Seymour, Paul and Gloria Milstein Division of Cardiology

Displaying 1401 - 1450 of 1641CSV
Liang, L. W., Kalia, I., Latif, F., Waase, M. P., Shimada, Y. J., Sayer, G., Reilly, M. P., & Uriel, N. (2022). The use of telemedicine in cardiogenetics clinical practice during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 10(6). Portico.
Publication Date
Shishehbor, M. H., Zeller, T., Werner, M., Brodmann, M., Parise, H., Holden, A., Lichtenberg, M., Parikh, S. A., Kashyap, V. S., Pietras, C., Tirziu, D., Ardakani, S., Beschorner, U., Krishnan, P., Niazi, K. A., Wali, A. U., & Lansky, A. J. (2022). Randomized Trial of Chocolate Touch Compared With Lutonix Drug-Coated Balloon in Femoropopliteal Lesions (Chocolate Touch Study). Circulation, 145(22), 1645–1654.
Publication Date
Mar, P. L., Gopinathannair, R., Gengler, B. E., Chung, M. K., Perez, A., Dukes, J., Ezekowitz, M. D., Lakkireddy, D., Lip, G. Y. H., Miletello, M., Noseworthy, P. A., Reiffel, J., Tisdale, J. E., & Olshansky, B. (2022). Drug Interactions Affecting Oral Anticoagulant Use. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 15(6).
Publication Date
Eberhardt, R. T., Bonaca, M. P., Abu Daya, H., Garcia, L. A., Gupta, K., Mena-Hurtado, C., Rogers, R. K., Sethi, S. S., Young, M. N., & Piazza, G. (2022). Call for Formalized Pathways in Vascular Medicine Training. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79(21), 2129–2139.
Publication Date
Haeberlin, A., Bartkowiak, J., Brugger, N., Tanner, H., Wan, E., Baldinger, S. H., Seiler, J., Madaffari, A., Thalmann, G., Servatius, H., Roten, L., Noti, F., & Reichlin, T. (2022). Evolution of tricuspid valve regurgitation after implantation of a leadless pacemaker: A single center experience, systematic review, and meta‐analysis. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology, 33(7), 1617–1627. Portico.
Publication Date
Ahmad, Y., Howard, J. P., Seligman, H., Arnold, A. D., Madhavan, M. V., Forrest, J. K., Geirsson, A., Mack, M. J., Lansky, A. J., & Leon, M. B. (2022). Early Surgery for Patients With Asymptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(4), 100383.
Publication Date
Yarmohammadi, H., Batra, J., Hennessey, J. A., Kochav, S., Saluja, D., & Liu, Q. (2022). Novel use of 3-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography to guide implantation of a leadless pacemaker system. HeartRhythm Case Reports, 8(5), 366–369.
Publication Date
Einstein, A. J., Hirschfeld, C., Williams, M. C., Vitola, J. V., Better, N., Villines, T. C., Cerci, R., Shaw, L. J., Choi, A. D., Dorbala, S., Karthikeyan, G., Lu, B., Sinitsyn, V., Ansheles, A. A., Kudo, T., Bucciarelli-Ducci, C., Nørgaard, B. L., Maurovich-Horvat, P., Campisi, R., … Hiep Nguyen, P. M. (2022). Worldwide Disparities in Recovery of Cardiac Testing 1 Year Into COVID-19. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 79(20), 2001–2017.
Publication Date
Goh, C. E., Bohn, B., Marotz, C., Molinsky, R., Roy, S., Paster, B. J., Chen, C., Rosenbaum, M., Yuzefpolskaya, M., Colombo, P. C., Desvarieux, M., Papapanou, P. N., Jacobs, D. R., Knight, R., & Demmer, R. T. (2022). Nitrite Generating and Depleting Capacity of the Oral Microbiome and Cardiometabolic Risk: Results from ORIGINS. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(10).
