Department of Anesthesiology

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Cohen, D. E., Kim, H., Levine, A., Devanand, D. P., Lee, S., & Goldberg, T. E. (2023). Effects of age on the relationship between sleep quality and cognitive performance: Findings from the Human Connectome Project-Aging cohort. International Psychogeriatrics, 1–11.
Publication Date
Neudecker, V., Perez-Zoghbi, J. F., Miranda-Domínguez, O., Schenning, K. J., Ramirez, J. SB., Mitchell, A. J., Perrone, A., Earl, E., Carpenter, S., Martin, L. D., Coleman, K., Neuringer, M., Kroenke, C. D., Dissen, G. A., Fair, D. A., & Brambrink, A. M. (2023). Early-in-life isoflurane exposure alters resting-state functional connectivity in juvenile non-human primates. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 131(6), 1030–1042.
Publication Date
Chen, C., Sun, L., Adler, A., Zhou, H., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Deng, J., Bai, Y., Zhang, J., Yang, G., Gan, W.-B., & Tang, P. (2023). Synchronized activity of sensory neurons initiates cortical synchrony in a model of neuropathic pain. Nature Communications, 14(1).
Publication Date
Sajak, C., Jasani, G., Alfalasi, R., Cavaliere, G., & Lawner, B. (2023). Terrorist attacks against women’s healthcare facilities 1970-2018. American Journal of Disaster Medicine, 18(1), 31–36.
Publication Date
Zeng, C., Zhu, M., Motta-Ribeiro, G., Lagier, D., Hinoshita, T., Zang, M., Grogg, K., Winkler, T., & Vidal Melo, M. F. (2023). Dynamic lung aeration and strain with positive end-expiratory pressure individualized to maximal compliance versus ARDSNet low-stretch strategy: a study in a surfactant depletion model of lung injury. Critical Care, 27(1).
Publication Date
Kim, H., Cohen, D. E., Levine, A., Tucker, A., Devanand, D. P., Lee, S., & Goldberg, T. E. (2023). The risk of sleep‐related cognitive impairment increases in middle‐age to older adulthood. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 19(S23). Portico.
Publication Date
Markfeld, J. E., Feldman, J. I., Daly, C., Santapuram, P., Bowman, S. M., Dunham-Carr, K., Suzman, E., Keçeli-Kaysılı, B., & Woynaroski, T. G. (2023). The Stability and Validity of Automated Indices of Vocal Development in Infants With Autistic and Non-Autistic Siblings. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(12), 4934–4948.
Publication Date
Nygaard, R., Graham, C. L. B., Belcher Dufrisne, M., Colburn, J. D., Pepe, J., Hydorn, M. A., Corradi, S., Brown, C. M., Ashraf, K. U., Vickery, O. N., Briggs, N. S., Deering, J. J., Kloss, B., Botta, B., Clarke, O. B., Columbus, L., Dworkin, J., Stansfeld, P. J., Roper, D. I., & Mancia, F. (2023). Structural basis of peptidoglycan synthesis by E. coli RodA-PBP2 complex. Nature Communications, 14(1).
Publication Date
Liang, Z., Chihuri, S., Andrews, H. F., Betz, M. E., DiGuiseppi, C., Eby, D. W., Hill, L. L., Jones, V., Mielenz, T. J., Molnar, L. J., Strogatz, D., & Li, G. (2023). Interaction between benzodiazepines and prescription opioids on incidence of hard braking events in older drivers. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71(12), 3744–3754. Portico.
Publication Date
El-Boghdadly, K., Albrecht, E., Wolmarans, M., Mariano, E. R., Kopp, S., Perlas, A., Thottungal, A., Gadsden, J., Tulgar, S., Adhikary, S., Aguirre, J., Agur, A. M. R., Altıparmak, B., Barrington, M. J., Bedforth, N., Blanco, R., Bloc, S., Boretsky, K., Bowness, J., … Elkassabany, N. M. (2023). Standardizing nomenclature in regional anesthesia: an ASRA-ESRA Delphi consensus study of upper and lower limb nerve blocks. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, rapm-2023-104884.
