Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Displaying 1 - 38 of 38
Rogina, B., Anderson, R., Lebrasseur, N., Curan, S., Yousefzadeh, M. J., Ghosh, B., Duque, G., Howlett, S., Austad, S., Demuth, I., Gerstorf, D., Korfhage, J., Lombard, D. B., Abadir, P., Christensen, K., Carey, J. R., Alberts, S. C., Campos, F., Palavicini, J. P., … Rappaport, N. (2025). Symposia Report of The Annual Biological Sciences Section Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America 2023, Tampa, Florida. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.
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Columbia Affiliation
Samper-Ternent, R., Zazueta-Borboa, J. D., Michaels-Obregon, A., Reyes-Dumeyer, D., Barral, S., Tosto, G., & Wong, R. (2024). Mexican Health and Aging Study Biomarker and Genetic Data Profile. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 80(1).
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Columbia Affiliation
Yao, S., Boudreau, R. M., Galvin, A., Murabito, J. M., Honig, L. S., Perls, T. T., Christensen, K., & Newman, A. B. (2024). All-Cause Mortality and Cause-Specific Death in U.S. Long-Lived Siblings: Data From the Long Life Family Study. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 79(11).
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Columbia Affiliation
Wan, Z., Chibnik, L. B., Valeri, L., Hughes, T. M., Blacker, D., & Ma, Y. (2024). DNA Methylation Mediates the Association Between Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Cognition: Findings From the Health and Retirement Study. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 79(8).
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Columbia Affiliation
Giudici, K. V., de Souto Barreto, P., Guyonnet, S., Beard, J. R., Takeda, C., Cantet, C., Andrieu, S., Vellas, B., Guyonnet, S., Vellas, B., Brigitte, L., Milhet, A., Paez, E., Muller, E., Le Floch, S., Takeda, C., Faisant, C., Lala, F., … Andrieu, S. (2024). Predictive Capacity of the Integrated Care for Older People Screening Tool for Intrinsic Capacity Impairments: Results From the INSPIRE-T Cohort. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 79(7).
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Ungar, A., Cherubini, A., Fratiglioni, L., de la Fuente-Núñez, V., Fried, L. P., Krasovitsky, M. S., Tinetti, M. E., Officer, A., Vellas, B., & Ferrucci, L. (2024). Carta of Florence Against Ageism: No Place for Ageism in Healthcare. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 79(3).
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Columbia Affiliation
Li, Y., Zeng, Z., Zhuang, Z., Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Wang, W., Song, Z., Dong, X., Xiao, W., Huang, N., Jia, J., Liu, Z., Qi, L., & Huang, T. (2023). Polysocial and Polygenic Risk Scores and All-Cause Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Vascular Dementia. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 79(3).
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Columbia Affiliation
Jain, P., Binder, A., Chen, B., Parada, H., Gallo, L. C., Alcaraz, J., Horvath, S., Bhatti, P., Whitsel, E. A., Jordahl, K., Baccarelli, A. A., Hou, L., Stewart, J. D., Li, Y., LaMonte, M. J., Manson, J. E., & LaCroix, A. Z. (2022). The Association of Epigenetic Age Acceleration and Multimorbidity at Age 90 in the Women’s Health Initiative. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(12), 2274–2281.
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Columbia Affiliation
Shaaban, C. E., Rosano, C., Zhu, X., Rutherford, B. R., Witonsky, K. R., Rosso, A. L., Yaffe, K., & Brown, P. J. (2023). Discordant Biological and Chronological Age: Implications for Cognitive Decline and Frailty. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(11), 2152–2161.
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Columbia Affiliation
Zhang, X., Tyrrell, D. J., Alliston, T., Schilling, B., Yousefzadeh, M. J., & Schafer, M. J. (2023). Senescence and Inflammation: Summary of a Gerontological Society of America and National Institute on Aging-Sponsored Symposium. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(10), 1733–1739.
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Columbia Affiliation
Thomas, A., Belsky, D. W., & Gu, Y. (2023). Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors and Biological Aging in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 1999–2018. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(9), 1535–1542.
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Columbia Affiliation
Leshchyk, A., Xiang, Q., Andersen, S. L., Gurinovich, A., Song, Z., Lee, J. H., Christensen, K., Yashin, A., Wojczynski, M., Schwander, K., Perls, T. T., Monti, S., & Sebastiani, P. (2023). Mosaic Chromosomal Alterations and Human Longevity. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(9), 1561–1568.