Publication Date
Butala, N. M., Tamez, H., Secemsky, E. A., Grantham, J. A., Spertus, J. A., Cohen, D. J., Jones, P., Salisbury, A. C., Arnold, S. V., Harrell, F., Lombardi, W., Karmpaliotis, D., Moses, J., Sapontis, J., & Yeh, R. W. (2022). Predicting Residual Angina After Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Insights from the OPEN‐CTO Registry. Journal of the American Heart Association, 11(10).
Publication Date
Matsushita, K., Gao, Y., Rubin, J., Kirtane, A. J., Kodali, S., Selvin, E., Alonso, A., Leon, M. B., Solomon, S. D., Coresh, J., Fox, E. R., & Shah, A. M. (2022). Association of Mild Valvular Lesions With Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes Among Black Adults. JAMA Network Open, 5(5), e2211946.
Publication Date
Natesan, S., Mosarla, R. C., Parikh, S. A., Rosenfield, K., Suomi, J., Chalyan, D., Jaff, M., & Secemsky, E. A. (2022). Intravascular ultrasound in peripheral venous and arterial interventions: A contemporary systematic review and grading of the quality of evidence. Vascular Medicine, 27(4), 392–400.
Publication Date
DeFilippis, E. M., Topkara, V. K., Kirtane, A. J., Takeda, K., Naka, Y., & Garan, A. R. (2022). Mechanical Circulatory Support for Right Ventricular Failure. Cardiac Failure Review, 8.
Publication Date
Park, S. Y., Yang, H., Marboe, C., Ziv, O., Laurita, K., Rollins, A., Saluja, D., & Hendon, C. P. (2022). Cardiac endocardial left atrial substrate and lesion depth mapping using near-infrared spectroscopy. Biomedical Optics Express, 13(4), 1801.
Publication Date
Mar, P. L., Horbal, P., Chung, M. K., Dukes, J. W., Ezekowitz, M., Lakkireddy, D., Lip, G. Y. H., Miletello, M., Noseworthy, P. A., Reiffel, J. A., Tisdale, J. E., Olshansky, B., & Gopinathannair, R. (2022). Drug Interactions Affecting Antiarrhythmic Drug Use. Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology, 15(5).
Publication Date
Simsek, B., Kostantinis, S., Karacsonyi, J., Alaswad, K., Karmpaliotis, D., Masoumi, A., Jaffer, F. A., Doshi, D., Khatri, J., Poommipanit, P., Görgülü, Ş., Göktekin, Ö., Krestyaninov, O., Davies, R. E., Elguindy, A., Jefferson, B., Patel, T. N., Patel, M. P., Chandwaney, R. H., … Brilakis, E. S. (2022). E-27 | Characteristics and Procedural Outcomes of Balloon Undilatable Lesions in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100287.
Publication Date
Haring, B., Hovey, K., LaMonte, M., Andrews, C., Saquib, N., Manson, J. E., Shimbo, D., Ritch, R., De Moraes, C. G., & Wassertheil-Smoller, S. (2022). Blood pressure control and glaucoma risk in postmenopausal women: an analysis from the Women’s Health Initiative. Menopause, 29(5), 531–536.
Publication Date
Almarzooq, Z. I., Tamez, H., Wang, Y., Curtis, J. P., Kirtane, A. J., Secemsky, E., Valsdottir, L. R., & Yeh, R. W. (2022). E-4 | Long-term Outcomes of Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Among Medicare Beneficiaries. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100264.
Publication Date
Rios, R., Miller, R. J. H., Hu, L. H., Otaki, Y., Singh, A., Diniz, M., Sharir, T., Einstein, A. J., Fish, M. B., Ruddy, T. D., Kaufmann, P. A., Sinusas, A. J., Miller, E. J., Bateman, T. M., Dorbala, S., DiCarli, M., Van Kriekinge, S., Kavanagh, P., Parekh, T., … Slomka, P. (2021). Determining a minimum set of variables for machine learning cardiovascular event prediction: results from REFINE SPECT registry. Cardiovascular Research, 118(9), 2152–2164.