Publication Date
Kern, C., Ortiz, C., Johanis, M., Ye, M., Tahir, P., Mulick, A., Allen, I. E., McCulloch, C. E., Langan, S. M., & Abuabara, K. (2024). Atopic Dermatitis and Cardiovascular Risk in Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 144(5), 1038-1047.e16.
Publication Date
Liu, L. Y., Wen, T., Reddy, U. M., Mourad, M., Goffman, D., Nathan, L., Sheen, J.-J., D’Alton, M. E., & Friedman, A. M. (2023). Risk Factors, Trends, and Outcomes Associated With Postpartum Sepsis Readmissions. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 143(3), 346–354.
Publication Date
Guglielminotti, J., Samari, G., Friedman, A. M., Landau, R., & Li, G. (2023). State-Level Indicators of Structural Racism and Severe Adverse Maternal Outcomes During Childbirth. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 28(1), 165–176.
Publication Date
Salna, M., Shanewise, J., D’Angelo, A., & George, I. (2023). COR-KNOT-Induced Leaflet Perforation: How It Happens and How to Prevent It: A Case Report. Journal of Chest Surgery, 57(1), 96–98.
Publication Date
Liu, L. Y., Lange, E. M. S., & Yee, L. M. (2023). Association between Maternal Neuraxial Analgesia and Neonatal Outcomes in Very Preterm Infants. American Journal of Perinatology Reports, 13(04), e65–e70. CLOCKSS.
Publication Date
Roskam, J. S., Soliman, S. S., Chang, G. C., Rolandelli, R. H., & Nemeth, Z. H. (2022). A Single-Institution Comparison of Robot-Assisted and Conventional Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeries. The American Surgeon™, 89(11), 4952–4954.
Publication Date
Kiyatkin, M. E., Aasman, B., Fazzari, M. J., Rudolph, M. I., Vidal Melo, M. F., Eikermann, M., & Gong, M. N. (2023). Development of an automated, general-purpose prediction tool for postoperative respiratory failure using machine learning: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 90, 111194.
Publication Date
Citterio, C. E., Kim, K., Rajesh, B., Pena, K., Clarke, O. B., & Arvan, P. (2023). Structural features of thyroglobulin linked to protein trafficking. Protein Science, 32(11). Portico.
Publication Date
Zhang, W.-Y., Chen, Z.-H., An, X.-X., Li, H., Zhang, H.-L., Wu, S.-J., Guo, Y.-Q., Zhang, K., Zeng, C.-L., & Fang, X.-M. (2023). Analysis and validation of diagnostic biomarkers and immune cell infiltration characteristics in pediatric sepsis by integrating bioinformatics and machine learning. World Journal of Pediatrics, 19(11), 1094–1103.
Publication Date
Robinson, A., George, R. B., Lim, G., Landau, R., Mariano, E. R., Kou, A., & Sharpe, E. E. (2023). Analysis of Twitter conversations in obstetric anesthesiology using the hashtag #OBAnes during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia, 56, 103918.
Publication Date
Soliman, S. S., Rolandelli, R. H., Chang, G. C., Nemecz, A. K., & Nemeth, Z. H. (2023). How the COVID-19 pandemic affected the severity and clinical presentation of diverticulitis. Intestinal Research, 21(4), 493–499.
Publication Date
Sanchez, J., Prabhu, R., Guglielminotti, J., & Landau, R. (2024). Pain during cesarean delivery: A patient-related prospective observational study assessing the incidence and risk factors for intraoperative pain and intravenous medication administration. Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain Medicine, 43(1), 101310.
