Autism Spectrum Disorders

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Domingo-Espiñeira, J., Fraile-Martínez, Ó., García Montero, C., Lara Abelenda, F. J., Porta-Etessam, J., Baras Pastor, L., Muñoz-Manchado, L. I., Arrieta, M., Saeidi, M., Ortega, M. A., Alvarez De Mon, M., & Alvarez-Mon, M. A. (2024). Analyzing public discourse of dementia from Spanish and English tweets: a comparative analysis with other neurological disorders. Frontiers in Neurology, 15.
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Santana Almansa, A., Snyder, L. G., Chung, W. K., Bain, J. M., & Srivastava, S. (2024). Motor phenotypes associated with genetic neurodevelopmental disorders. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. Portico.
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Firestein, M. R., Manessis, A., Warmingham, J. M., Xu, R., Hu, Y., Finkel, M. A., Kyle, M., Hussain, M., Ahmed, I., Lavallée, A., Solis, A., Chaves, V., Rodriguez, C., Goldman, S., Muhle, R. A., Lee, S., Austin, J., Silver, W. G., O’Reilly, K. C., … Dumitriu, D. (2024). Positive Autism Screening Rates in Toddlers Born During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Network Open, 7(9), e2435005.
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Sudnawa, K. K., Pini, N., Li, W., Kanner, C. H., Ryu, J., Calamia, S., Bain, J. M., Goldman, S., Montes, J., Shen, Y., & Chung, W. K. (2024). Clinical characteristics, longitudinal adaptive functioning, and association with electroencephalogram activity in PPP2R5D‐related neurodevelopmental disorder. Clinical Genetics. Portico.
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Cook, L., Verbrugge, J., Schwantes-An, T.-H., Schulze, J., Foroud, T., Hall, A., Marder, K. S., Mata, I. F., Mencacci, N. E., Nance, M. A., Schwarzschild, M. A., Simuni, T., Bressman, S., Wills, A.-M., Fernandez, H. H., Litvan, I., Lyons, K. E., Shill, H. A., Singer, C., … Alcalay, R. N. (2024). Parkinson’s disease variant detection and disclosure: PD GENEration, a North American study. Brain, 147(8), 2668–2679.
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Wright, J. R., Astrovskaya, I., Barns, S. D., Goler, A., Zhou, X., Shu, C., Snyder, L. G., Han, B., Aarrestad, A., Abbeduto, L., Aberbach, G., Aberle, S., Adegbite, A., Adeniji, D., Aguilar, M., Ahlers, K., Albright, C., Alessandri, M., Algaze, Z., … Chung, W. K. (2024). Return of genetic research results in 21,532 individuals with autism. Genetics in Medicine, 101202.
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Havdahl, A., Farmer, C., Surén, P., Øyen, A., Magnus, P., Susser, E., Lipkin, W. I., Reichborn‐Kjennerud, T., Stoltenberg, C., Bishop, S., & Thurm, A. (2023). Attainment and loss of early social‐communication skills across neurodevelopmental conditions in the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65(5), 610–619. Portico.
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Irani, D., Blinderman, C. D., Levenson, J., Nash, S. S., Callahan, M., Shapiro, P., & Shalev, D. (2024). Promoting Collaborative CL Psychiatry and Palliative Care Education via Combined Fellow-focused Case Conferences. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 67(5), e615.
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Campi, E., Choi, E., Chen, Y.-J., Holland, C. M., Bristol, S., Sideris, J., Crais, E. R., Watson, L. R., & Baranek, G. T. (2022). Sensory Reactivity of Infants at Elevated Likelihood of Autism and Associations with Caregiver Responsiveness. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 54(1), 270–279.
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McLaughlin, N. C. R., Magnotti, J. F., Banks, G. P., Nanda, P., Hoexter, M. Q., Lopes, A. C., Batistuzzo, M. C., Asaad, W. F., Stewart, C., Paulo, D., Noren, G., Greenberg, B. D., Malloy, P., Salloway, S., Correia, S., Pathak, Y., Sheehan, J., Marsland, R., Gorgulho, A., … Sheth, S. A. (2023). Gamma knife capsulotomy for intractable OCD: Neuroimage analysis of lesion size, location, and clinical response. Translational Psychiatry, 13(1).
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Lachiewicz, A. M., Stackhouse, T. M., Burgess, K., Burgess, D., Andrews, H. F., Choo, T.-H., Kaufmann, W. E., & Kidd, S. A. (2023). Sensory Symptoms and Signs of Hyperarousal in Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome: Findings from the FORWARD Registry and Database Multisite Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
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Pal, G., Cook, L., Schulze, J., Verbrugge, J., Alcalay, R. N., Merello, M., Sue, C. M., Bardien, S., Bonifati, V., Chung, S. J., Foroud, T., Gatto, E., Hall, A., Hattori, N., Lynch, T., Marder, K., Mascalzoni, D., Novaković, I., Thaler, A., … Klein, C. (2023). Genetic Testing in Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders, 38(8), 1384–1396. Portico.