Publication Date
Kandzari, D. E., Kirtane, A. J., Mehran, R., Price, M. J., Simon, D. I., Kedhi, E., Latib, A., Abizaid, A., Worthley, S., Zaman, A., Parke, M., Lung, T.-H., Windecker, S., & Stone, G. W. (2022). A-13 | One Month DAPT in High Bleeding Risk ACS Patients: 2-year Subgroup Analysis from Onyx ONE Clear. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100068.
Publication Date
Bradley, C. K., Shimbo, D., Colburn, D. A., Pugliese, D. N., Padwal, R., Sia, S. K., & Anstey, D. E. (2022). Cuffless Blood Pressure Devices. American Journal of Hypertension, 35(5), 380–387.
Publication Date
Kostantinis, S., Prasad, M., Simsek, B., Karacsonyi, J., Alaswad, K., Basir, M. B., Megaly, M. S., Görgülü, Ş., Krestyaninov, O., Khelimskii, D., Benton, S. M., Davies, R. E., Khatri, J., Jaffer, F. A., Poommipanit, P., Jefferson, B., Patel, T. N., Dattilo, P., Burke, M. N., … Brilakis, E. S. (2022). E-15 | Gender Differences in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Interventions: Insights from the PROGRESS-CTO Registry. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100275.
Publication Date
Beohar, N., Ailawadi, G., Kotinkaduwa, L. N., Redfors, B., Simonato, M., Zhang, Z., Morgan, L. G., Escolar, E., Kar, S., Lim, D. S., Mishell, J. M., Whisenant, B. K., Abraham, W. T., Lindenfeld, J., Mack, M. J., & Stone, G. W. (2022). Impact of baseline renal dysfunction on cardiac outcomes and end-stage renal disease in heart failure patients with mitral regurgitation: the COAPT trial. European Heart Journal, 43(17), 1639–1648.
Publication Date
Karacsonyi, J., Alaswad, K., Krestyaninov, O., Khelimskii, D., Khatri, J., Poomipanit, P., Jaffer, F. A., Choi, J. W., Patel, M. P., Görgülü, Ş., Koutouzis, M., Tsiafoutis, I., Sheikh, A. M., Elguindy, A., Elbarouni, B., Patel, T., Jefferson, B., Wollmuth, J. R., Yeh, R. W., … Brilakis, E. S. (2022). E-13 | Percutaneous Coronary Interventions of Balloon Uncrossable Chronic Total Occlusions. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100273.
Publication Date
Basir, M. B., Bentley, D., Jortberg, E., Kunkel, K., Lemor, A., Megaly, M. S., Alqarqaz, M., Alaswad, K., Khandelwal, A. K., Kalra, S., Kaki, A., Burkhoff, D., Moses, J. W., Stone, G. W., Pinto, D. S., & O’Neill, W. W. (2022). B-4 | Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Transient Loss of Pulsatility During Hemodynamically Supported High Risk PCI. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100111.
Publication Date
Ruan, D. T., Farr, M., Ning, Y., Kurlansky, P., Sayer, G., Uriel, N., Naka, Y., & Takeda, K. (2021). The Role of Serial Right Heart Catheterization Survey in Patients Awaiting Heart Transplant on Ventricular Assist Device. ASAIO Journal, 68(5), 663–668.
Publication Date
Romans, R. A., Lu, J. C., Balasubramanian, S., Whiteside, W., Yu, S., Aldoss, O. T., Armstrong, A. K., Boe, B. A., Balzer, D. T., Christensen, J. T., Jones, T. K., Keeshan, B., McLennan, D., Nicholson, G. T., Patel, N., Salavitabar, A., Shahanavaz, S., Sullivan, P. M., Turner, M. E., & Zampi, J. D. (2022). Cardiac Magnetic Resonance to Predict Coronary Artery Compression in Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Implantation Into Conduits. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 15(9), 979–988.
Publication Date
Peng, B., Jambawalikar, S., & Einstein, A. J. (2022). An Analytic Method for Calculating Scanner-, Kilovoltage Peak–, and Patient Size–Specific Hounsfield Unit Scale Thresholds for Agatston Score. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, 46(3), 423–433.