Publication Date
Frontera, J. A., Guekht, A., Allegri, R. F., Ashraf, M., Baykan, B., Crivelli, L., Easton, A., Garcia-Azorin, D., Helbok, R., Joshi, J., Koehn, J., Koralnik, I., Netravathi, M., Michael, B., Nilo, A., Özge, A., Padda, K., Pellitteri, G., Prasad, K., … Winkler, A. S. (2023). Evaluation and treatment approaches for neurological post-acute sequelae of COVID-19: A consensus statement and scoping review from the global COVID-19 neuro research coalition. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 454, 120827.
Publication Date
Wright, G. L., Wen, T., Engel, D. J., Guglielminotti, J., Andrikopoulou, M., Booker, W. A., D’Alton, M. E., & Friedman, A. M. (2023). Delivery Outcomes and Postpartum Readmissions Associated with Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome. American Journal of Perinatology, 41(S 01), e3045–e3051. CLOCKSS.
Publication Date
Liu, Y., Chihuri, S., Mielenz, T. J., Andrews, H. F., Betz, M. E., DiGuiseppi, C., Eby, D. W., Hill, L. L., Jones, V., Molnar, L. J., Strogatz, D., & Li, G. (2023). Motor Vehicle Crash Risk in Older Adult Drivers With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. JAMA Network Open, 6(10), e2336960.
Publication Date
Ing, C., & Vutskits, L. (2023). Unanswered questions of anesthesia neurotoxicity in the developing brain. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology, 36(5), 510–515.
Publication Date
Truong, A. Y., Iaconetti, E., Clapp, A., Brackett, S., Fallon, E. M., Garzon, M. C., Tulin-Silver, S., & Wu, J. K. (2023). Utilization of Healthcare Resources by Vascular Anomaly Patients: An Assessment of Healthcare Burden by Lesion Complexity. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, 11(10), e5348.
Publication Date
Zhang, Y., Shen, Y., Liufu, N., Liu, L., Li, W., Shi, Z., Zheng, H., Mei, X., Chen, C.-Y., Jiang, Z., Abtahi, S., Dong, Y., Liang, F., Shi, Y., Cheng, L. L., Yang, G., Kang, J. X., Wilkinson, J. E., & Xie, Z. (2023). Transmission of Alzheimer’s disease-associated microbiota dysbiosis and its impact on cognitive function: evidence from mice and patients. Molecular Psychiatry, 28(10), 4421–4437.
Publication Date
Liang, F., Li, M., Xu, M., Zhang, Y., Dong, Y., Soriano, S. G., McCann, M. E., Yang, G., & Xie, Z. (2023). Sevoflurane anaesthesia induces cognitive impairment in young mice through sequential tau phosphorylation. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 131(4), 726–738.
Publication Date
Kim, H., Zhu, X., Zhao, Y., Bell, S. A., Gehrman, P. R., Cohen, D., Devanand, D. P., Goldberg, T. E., & Lee, S. (2023). Resting-state functional connectivity changes in older adults with sleep disturbance and the role of amyloid burden. Molecular Psychiatry, 28(10), 4399–4406.
Publication Date
Wong, C. K., Youdan, G. A., & Chihuri, S. T. (2023). Beyond exercise. Can application of manual therapy before exercise benefit a low functioning person with limb loss? A case study. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 31(5), 383–389.
Publication Date
Chen, K., Gupta, R., Martín‐Ávila, A., Cui, M., Xie, Z., & Yang, G. (2023). Anesthesia‐induced hippocampal‐cortical hyperactivity and tau hyperphosphorylation impair remote memory retrieval in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 20(1), 494–510. Portico.
Publication Date
Avram, M. J., Bateman, B. T., Culley, D. J., Fernandez-Bustamante, A., Houle, T. T., London, M. J., Rathmell, J. P., Schreiber, K. L., & Vidal Melo, M. F. (2023). Journal-related Activities and Other Special Activities at the 2023 American Society of Anesthesiologists Meeting. Anesthesiology, 139(4), 377–386.
Publication Date
Dickstein, M. L. (2023). A Simple Formula for Predicting Ventricular Distension With Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation. ASAIO Journal, 70(2), e21–e22.