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Pagliaccio, D., Wengler, K., Durham, K., Fontaine, M., Rueppel, M., Becker, H., Bilek, E., Pieper, S., Risdon, C., Horga, G., Fitzgerald, K. D., & Marsh, R. (2023). Probing midbrain dopamine function in pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder via neuromelanin-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging. Molecular Psychiatry, 28(7), 3075–3082.
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Johnson, J., Fernandez, K. K., Barker, M. S., Hernandez, M., Soto, E., Gu, Y., Stern, Y., & Cosentino, S. (2023). Phonemic Fluency in pathologically confirmed Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus AD with Lewy Bodies. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 19(S4). Portico.
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Leuchter, J. D., Kook, M., Geller, D. A., Hertz, A. G., Garcia, J., Trent, E. S., Dibbs, T., Onyeka, O., Goodman, W. K., Guzick, A. G., Wiese, A. D., Palo, A. D., Small, B. J., Simpson, H. B., Havel, L. K., Nibras, S. A., Saxena, K., & Storch, E. A. (2023). Promoting OCD WEllness and resilience (POWER) study: Rationale, design, and methods. Psychiatry Research Communications, 3(2), 100111.
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Frankel, E., Podder, A., Sharifi, M., Pillai, R., Belnap, N., Ramsey, K., Dodson, J., Venugopal, P., Brzezinski, M., Llaci, L., Gerald, B., Mills, G., Sanchez-Castillo, M., Balak, C. D., Szelinger, S., Jepsen, W. M., Siniard, A. L., Richholt, R., Naymik, M., … Rangasamy, S. (2023). Genetic and Protein Network Underlying the Convergence of Rett-Syndrome-like (RTT-L) Phenotype in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Cells, 12(10), 1437.
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Ferhat, A.-T., Verpy, E., Biton, A., Forget, B., De Chaumont, F., Mueller, F., Le Sourd, A.-M., Coqueran, S., Schmitt, J., Rochefort, C., Rondi-Reig, L., Leboucher, A., Boland, A., Fin, B., Deleuze, J.-F., Boeckers, T. M., Ey, E., & Bourgeron, T. (2023). Excessive self-grooming, gene dysregulation and imbalance between the striosome and matrix compartments in the striatum of Shank3 mutant mice. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 16.
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Cook, L., Schulze, J., Uhlmann, W. R., Verbrugge, J., Marder, K., Lee, A. J., Wang, Y., Alcalay, R. N., Nance, M., & Beck, J. C. (2022). Tools for communicating risk for Parkinson’s disease. Npj Parkinson’s Disease, 8(1).
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Kayumi, S., Pérez-Jurado, L. A., Palomares, M., Rangu, S., Sheppard, S. E., Chung, W. K., Kruer, M. C., Kharbanda, M., Amor, D. J., McGillivray, G., Cohen, J. S., García-Miñaúr, S., van Eyk, C. L., Harper, K., Jolly, L. A., Webber, D. L., Barnett, C. P., Santos-Simarro, F., Pacio-Míguez, M., … Corbett, M. A. (2022). Genomic and phenotypic characterization of 404 individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders caused by CTNNB1 variants. Genetics in Medicine, 24(11), 2351–2366.
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Firestein, M. R., Romeo, R. D., Winstead, H., Goldman, D. A., Grobman, W. A., Haas, D. M., Parry, S., Reddy, U. M., Silver, R. M., Wapner, R. J., & Champagne, F. A. (2022). Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy and polycystic ovary syndrome are associated with child communication and social skills in a sex-specific and androgen-dependent manner. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13.
Publication Date
Zhou, X., Feliciano, P., Shu, C., Wang, T., Astrovskaya, I., Hall, J. B., Obiajulu, J. U., Wright, J. R., Murali, S. C., Xu, S. X., Brueggeman, L., Thomas, T. R., Marchenko, O., Fleisch, C., Barns, S. D., Snyder, L. G., Han, B., Chang, T. S., Turner, T. N., … Chung, W. K. (2022). Integrating de novo and inherited variants in 42,607 autism cases identifies mutations in new moderate-risk genes. Nature Genetics, 54(9), 1305–1319.
Publication Date
Wright, J., Barns, S., Goler, A., Hall, J., Han, B., Astrovskaya, I., Marchenko, O., Ganesan, S., Volfovsky, N., Feliciano, P., & Chung, W. (2022). eP287: Return of individual genetic results in the largest recontactable cohort of individuals with autism. Genetics in Medicine, 24(3), S181–S182.
Publication Date
Revah-Politi, A., Kushary, S. (Tina), Vena, N., May, H., Lippa, N., Bier, L., Goldman, J., Alkelai, A., Baugh, E., Zoghbi, A., Kayser, R., Goldstein, D., & Simpson, H. B. (2022). eP435: Issues in interpreting results in research genomic testing for common disorders: an example within an OCD cohort. Genetics in Medicine, 24(3), S272–S273.
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