Publication Date
Price, M. J., Boutis, L. S., Kirtane, A. J., Chetcuti, S. J., Poliačiková, P., Dens, J., Attubato, M., Wang, Y. L., Hu, P., Spriggs, D. J., Krasnow, J., Chatzizisis, Y. S., Aminian, A., Caputo, R. P., Shah, A. R., Dauler, M., Ibrahim, S., Lung, T.-H., & Mehran, R. (2022). B-25 | Two-Year Outcomes in Patients with Bifurcation Lesions treated with Resolute ONYX ZES: Final Results from the RESOLUTE ONYX Bifurcation Study. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100132.
Publication Date
DeFilippis, E. M., Echols, M., Adamson, P. B., Batchelor, W. B., Cooper, L. B., Cooper, L. S., Desvigne-Nickens, P., George, R. T., Ibrahim, N. E., Jessup, M., Kitzman, D. W., Leifer, E. S., Mendoza, M., Piña, I. L., Psotka, M., Senatore, F. F., Stein, K. M., Teerlink, J. R., Yancy, C. W., … Vaduganathan, M. (2022). Improving Enrollment of Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Populations in Heart Failure Trials. JAMA Cardiology, 7(5), 540.
Publication Date
Simsek, B., Kostantinis, S., Karacsonyi, J., Alaswad, K., Karmpaliotis, D., Masoumi, A., Jaffer, F. A., Doshi, D., Khatri, J., Poommipanit, P., Görgülü, Ş., Göktekin, Ö., Krestyaninov, O., Davies, R. E., Azzalini, L., Elguindy, A., Jefferson, B., Patel, T. N., Patel, M. P., … Brilakis, E. S. (2022). E-29 | Association of Body Mass Index with Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Outcomes: Insights from the Prospective Global Registry for the Study of Chronic Total Occlusion Interventions (PROGRESS-CTO). Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100289.
Publication Date
Zhao, Y., Godier-Furnemont, A., Bax, N. A. M., Bouten, C. V. C., Brown, L. M., Fine, B., & Vunjak-Novakovic, G. (2022). Changes in extracellular matrix in failing human non-ischemic and ischemic hearts with mechanical unloading. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 166, 137–151.
Publication Date
Simsek, B., Kostantinis, S., Karacsonyi, J., Megaly, M. S., Basir, M. B., Masoumi, A., Mastrodemos, O. C., Jaffer, F. A., Rangan, B. V., Görgülü, Ş., Brilakis, E. S., & Alaswad, K. (2022). E-26 | Temporal Trends in Retrograde Crossing of Epicardial Collaterals in Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100286.
Publication Date

Hawkins, B. M., Li, J., Wilkins, L. R., Carman, T. L., Reed, A. B., Armstrong, D. G., Goodney, P., White, C. J., Fischman, A., Schermerhorn, M. L., Feldman, D. N., Parikh, S. A., & Shishehbor, M. H. (2022). SCAI/ACR/APMA/SCVS/SIR/SVM/SVS/VESS position statement on competencies for endovascular specialists providing CLTI care. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 112(3), Article 096.

Publication Date
Gonzalo, N., Ali, Z. A., Hill, J., Saito, S., Di Mario, C., Riley, R. F., Honton, B., Maehara, A., Kereiakes, D. J., Stone, G. W., & Shlofmitz, R. A. (2022). D-8 | Sex-specific OCT Characterization of Intravascular Lithotripsy Treatment of Calcified Coronary Lesions: Patient-level Pooled Analysis of the Disrupt CAD OCT Sub-studies. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100216.
Publication Date
Dieng, M., Lord, S. J., Turner, R. M., Nieweg, O. E., Menzies, A. M., Saw, R. P. M., Einstein, A. J., Emmett, L., Thompson, J. F., Lo, S. N., & Morton, R. L. (2022). The Impact of Surveillance Imaging Frequency on the Detection of Distant Disease for Patients with Resected Stage III Melanoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology, 29(5), 2871–2881.
