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Katzka, D. A. (2024). Much ado about EoE. Gut, gutjnl-2024-334394.
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Columbia Affiliation
Lian, G., Malagola, E., Wei, C., Shi, Q., Zhao, J., Hata, M., Kobayashi, H., Ochiai, Y., Zheng, B., Zhi, X., Wu, F., Tu, R., Nápoles, O. C., Su, W., Li, L., Jing, C., Chen, M., Zamechek, L., Friedman, R., … Wang, T. C. (2024). p53 mutation biases squamocolumnar junction progenitor cells towards dysplasia rather than metaplasia in Barrett’s oesophagus. Gut, gutjnl-2024-332095.
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Huang, X.-B., Huang, Q., Jiang, M.-C., Zhong, Q., Zheng, H.-L., Wang, J.-B., Huang, Z.-N., Wang, H.-G., Liu, Z.-Y., Li, Y.-F., Xu, K.-X., Lin, M., Li, P., Huang, Z.-H., Xie, J.-W., Lin, J.-X., Lu, J., Que, J.-W., Zheng, C.-H., … Huang, C.-M. (2024). KLHL21 suppresses gastric tumourigenesis via maintaining STAT3 signalling equilibrium in stomach homoeostasis. Gut, gutjnl-2023-331111.
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Kreimeyer, H., Gonzalez, C. G., Fondevila, M. F., Hsu, C. L., Hartmann, P., Zhang, X., Stärkel, P., Bosques-Padilla, F., Verna, E. C., Abraldes, J. G., Brown, R. S., Vargas, V., Altamirano, J., Caballería, J., Shawcross, D. L., Louvet, A., Lucey, M. R., Mathurin, P., Garcia-Tsao, G., … Schnabl, B. (2024). Faecal proteomics links neutrophil degranulation with mortality in patients with alcohol-associated hepatitis. Gut, gutjnl-2024-332730.
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Raju, S. A., Greenaway, E. A., Schiepatti, A., Arpa, G., Vecchione, N., Jian, C. L., Grobler, C., Maregatti, M., Green, O., Bowker-Howell, F. J., Shiha, M. G., Penny, H. A., Cross, S. S., Ciacci, C., Rostami, K., Ahmadipour, S., Moradi, A., Rostami-Nejad, M., Biagi, F., … Sanders, D. S. (2024). New entity of adult ultra-short coeliac disease: the first international cohort and case–control study. Gut, 73(7), 1124–1130.
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Elkin, E. B., & Hur, C. (2023). Antiobesity interventions: options, evidence and value. Gut, 73(6), 886–887.
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Zhang, F., Sahu, V., Peng, K., Wang, Y., Li, T., Bala, P., Aitymbayev, D., Sahgal, P., Schaefer, A., Der, C. J., Ryeom, S., Yoon, S., Sethi, N., Bass, A. J., & Zhang, H. (2024). Recurrent RhoGAP gene fusion CLDN18-ARHGAP26 promotes RHOA activation and focal adhesion kinase and YAP-TEAD signalling in diffuse gastric cancer. Gut, 73(8), 1280–1291.
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Ben-Ami, R., Wang, Q.-L., Zhang, J., Supplee, J. G., Fahrmann, J. F., Lehmann-Werman, R., Brais, L. K., Nowak, J., Yuan, C., Loftus, M., Babic, A., Irajizad, E., Davidi, T., Zick, A., Hubert, A., Neiman, D., Piyanzin, S., Gal-Rosenberg, O., Horn, A., … Wolpin, B. M. (2023). Protein biomarkers and alternatively methylated cell-free DNA detect early stage pancreatic cancer. Gut, gutjnl-2023-331074.
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Columbia Affiliation
Lu, H., Cao, L. L., Ballout, F., Belkhiri, A., Peng, D., Chen, L., Chen, Z., Soutto, M., Wang, T. C., Que, J., Giordano, S., Washington, M. K., Chen, S., McDonald, O. G., Zaika, A., & El-Rifai, W. (2023). Reflux conditions induce E-cadherin cleavage and EMT via APE1 redox function in oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Gut, 73(1), 47–62.
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Hirano, I., & Katzka, D. (2023). Comparing the relative efficacy of therapeutics for eosinophilic oesophagitis: is counting eosinophils the right target? Gut, 72(11), 2007–2008.
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Quante, M., Wang, T. C., & Bass, A. J. (2022). Adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus: is it gastric cancer? Gut, 72(6), 1027–1029.
