Journal of Virology
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Kuhn, A. J., Outlaw, V. K., Marcink, T. C., Yu, Z., Mears, M. C., Cajimat, M. N., Kreitler, D. F., Cleven, P. R., Mook, J. C., Bente, D. A., Porotto, M., Gellman, S. H., & Moscona, A. (2025). Enhancing the solubility of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors to increase future prospects for clinical development. Journal of Virology.
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Columbia Affiliation
Council, O. D., Tyers, L., Moeser, M., Sondgeroth, A., Spielvogel, E., Richardson, B. D., Doolabh, D., Zhou, S., Emery, A., Archin, N. M., Shook-Sa, B., Margolis, D. M., Abdool Karim, S. S., Kosakovsky Pond, S., Garrett, N., Abrahams, M.-R., Joseph, S. B., Williamson, C., & Swanstrom, R. (2024). The persistent pool of HIV-1-infected cells is formed episodically during untreated infection. Journal of Virology.
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Columbia Affiliation
Patiño-Galindo, J., García-Sastre, A., Kuhn, J. H., Rabadan, R., & Palacios, G. (2024). Recombination across distant coronavirid species and genera is a rare event with distinct genomic features. Journal of Virology, 98(12).
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Alwine, J., Goodrum, F., Banfield, B., Bloom, D., Britt, W. J., Broadbent, A. J., Campos, S. K., Casadevall, A., Chan, G. C., Cliffe, A. R., Dermody, T., Duprex, P., Enquist, L. W., Frueh, K., Geballe, A. P., Gaglia, M., Goldstein, S., Greninger, A. L., Gronvall, G. K., … Yurochko, A. (2024). The harms of promoting the lab leak hypothesis for SARS-CoV-2 origins without evidence. Journal of Virology, 98(9).
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Columbia Affiliation
Schmitz, K. S., Handrejk, K., Liepina, L., Bauer, L., Haas, G. D., van Puijfelik, F., Veldhuis Kroeze, E. J. B., Riekstina, M., Strautmanis, J., Cao, H., Verdijk, R. M., GeurtsvanKessel, C. H., van Boheemen, S., van Riel, D., Lee, B., Porotto, M., de Swart, R. L., & de Vries, R. D. (2024). Functional properties of measles virus proteins derived from a subacute sclerosing panencephalitis patient who received repeated remdesivir treatments. Journal of Virology, 98(3).
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Columbia Affiliation
Sievers, B. L., Siegers, J. Y., Cadènes, J. M., Hyder, S., Sparaciari, F. E., Claes, F., Firth, C., Horwood, P. F., & Karlsson, E. A. (2024). “Smart markets”: harnessing the potential of new technologies for endemic and emerging infectious disease surveillance in traditional food markets. Journal of Virology, 98(2).
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Rasmussen, A. L., Gronvall, G. K., Lowen, A. C., Goodrum, F., Alwine, J., Andersen, K. G., Anthony, S. J., Baines, J., Banerjee, A., Broadbent, A. J., Brooke, C. B., Campos, S. K., Caposio, P., Casadevall, A., Chan, G. C., Cliffe, A. R., Collins-McMillen, D., Connell, N., Damania, B., … Yurochko, A. (2024). Virology—the path forward. Journal of Virology, 98(1).
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Schulz, V. E., Tuff, J. F., Tough, R. H., Lewis, L., Chimukangara, B., Garrett, N., Abdool Karim, Q., Abdool Karim, S. S., McKinnon, L. R., Kharsany, A. B. M., & McLaren, P. J. (2023). Host genetic variation at a locus near CHD1L impacts HIV sequence diversity in a South African population. Journal of Virology, 97(10).
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Buckmaster, M. V., & Goff, S. P. (2022). Riplet Binds the Zinc Finger Antiviral Protein (ZAP) and Augments ZAP-Mediated Restriction of HIV-1. Journal of Virology, 96(16).
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Abu Rass, R., Kustin, T., Zamostiano, R., Smorodinsky, N., Ben Meir, D., Feder, D., Mishra, N., Lipkin, W. I., Eldar, A., Ehrlich, M., Stern, A., & Bacharach, E. (2022). Inferring Protein Function in an Emerging Virus: Detection of the Nucleoprotein in Tilapia Lake Virus. Journal of Virology, 96(6).
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Conde, J. N., Sanchez-Vicente, S., Saladino, N., Gorbunova, E. E., Schutt, W. R., Mladinich, M. C., Himmler, G. E., Benach, J., Kim, H. K., & Mackow, E. R. (2022). Powassan Viruses Spread Cell to Cell during Direct Isolation from Ixodes Ticks and Persistently Infect Human Brain Endothelial Cells and Pericytes. Journal of Virology, 96(1).
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