family and twin studies. Genetic Epidemiology. Portico.
Publication Date
Shivakoti, R., Giganti, M. J., Lederman, M. M., Ketchum, R., Brummel, S., Moisi, D., Dadabhai, S., Moodley, D., Violari, A., Chinula, L., Owor, M., Gupta, A., Currier, J. S., Taha, T. E., & Fowler, M. G. (2024). Systemic inflammation in pregnant women with HIV: relationship with HIV treatment regimen and preterm delivery. AIDS, 38(8), 1111–1119.
Publication Date
Barrios-Tascon, A., Strehlau, R., Patel, F., Burke, M., Shiau, S., Shen, Y., Arpadi, S. M., Abrams, E. J., Tiemessen, C. T., & Kuhn, L. (2024). Growth Trajectories Over the First Year of Life Among Early-Treated Infants with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Infants Who are Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Exposed Uninfected. The Journal of Pediatrics, 270, 114018.
Publication Date
Hastings, W. J., Ye, Q., Wolf, S. E., Ryan, C. P., Das, S. K., Huffman, K. M., Kobor, M. S., Kraus, W. E., MacIsaac, J. L., Martin, C. K., Racette, S. B., Redman, L. M., Belsky, D. W., & Shalev, I. (2024). Effect of long‐term caloric restriction on telomere length in healthy adults: CALERIE™ 2 trial analysis. Aging Cell, 23(6). Portico.
Publication Date
Schraw, J. M., Rudolph, K. E., Shumate, C. J., & Gribble, M. O. (2024). Direct potable reuse and birth defects prevalence in Texas: An augmented synthetic control method analysis of data from a population-based birth defects registry. Environmental Epidemiology, 8(2), e300.
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Sharip, A., Rakhimova, S., Molkenov, A., Ashenova, A., Kozhamkulov, U., Akhmetollayev, I., Zinovyev, A., Zhukov, Y., Omarov, M., Tuleutaev, M., Rakhmetova, V., Terwilliger, J. D., Lee, J. H., Zhumadilov, Z., Akilzhanova, A., & Kairov, U. (2024). Transcriptome profiling and analysis of patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma from Kazakhstan. Frontiers in Genetics, 15.
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Bhatt Carreno, S., Orjuela-Grimm, M., Vahedi, L., Roesch, E., Heckman, C., Beckingham, A., Gayford, M., & Meyer, S. R. (2024). Linkages between maternal experience of intimate partner violence and child nutrition outcomes: A rapid evidence assessment. PLOS ONE, 19(3), e0298364.
Publication Date
Eschliman, E. L., Choe, K., DeLucia, A., Addison, E., Jackson, V. W., Murray, S. M., German, D., Genberg, B. L., & Kaufman, M. R. (2024). First-hand accounts of structural stigma toward people who use opioids on Reddit. Social Science & Medicine, 347, 116772.
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Paniagua-Avila, A., Shelton, R. C., Figueroa, J. C., Guzman, A. L., Gutierrez, L., Hernandez-Galdamez, D. R., Ramirez, J. M., Rodriguez, J., Irazola, V., Ramirez-Zea, M., & Fort, M. P. (2024). Assessing the implementation of a multi-component hypertension program in a Guatemalan under-resourced dynamic context: an application of the RE-AIM/PRISM extension for sustainability and health equity. Implementation Science Communications, 5(1).
Publication Date
Hughes, T. M., Tanley, J., Chen, H., Schaich, C. L., Yeboah, J., Espeland, M. A., Lima, J. A. C., Ambale-Venkatesh, B., Michos, E. D., Ding, J., Hayden, K., Casanova, R., Craft, S., Rapp, S. R., Luchsinger, J. A., Fitzpatrick, A. L., Heckbert, S. R., Post, W. S., & Burke, G. L. (2024). Subclinical vascular composites predict clinical cardiovascular disease, stroke, and dementia: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Atherosclerosis, 392, 117521.