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Martin-Serrano, M. A., Kepecs, B., Torres-Martin, M., Bramel, E. R., Haber, P. K., Merritt, E., Rialdi, A., Param, N. J., Maeda, M., Lindblad, K. E., Carter, J. K., Barcena-Varela, M., Mazzaferro, V., Schwartz, M., Affo, S., Schwabe, R. F., Villanueva, A., Guccione, E., Friedman, S. L., … Sia, D. (2022). Novel microenvironment-based classification of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with therapeutic implications. Gut, 72(4), 736–748.
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Columbia Affiliation
Hsu, N.-Y., Nayar, S., Gettler, K., Talware, S., Giri, M., Alter, I., Argmann, C., Sabic, K., Thin, T. H., Ko, H.-B. M., Werner, R., Tastad, C., Stappenbeck, T., Azabdaftari, A., Uhlig, H. H., Chuang, L.-S., & Cho, J. H. (2022). NOX1 is essential for TNFα-induced intestinal epithelial ROS secretion and inhibits M cell signatures. Gut, 72(4), 654–662.
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Columbia Affiliation
Chen, L., Lu, H., Peng, D., Cao, L. L., Ballout, F., Srirmajayam, K., Chen, Z., Bhat, A., Wang, T. C., Capobianco, A., Que, J., McDonald, O. G., Zaika, A., Zhang, S., & El-Rifai, W. (2022). Activation of NOTCH signaling via DLL1 is mediated by APE1-redox-dependent NF-κB activation in oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Gut, 72(3), 421–432.
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Columbia Affiliation
Schiepatti, A., Sanders, D. S., Baiardi, P., Caio, G., Ciacci, C., Kaukinen, K., Lebwohl, B., Leffler, D., Malamut, G., Murray, J. A., Rostami, K., Rubio-Tapia, A., Volta, U., & Biagi, F. (2022). Nomenclature and diagnosis of seronegative coeliac disease and chronic non-coeliac enteropathies in adults: the Paris consensus. Gut, 71(11), 2218–2225.
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Forbes, N., Elmunzer, B. J., Keswani, R. N., Hilsden, R. J., Hall, M., Anderson, J. T., Arvanitakis, M., Chen, Y.-I., Duloy, A., Elta, G. H., Maranki, J. L., Mergener, K., Petersen, B. T., Sethi, A., Siersema, P. D., Smith, Z. L., Telford, J. J., Tse, F., Cotton, P. B., & Wani, S. (2022). Consensus-based development of a causal attribution system for post-ERCP adverse events. Gut, 71(10), 1963–1966.
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Ventura-Cots, M., Argemi, J., Jones, P. D., Lackner, C., El Hag, M., Abraldes, J. G., Alvarado, E., Clemente, A., Ravi, S., Alves, A., Alboraie, M., Altamirano, J., Barace, S., Bosques, F., Brown, R., Caballeria, J., Cabezas, J., Carvalhana, S., Cortez-Pinto, H., … Bataller, R. (2022). Clinical, histological and molecular profiling of different stages of alcohol-related liver disease. Gut, 71(9), 1856–1866.
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Simon, T. G., Roelstraete, B., Hagström, H., Sundström, J., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2021). Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and incident major adverse cardiovascular events: results from a nationwide histology cohort. Gut, 71(9), 1867–1875.
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Bergman, D., King, J., Lebwohl, B., Clements, M. S., Roelstraete, B., Kaplan, G. G., Green, P. H., Murray, J. A., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2021). Two waves of coeliac disease incidence in Sweden: a nationwide population-based cohort study from 1990 to 2015. Gut, 71(6), 1088–1094.
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Zhou, J., Wu, Z., Zhang, Z., Goss, L., McFarland, J., Nagaraja, A., Xie, Y., Gu, S., Peng, K., Zeng, Y., Zhang, X., Long, H., Nakagawa, H., Rustgi, A., Diehl, J. A., Meyerson, M., Wong, K.-K., & Bass, A. (2021). Pan-ERBB kinase inhibition augments CDK4/6 inhibitor efficacy in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Gut, 71(4), 665–675.
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Olazagoitia-Garmendia, A., Zhang, L., Mera, P., Godbout, J. K., Sebastian-DelaCruz, M., Garcia-Santisteban, I., Mendoza, L. M., Huerta, A., Irastorza, I., Bhagat, G., Green, P. H., Herrero, L., Serra, D., Rodriguez, J. A., Verdu, E. F., He, C., Bilbao, J. R., & Castellanos-Rubio, A. (2021). Gluten-induced RNA methylation changes regulate intestinal inflammation via allele-specific XPO1 translation in epithelial cells. Gut, 71(1), 68–76.
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