Publication Date
Singh, J., Parikh, S. A., Metzger, D. C., Chambers, J. W., Ghali, M. G. H., Wu, W., & Mathews, S. J. (2022). A-58 | Process Times in High Thrombus Burden ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patients Treated With Sustained Mechanical Aspiration Thrombectomy Before Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Subset Analysis of the CHEETAH Study. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100330.
Publication Date
Sayer, G., Piper, G., Vorovich, E., Raikhelkar, J., Kim, G. H., Rodgers, D., Shimbo, D., & Uriel, N. (2022). Continuous Monitoring of Blood Pressure Using a Wrist-Worn Cuffless Device. American Journal of Hypertension, 35(5), 407–413.
Publication Date
Karacsonyi, J., Kostantinis, S., Simsek, B., Basir, M. B., Megaly, M. S., Krestyaninov, O., Khelimskii, D., Khatri, J., Poomipanit, P., Jaffer, F. A., Patel, M. P., Karmpaliotis, D., Kirtane, A. J., Ali, Z. A., McEntegart, M., Masoumi, A., Görgülü, Ş., Koutouzis, M., Tsiafoutis, I., … Alaswad, K. (2022). E-12 | Intravascular Imaging Use in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Chronic Total Occlusions. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100272.
Publication Date
Hawkins, B. M., Li, J., Wilkins, L. R., Carman, T. L., Reed, A. B., Armstrong, D. G., Goodney, P., White, C. J., Fischman, A., Schermerhorn, M. L., Feldman, D. N., Parikh, S. A., & Shishehbor, M. H. (2022). SCAI/ACR/APMA/SCVS/SIR/SVM/SVS/VESS Position Statement on Competencies for Endovascular Specialists Providing CLTI Care. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100015.
Publication Date
Karacsonyi, J., Alaswad, K., Krestyaninov, O., Karmpaliotis, D., Kirtane, A. J., Ali, Z. A., McEntegart, M., Masoumi, A., Poomipanit, P., Jaffer, F. A., Khatri, J., Choi, J. W., Patel, M. P., Koutouzis, M., Tsiafoutis, I., Görgülü, Ş., Doing, A., Sheikh, A. M., Elbarouni, B., … Sandoval, Y. B. (2022). E-11 | Single vs. Multiple Operators for Chronic Total Occlusion Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100271.
Publication Date
Gogia, S., Vahl, T., Thourani, V. H., George, I., Kodali, S. K., Hamid, N., Matsumura, M., Maehara, A., Chen, T., Treede, H., Baldus, S., Daniels, D., Russo, M. J., McCabe, J. M., Chetcuti, S. J., Leon, M. B., Makkar, R., & Khalique, O. (2022). D-2 | Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography Anatomical Characterization of Patients with Primary Aortic Regurgitation. Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions, 1(3), 100210.
Publication Date
Garg, T., Raikhelkar, J., Gilkeson, R., & Tavri, S. (2022). Large pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysm after CardioMEMS implantation: a case report. European Heart Journal - Case Reports, 6(4).
Publication Date
Salna, M., Ning, Y., Kurlansky, P., Yuzefpolskaya, M., Colombo, P. C., Naka, Y., & Takeda, K. (2022). The Impact of Intrapericardial versus Intrapleural HeartMate 3 Pump Placement on Clinical Outcomes. Journal of Chest Surgery, 55(3), 197–205.
Publication Date
Bekdash, R., Quejada, J. R., Ueno, S., Kawano, F., Morikawa, K., Klein, A. D., Matsumoto, K., Lee, T. C., Nakanishi, K., Chalan, A., Lee, T. M., Liu, R., Homma, S., Lin, C.-S., Yelshanskaya, M. V., Sobolevsky, A. I., Goda, K., & Yazawa, M. (2021). GEM-IL: A highly responsive fluorescent lactate indicator. Cell Reports Methods, 1(7), 100092.
Publication Date