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Karim, F., Riou, C., Bernstein, M., Jule, Z., Lustig, G., van Graan, S., Keeton, R. S., Upton, J.-L., Ganga, Y., Khan, K., Reedoy, K., Mazibuko, M., Govender, K., Thambu, K., Ngcobo, N., Venter, E., Makhado, Z., Hanekom, W., von Gottberg, A., … Sigal, A. (2024). Clearance of persistent SARS-CoV-2 associates with increased neutralizing antibodies in advanced HIV disease post-ART initiation. Nature Communications, 15(1).
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Jumonville, G., Hong, D., Khan, A., DeWan, A., Leal, S. M., Weng, C., & Petukhova, L. (2023). Digital biobanks are underutilized in dermatology and create opportunities to reduce the burden of skin disease. British Journal of Dermatology, 190(4), 566–568.
Publication Date
Vilfranc, C. L., Houghton, L. C., Tsui, F., Barrett, E., Llanos, A. A. M., Pennell, K., Walker, D. A. H., Martinez, M., Morton, B., Shepard, P., Terry, M. B., & McDonald, J. A. (2024). The hair tales of women of color in Northern Manhattan: a qualitative analysis. Frontiers in Reproductive Health, 6.
Publication Date
Díaz-Faes, D. A., & Widom, C. S. (2024). From childhood maltreatment to intimate partner violence perpetration: A prospective longitudinal examination of the roles of executive functioning and self-esteem. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 173, 271–280.
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Bruzelius, E., Underhill, K., Askari, M. S., Kajeepeta, S., Bates, L., Prins, S. J., Jarlenski, M., & Martins, S. S. (2024). Punitive legal responses to prenatal drug use in the United States: A survey of state policies and systematic review of their public health impacts. International Journal of Drug Policy, 126, 104380.
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Wallach, S., Saito, S., Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha, H., Dube, L., & Lamb, M. R. (2024). Synthetic Controls for Implementation Science: Opportunities for HIV Program Evaluation Using Routinely Collected Data. Current HIV/AIDS Reports, 21(3), 140–151.
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Isom, C. A., Baird, S., Betz, M. E., DiGuiseppi, C. G., Eby, D. W., Li, G., Lee, K. C., Molnar, L. J., Moran, R., Strogatz, D., & Hill, L. (2024). Association of Depression and Antidepressant Use With Driving Behaviors in Older Adults: A LongROAD Study. Journal of Applied Gerontology.
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Zhu, J., Saikia, G., Zhang, X., Shen, X., & Kahe, K. (2024). One-Carbon Metabolism Nutrients, Genetic Variation, and Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes & Metabolism Journal, 48(2), 170–183.
Publication Date
Listwan, T. A., Krinsky‐McHale, S. J., Kovacs, C. M., Lee, J. H., Pang, D. I., Schupf, N., Tycko, B., Zigman, W. B., & Silverman, W. (2024). Prodromal Alzheimer’s disease can affect activities of daily living for adults with Down syndrome. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 16(1). Portico.
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Pinheiro, L. C., An, A., Zeng, C., Walker, D., Mercurio, A. M., Hershman, D. L., & Rosenberg, S. M. (2024). Racial and Ethnic Differences in Psychosocial Care Use Among Adults With Metastatic Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis Across Six New York City Health Systems. JCO Oncology Practice, 20(7), 984–991.
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Maestre, G., Hill, C., Griffin, P., Hall, S., Hu, W., Flatt, J., Babulal, G., Thorpe, R., Henderson, J. N., Buchwald, D., Manson, S., Cicero, E., Gilmore‐Bykovskyi, A., Gamaldo, A., Glover, C., Barnes, L., Kind, A., James, B., Zeki Al Hazzouri, A., … Carrillo, M. (2024). Promoting diverse perspectives: Addressing health disparities related to Alzheimer’s and all dementias. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 20(4), 3099–3107. Portico.
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