Publication Date
Nguyen, L., Lee, A., Jalbout Hastie, M., & Hagn, E. (2023). Leading Change and Managing Resistance for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity in Anesthesiology Departments. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 137(4), 788–793.
Publication Date
Emala, C. W., Tawfik, V. L., Lane-Fall, M. B., Toledo, P., Wong, C. A., Vavilala, M. S., Fleisher, L. A., & Wood, M. (2023). The Anesthesiology Physician-Scientist Pipeline: Current Status and Recommendations for Future Growth—An Initiative of the Anesthesia Research Council. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 137(4), 728–742.
Publication Date
Guglielminotti, J., Daw, J. R., Landau, R., Friedman, A. M., & Li, G. (2023). Association of the United States Affordable Care Act Dependent Coverage Provision with Labor Neuraxial Analgesia Use. Anesthesiology, 139(3), 274–286.
Publication Date
Singh, S., Carusi, D. A., Wang, P., Reitman-Ivashkov, E., Landau, R., Fields, K. G., Weiniger, C. F., & Farber, M. K. (2022). External Validation of a Multivariable Prediction Model for Placenta Accreta Spectrum. Anesthesia & Analgesia.
Publication Date
Lu, J., Liang, F., Bai, P., Liu, C., Xu, M., Sun, Z., Tian, W., Dong, Y., Zhang, Y., Quan, Q., Khatri, A., Shen, Y., Marcantonio, E., Crosby, G., Culley, D. J., Wang, C., Yang, G., & Xie, Z. (2023). Blood tau‐PT217 contributes to the anesthesia/surgery‐induced delirium‐like behavior in aged mice. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 19(9), 4110–4126. Portico.
Publication Date
Sideri Gugger, A., Dimino, C., Panigrahi, S. K., Mayer, L., Smiley, R. M., Korner, J., & Wardlaw, S. L. (2023). Defining Predictors of Weight Loss Response to Lorcaserin. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 108(9), 2262–2271.
Publication Date
Ma, G., Li, J., Wang, H., Lin, A.-L., Yang, G., & Zuo, Z. (2023). Formyl peptide receptor 1 is involved in surgery-induced neuroinflammation and dysfunction of learning and memory in mice. Behavioural Brain Research, 452, 114577.
Publication Date
Kossar, A. P., Nemeth, S., Kosuri, Y. D., Kazzi, B. E., Honzel, E., D’Angelo, A., Spellman, J., Takeda, K., Takayama, H., Bapat, V., Argenziano, M., Beck, J., Smith, C. R., Kurlansky, P., & George, I. (2023). Re-Dosing del Nido cardioplegia in adult cardiac surgery: Perfusion characteristics and outcomes--Is there an optimal redosing strategy? Perfusion.
Publication Date
Chihuri, S., Blanchard, A., DiGuiseppi, C. G., & Li, G. (2023). Epidemiologic Patterns of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Pediatric Inpatients in the United States, 1997–2019. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
Publication Date
Motta-Ribeiro, G. C., Winkler, T., Costa, E. L. V., de Prost, N., Tucci, M. R., & Vidal Melo, M. F. (2023). Worsening of lung perfusion to tissue density distributions during early acute lung injury. Journal of Applied Physiology, 135(2), 239–250.
Publication Date
Siddiqui, S., Warner, M. A., Kelly, L., Monteith, E., Douin, D. J., Mladinov, D., Shaefi, S., Stevens, R. D., Tung, A., & Sladen, R. N. (2023). Determinants of Professional Fulfillment and Burnout Among Intensivists: A National Survey by the Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists in 2022. Anesthesia & Analgesia.
Publication Date
Jivraj, N. K., Hill, A. D., Shieh, M.-S., Hua, M., Gershengorn, H. B., Ferrando-Vivas, P., Harrison, D., Rowan, K., Lindenauer, P. K., & Wunsch, H. (2023). Use of Mechanical Ventilation Across 3 Countries. JAMA Internal Medicine, 183(8), 824.
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