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Columbia Affiliation
Welburn, S. C., Fanning, E. E., Cauley, J. A., Brown, P. J., Strotmeyer, E. S., Boudreau, R. M., Bear, T. M., Moored, K. D., Cawthon, P. M., Stone, K. L., & Glynn, N. W. (2023). Role of Perceived Physical and Mental Fatigability Severity on Prospective, Recurrent, and Injurious Fall Risk in Older Men. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(9), 1669–1676.
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Columbia Affiliation
Lu, Y., Pike, J. R., Kucharska-Newton, A. M., Palta, P., Whitsel, E. A., Bey, G. S., Zannas, A. S., Windham, B. G., Walker, K. A., Griswold, M., & Heiss, G. (2022). Aging-Related Multisystem Dysregulation Over the Adult Life Span and Physical Function in Later Life: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(8), 1497–1503.
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Columbia Affiliation
Martinez-Amezcua, P., Garcia Morales, E., Gabriel, K. P., Dooley, E. E., Hornikel, B., Coresh, J., Lin, F. R., Pankow, J. S., Sharrett, A. R., Schrack, J. A., Sullivan, K. J., Reed, N., Deal, J. A., & Palta, P. (2022). The Association Between Midlife Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Hearing Loss in Late Life in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(7), 1292–1299.
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Columbia Affiliation
Massett, R. J., Maher, A. S., Imms, P. E., Amgalan, A., Chaudhari, N. N., Chowdhury, N. F., & Irimia, A. (2022). Regional Neuroanatomic Effects on Brain Age Inferred Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ridge Regression. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(6), 872–881.
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Columbia Affiliation
Bowling, C. B., Wei, R. X., Qian, L., Shimbo, D., Schwartz, J. E., Muntner, P., Cannavale, K. L., Harrison, T. N., & Reynolds, K. (2022). Changes in Fall Rates From Before to During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From the Prospective AMBROSIA Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(4), 624–629.
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Columbia Affiliation
Full, K. M., Pusalavidyasagar, S., Palta, P., Sullivan, K. J., Shin, J.-I., Gottesman, R. F., Spira, A. P., Pase, M. P., & Lutsey, P. L. (2022). Associations of Late-Life Sleep Medication Use With Incident Dementia in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(3), 438–446.
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Columbia Affiliation
Xu, Y., Wang, X., Belsky, D. W., McCall, W. V., Liu, Y., & Su, S. (2022). Blunted Rest–Activity Circadian Rhythm Is Associated With Increased Rate of Biological Aging: An Analysis of NHANES 2011–2014. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(3), 407–413.
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Columbia Affiliation
Buchman, A. S., Yu, L., Klein, H.-U., Zammit, A. R., Oveisgharan, S., Grodstein, F., Tasaki, S., Levey, A. I., Seyfried, N. T., & Bennett, D. A. (2022). Proteome-Wide Discovery of Cortical Proteins That May Provide Motor Resilience to Offset the Negative Effects of Pathologies in Older Adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(3), 494–503.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ducca, E. L., Gomez, G. T., Palta, P., Sullivan, K. J., Jack, C. R., Knopman, D. S., Gottesman, R. F., Walston, J., Windham, B. G., & Walker, K. A. (2022). Physical Frailty and Brain White Matter Abnormalities: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 78(2), 357–364.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ramaker, M. E., Corcoran, D. L., Apsley, A. T., Kobor, M. S., Kraus, V. B., Kraus, W. E., Lin, D. T. S., Orenduff, M. C., Pieper, C. F., Waziry, R., Huffman, K. M., & Belsky, D. W. (2022). Epigenome-wide Association Study Analysis of Calorie Restriction in Humans, CALERIETM Trial Analysis. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(12), 2395–2401.
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Columbia Affiliation
Schrempft, S., Belsky, D. W., Draganski, B., Kliegel, M., Vollenweider, P., Marques-Vidal, P., Preisig, M., & Stringhini, S. (2021). Associations Between Life-Course Socioeconomic Conditions and the Pace of Aging. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(11), 2257–2264.
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Columbia Affiliation
Guo, J., Schupf, N., Cruz, E., Stern, Y., Mayeux, R. P., & Gu, Y. (2022). Association Between Mediterranean Diet and Functional Status in Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study Based on the Washington Heights–Inwood Columbia Aging Project. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(9), 1873–1881.
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Columbia Affiliation
Chanti-Ketterl, M., Stebbins, R. C., Obhi, H. K., Belsky, D. W., Plassman, B. L., & Yang, Y. C. (2021). Sex Differences in the Association Between Metabolic Dysregulation and Cognitive Aging: The Health and Retirement Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(9), 1827–1835.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ji, J. S., Liu, L., Shu, C., Yan, L. L., & Zeng, Y. (2021). Sex Difference and Interaction of SIRT1 and FOXO3 Candidate Longevity Genes on Life Expectancy: A 10-Year Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(8), 1557–1563.
