Neural Interface Technology

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Teles, D., & Fine, B. M. (2024). Using induced pluripotent stem cells for drug discovery in arrhythmias. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 19(7), 827–840.
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Ma, L., Wisniewski, D. J., Cea, C., Khodagholy, D., & Gelinas, J. N. (2024). High‐Density, Conformable Conducting Polymer‐Based Implantable Neural Probes for the Developing Brain. Advanced Healthcare Materials. Portico.
Publication Date
Zhao, Z., Yu, H., Wisniewski, D. J., Cea, C., Ma, L., Trautmann, E. M., Churchland, M. M., Gelinas, J. N., & Khodagholy, D. (2024). Formation of Anisotropic Conducting Interlayer for High‐Resolution Epidermal Electromyography Using Mixed‐Conducting Particulate Composite. Advanced Science, 11(27). Portico.
Publication Date
Cea, C., Zhao, Z., Wisniewski, D. J., Spyropoulos, G. D., Polyravas, A., Gelinas, J. N., & Khodagholy, D. (2023). Integrated internal ion-gated organic electrochemical transistors for stand-alone conformable bioelectronics. Nature Materials, 22(10), 1227–1235.
Publication Date
Armada-Moreira, A., Dar, A. M., Zhao, Z., Cea, C., Gelinas, J., Berggren, M., Costa, A., Khodagholy, D., & Stavrinidou, E. (2023). Plant electrophysiology with conformable organic electronics: Deciphering the propagation of Venus flytrap action potentials. Science Advances, 9(30).
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Gill, B. J. A., Khan, F. A., Goldberg, A. R., Merricks, E. M., Wu, X., Sosunov, A. A., Sudhakar, T. D., Dovas, A., Lado, W., Michalak, A. J., Teoh, J. J., Liou, J., Frankel, W. N., McKhann, G. M., Canoll, P., & Schevon, C. A. (2022). Single unit analysis and wide-field imaging reveal alterations in excitatory and inhibitory neurons in glioma. Brain, 145(10), 3666–3680.
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Saponaro, A., Vallese, F., Porro, A., & Clarke, O. B. (2022). Validation of the binding stoichiometry between HCN channels and their neuronal regulator TRIP8b by single molecule measurements. Frontiers in Physiology, 13.
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Wang, Q., de Prisco, N., Tang, J., & Gennarino, V. A. (2022). Protocol for recording epileptiform discharges of EEG and behavioral seizures in freely moving mice. STAR Protocols, 3(2), 101245.
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Bernardin, A., Colombani, S., Brugg, B., Jacotot, E., Meli, A., & Lacampagne, A. (2022). Neuro-cardiac organ-a-chip using patient specific induced pluripotent stem cells and microfluidic devices. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases Supplements, 14(2), 209.
Publication Date
Smith, E. H., Liou, J., Merricks, E. M., Davis, T., Thomson, K., Greger, B., House, P., Emerson, R. G., Goodman, R., McKhann, G. M., Sheth, S., Schevon, C., & Rolston, J. D. (2022). Human interictal epileptiform discharges are bidirectional traveling waves echoing ictal discharges. ELife, 11. CLOCKSS.
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