Department of Epidemiology

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Erlandson, K. M., Geng, L. N., Selvaggi, C. A., Thaweethai, T., Chen, P., Erdmann, N. B., Goldman, J. D., Henrich, T. J., Hornig, M., Karlson, E. W., Katz, S. D., Kim, C., Cribbs, S. K., Laiyemo, A. O., Letts, R., Lin, J. Y., Marathe, J., Parthasarathy, S., Patterson, T. F., … Zissis, M. (2024). Differentiation of Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Postacute Sequelae by Standard Clinical Laboratory Measurements in the RECOVER Cohort. Annals of Internal Medicine, 177(9), 1209–1221.
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Yuzefpolskaya, M., Bohn, B., Ladanyi, A., Pinsino, A., Braghieri, L., Carey, M. R., Clerkin, K., Sayer, G. T., Latif, F., Koji, T., Uriel, N., Nandakumar, R., Uhlemann, A.-C., Colombo, P. C., & Demmer, R. T. (2024). Alterations in the sarcopenia index are associated with inflammation, gut, and oral microbiota among heart failure, left ventricular assist device, and heart transplant patients. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 43(9), 1395–1408.
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Morey, B. N., Garcia, S., Lin, K., Canchola, A. J., Alexeeff, S. E., Kurtovich, E. M., Uong, S., Aoki, R.-L. F., Guan, A., Torres, J. M., Shariff-Marco, S., Yao, S., Kushi, L. H., Gomez, S. L., & Kroenke, C. H. (2024). A validation study for measuring Asian- and Hispanic-serving sociocultural institutions in neighborhoods using business listing data and potential implications for health. Social Science & Medicine, 356, 117143.
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Widom, C. S., Do, H. (Heather), Miller, Q. C., Javakhishvili, M., Eckstein Indik, C., & Belsky, D. W. (2024). Childhood Maltreatment and Biological Aging in Middle Adulthood: The Role of Psychiatric Symptoms. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 4(5), 100341.
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Kroll, D. S., Woodward, K. J., Ramakrishnan, A., Yu, M., Morris, H. K., Adler, J. T., Ratner, L. E., Mohan, S., & Husain, S. A. (2024). Outcomes of Second Opinions after Adverse Determination of Kidney Transplant Evaluation. Kidney360, 5(9), 1367–1369.
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Bruzelius, E., Palamar, J. J., Fitzgerald, N. D., Cottler, L. B., Carr, T. C., & Martins, S. S. (2024). Law enforcement fentanyl seizures and overdose mortality in US counties, 2013–2020. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 262, 111400.
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Kezios, K. L., Zimmerman, S. C., Buto, P. T., Rudolph, K. E., Calonico, S., Zeki Al Hazzouri, A., & Glymour, M. M. (2024). Overcoming Data Gaps in Life Course Epidemiology by Matching Across Cohorts. Epidemiology, 35(5), 610–617.
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Bojórquez, I., Infante, C., Villanueva-Borbolla, M. A., & Orjuela-Grimm, M. (2024). Solidarity through food: Coping with food insecurity among adolescent migrants in transit through Mexico and Central America. Appetite, 200, 107549.
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Atere-Roberts, J., Delamater, P. L., Robinson, W. R., Aiello, A. E., Hargrove, T. W., & Martin, C. L. (2024). Indicators of inequity: Exploring the complexities of operationalizing area-level structural racism. SSM - Population Health, 27, 101701.
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Subramaniam, V. R., Goldstein, J., Mu, L., & Kwon, C.-S. (2024). In-hospital outcomes in people with autism and epilepsy – A population-based study. Epilepsy Research, 205, 107417.
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Adkins-Jackson, P. B., Jackson, J. A., Taylor, T. R., Levine, E. R., Makhija, A., & Sewell, A. A. (2024). Black Measurement: The Contributions of People Racialized as Black to the Field of Psychometrics. Journal of Black Studies, 55(6), 471–492.
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Hoffman, K. L., Salazar-Barreto, D., Williams, N. T., Rudolph, K. E., & Díaz, I. (2024). Studying Continuous, Time-varying, and/or Complex Exposures Using Longitudinal Modified Treatment Policies. Epidemiology, 35(5), 667–675.
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Aragon-Gama, A. C., Infante, C., Mundo-Rosas, V., Bojorquez-Chapela, I., & Orjuela-Grimm, M. (2024). Eating on the move: Experiences of food insecurity and hunger during overland transit through Mexico. Global Food Security, 42, 100781.