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Columbia Affiliation
Mok, Y., Ishigami, J., Sang, Y., Kucharska-Newton, A. M., Salameh, M., Schrack, J. A., Palta, P., Coresh, J., Windham, B. G., Lutsey, P. L., Folsom, A. R., & Matsushita, K. (2021). Clinically Recognized Varicose Veins and Physical Function in Older Individuals: The ARIC Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(8), 1637–1643.
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Columbia Affiliation
Rowe, J. W. (2022). Covid-19 and Aging: Challenges and Opportunities. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(7), 1349–1351.
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Columbia Affiliation
Schaich, C. L., Yeboah, J., Espeland, M. A., Baker, L. D., Ding, J., Hayden, K. M., Sachs, B. C., Craft, S., Rapp, S. R., Luchsinger, J. A., Fitzpatrick, A. L., Heckbert, S. R., Post, W. S., Burke, G. L., Allen, N. B., & Hughes, T. M. (2021). Association of Vascular Risk Scores and Cognitive Performance in a Diverse Cohort: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(6), 1208–1215.
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Columbia Affiliation
Palta, P., Griswold, M., Ranadive, R., Bandeen-Roche, K., Folsom, A. R., Petruski-Ivleva, N., Burgard, S., Kucharska-Newton, A., & Windham, B. G. (2021). Midlife Cardiovascular Health and Robust Versus Frail Late-Life Status: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(6), 1222–1229.
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Columbia Affiliation
Brown, P. J., Ciarleglio, A., Roose, S. P., Montes Garcia, C., Chung, S., Fernandes, S., & Rutherford, B. R. (2021). Frailty and Depression in Late Life: A High-Risk Comorbidity With Distinctive Clinical Presentation and Poor Antidepressant Response. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(5), 1055–1062.
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Columbia Affiliation
Younan, D., Wang, X., Gruenewald, T., Gatz, M., Serre, M. L., Vizuete, W., Braskie, M. N., Woods, N. F., Kahe, K., Garcia, L., Lurmann, F., Manson, J. E., Chui, H. C., Wallace, R. B., Espeland, M. A., & Chen, J.-C. (2021). Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease Risk: Role of Exposure to Ambient Fine Particles. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(5), 977–985.
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Columbia Affiliation
Zeki Al Hazzouri, A., Jawadekar, N., Grasset, L., Kaiser, P., Kezios, K., Calonico, S., Glymour, M., Hirsch, C., Arnold, A. M., Varadhan, R., & Odden, M. C. (2021). Statins and Cognitive Decline in the Cardiovascular Health Study: A Comparison of Different Analytical Approaches. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(5), 994–1001.
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Columbia Affiliation
Wojczynski, M. K., Jiuan Lin, S., Sebastiani, P., Perls, T. T., Lee, J., Kulminski, A., Newman, A., Zmuda, J. M., Christensen, K., & Province, M. A. (2021). NIA Long Life Family Study: Objectives, Design, and Heritability of Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Phenotypes. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(4), 717–727.
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Columbia Affiliation
Glynn, N. W., Gmelin, T., Renner, S. W., Qiao, Y. (Susanna), Boudreau, R. M., Feitosa, M. F., Wojczynski, M. K., Cosentino, S., Andersen, S. L., Christensen, K., & Newman, A. B. (2021). Perceived Physical Fatigability Predicts All-Cause Mortality in Older Adults. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(4), 837–841.
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Columbia Affiliation
Yi, J. S., Garcia Morales, E. E., Betz, J. F., Deal, J. A., Dean, L. T., Du, S., Goman, A. M., Griswold, M. E., Palta, P., Rebok, G. W., Reed, N. S., Thorpe, R. J., Lin, F. R., & Nieman, C. L. (2021). Individual Life-Course Socioeconomic Position and Hearing Aid Use in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(3), 647–655.
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Columbia Affiliation
Irace, A. L., Armstrong, N. M., Deal, J. A., Chern, A., Ferrucci, L., Lin, F. R., Resnick, S. M., & Golub, J. S. (2021). Longitudinal Associations of Subclinical Hearing Loss With Cognitive Decline. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(3), 623–631.
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Columbia Affiliation
Zeki Al Hazzouri, A., Caunca, M. R., Jawadekar, N., Grasset, L., Elfassy, T., Odden, M. C., Wu, C., Elbejjani, M., Launer, L., & Yaffe, K. (2021). Associations Between 20-Year Lipid Variability Throughout Young Adulthood and Midlife Cognitive Function and Brain Integrity. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 77(1), 114–121.
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