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Husain, S. A., King, K. L., & Mohan, S. (2024). Donor Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate With or Without Body Surface Area Indexing and Kidney Transplant Graft Survival. Kidney Medicine, 6(9), 100866.
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DuPont-Reyes, M. J., Villatoro, A. P., Phelan, J. C., Painter, K., & Link, B. G. (2024). Familial transmission of mental health help-seeking: Does it “run in the family”? SSM - Population Health, 27, 101695.
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Jian, Q., Chihuri, S., Andrews, H. F., Betz, M. E., DiGuiseppi, C., Eby, D. W., Hill, L. L., Jones, V., Mielenz, T. J., Molnar, L. J., Strogatz, D., Lang, B. H., & Li, G. (2024). Association between polypharmacy and hard braking events in older adult drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 204, 107661.
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McKetta, S., Hughes, T. L., Zollweg, S. S., Matthews, A. K., Martin, K. R., & Veldhuis, C. B. (2023). The Modifying Effect of Minority Stressors on the Associations Between Neighborhood Deprivation and Mental Health Among US Sexual Minority Women. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 21(3), 1059–1073.
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Brinzo, P. N., & Martins, S. S. (2024). Racial/ethnic trends in opioid and polysubstance opioid overdose mortality in adolescents and young adults, 1999–2020. Addictive Behaviors, 156, 108065.
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Tsapanou, A., Mourtzi, N., Gu, Y., Belsky, D. W., Barral, S., Habeck, C., & Stern, Y. (2024). Cognitive Polygenic Index is Associated with Occupational Complexity over and above Brain Morphometry. Behavior Genetics, 54(5), 398–404.
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Reeping, P. M., Morrison, C. N., Gobaud, A. N., Rajan, S., Wiebe, D. J., & Branas, C. C. (2024). Gun-free zones and active shootings in the United States: a matched case-control study. The Lancet Regional Health - Americas, 37, 100837.
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Perreira, K. M., Hotz, V. J., Duke, N. N., Aiello, A. E., Belsky, D. W., Brown, T., Jensen, T., & Harris, K. M. (2024). The Add Health Parent Study: A Biosocial Resource for the Study of Multigenerational Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Dementias. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 101(2), 681–691.
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Boyce, S. C., Minnis, A. M., Deardorff, J., McCoy, S. I., Goin, D. E., Challa, S., Johns, N. E., Aliou, S., Brooks, M. I., Nouhou, A.-M., Baker, H., & Silverman, J. G. (2024). Mediating effects of inequitable gender norms on intimate partner violence and contraceptive use in a cluster randomized control trial in Niger. American Journal of Epidemiology.
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Kamel, H., Elkind, M. S., Kronmal, R. A., Longstreth, W., Plummer, P., Aragon Garcia, R., Broderick, J. P., Pauls, Q., Elm, J. J., Nahab, F., Janis, L. S., Di Tullio, M. R., Soliman, E. Z., Healey, J. S., & Tirschwell, D. L. (2024). Atrial cardiopathy biomarkers and atrial fibrillation in the ARCADIA trial. European Stroke Journal.
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Moran, R., Baird, S., DiGuiseppi, C. G., Eby, D. W., Hacker, S., Isom, C., Jones, V., Lee, K. C., Li, G., Molnar, L. J., Patrick, R., Strogatz, D., & Hill, L. (2024). Dietary supplement use is common in older adult drivers: an analysis from the AAA LongROAD study. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 24(1).
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Vigna, E., Balkom, I. van, Bresnahan, M., Cheslack-Postava, K., Musa, G., Ryan, M., Skokauskas, N., Hoven, C., & Carli, V. (2024). Unravelling the threads: understanding the interplay of Cultural values, female workforce engagement, human development index and suicide rates. Archives of Women’s Mental Health.
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Sprague, N. L., Fan, I. B., Dandeneau, M., Hernandez Perez, J. F., Birmingham, J., De Los Santos, D., Riddick, M. I., Meltzer, G. Y., Siegel, E. L., & Hernández, D. (2024). StreetTalk: exploring energy insecurity in New York City using a novel street intercept interview and social media dissemination method. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1).
Publication Date
Rajan, S., Buttar, N., Ladhani, Z., Caruso, J., Allegrante, J. P., & Branas, C. (2024). School Violence Exposure as an Adverse Childhood Experience: Protocol for a Nationwide Study of Secondary Public Schools. JMIR Research Protocols, 13, e56249.
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Mojtabai, R., & Olfson, M. (2024). Trends in Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents Receiving Treatment in the State Mental Health System. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Publication Date
Lopez, R., Mohan, S., Husain, S. A., Yu, M., Arrigain, S., Brosi, D., Hoffman, J. R. H., McCurry, K. R., Kaplan, B., Pomfret, E. A., & Schold, J. D. (2024). Crossing national borders for transplantation: A focused evaluation of deceased donor lung exports from the United States. American Journal of Transplantation.
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Marziali, M. E., Hogg, R. S., Hu, A., & Card, K. G. (2024). Social trust and COVID-19 mortality in the United States: lessons in planning for future pandemics using data from the general social survey. BMC Public Health, 24(1).
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Ahrens, K. A., Janevic, T., Strumpf, E. C., Nandi, A., Ortiz, J. R., & Hutcheon, J. A. (2024). Paid Family Leave and Prevention of Acute Respiratory Infections in Young Infants. JAMA Pediatrics.
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McDonald, J. A., Liao, Y., Knight, J. A., John, E. M., Kurian, A. W., Daly, M., Buys, S. S., Huang, Y., Frost, C. J., Andrulis, I. L., Colonna, S. V., Friedlander, M. L., Hopper, J. L., Chung, W. K., Genkinger, J. M., MacInnis, R. J., Terry, M. B., Amor, D., … Zaheed, M. (2024). Pregnancy-Related Factors and Breast Cancer Risk for Women Across a Range of Familial Risk. JAMA Network Open, 7(8), e2427441.
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Tran, E., Cabán, M., Meng, A., Wetmore, J., Ottman, R., & Siegel, K. (2024). Beliefs About the Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease Among Latinos in New York City. Journal of Community Health.
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Chen, M. T., Vollmer, B. L., Blyler, C. A., Cameron, N. A., Miller, E. C., Huang, Y., Friedman, A. M., Wright, J. D., Boehme, A. K., & Bello, N. A. (2024). Antihypertensive medication prescription dispensation among pregnant women in the United States: A cohort study. American Heart Journal, 278, 5–13.
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Wunsch, H., Bosch, N. A., Law, A. C., Vail, E. A., Hua, M., Shen, B. H., Lindenauer, P. K., Juurlink, D. N., Walkey, A. J., & Gershengorn, H. B. (2024). Evaluation of Etomidate Use and Association with Mortality Compared with Ketamine among Critically Ill Patients. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 210(10), 1243–1251.
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Kumar, A., Gwalani, P., Iyer, P. G., Wang, K. K., Falk, G. W., Ginsberg, G. G., Lightdale, C. J., Del Portillo, A., Lagana, S. M., Li, Y., Li, H., Genkinger, J., Jin, Z., Rustgi, A. K., Wang, T. C., Wang, H. H., Quante, M., & Abrams, J. A. (2024). Shifts in Serum Bile Acid Profiles Associated With Barrett’s Esophagus and Stages of Progression to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology.
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Abrams, E. J., Jao, J., Madlala, H. P., Zerbe, A., Catalano, P., Gerschenson, M., Goedecke, J. H., Gomba, Y., Josefson, J., Kurland, I. J., Legbedze, J., McComsey, G. A., Matyesini, S., Mukonda, E., Robinson, D., & Myer, L. (2024). An observational cohort study to investigate the impact of dolutegravir in pregnancy and its obesogenic effects on the metabolic health of women living with HIV and their children: Study protocol. PLOS ONE, 19(8), e0307296.
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Curtis, J. L., Bateman, L. A., Murray, S., Couper, D. J., Labaki, W. W., Freeman, C. M., Arnold, K. B., Christenson, S. A., Alexis, N. E., Kesimer, M., Boucher, R. C., Kaner, R. J., Barjaktarevic, I., Cooper, C. B., Hoffman, E. A., Barr, R. G., Bleecker, E. R., Bowler, R. P., Comellas, A., … Martinez, F. J. (2024). Design of the SPIROMICS Study of Early COPD Progression: SOURCE Study. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: Journal of the COPD Foundation, 11(5), 444–459.
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Suzuki, Y., Chen, L., Matsuo, K., Ferris, J. S., Elkin, E. B., Melamed, A., Kong, C. Y., Bickell, N., Myers, E. R., Havrilesky, L. J., Xu, X., Blank, S. V., Hazelton, W. D., Hershman, D. L., & Wright, J. D. (2024). Weight-loss therapy in patients with obesity with endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia and uterine cancer. Gynecologic Oncology, 190, 78–83.
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Northrop, A., Christofferson, A., Umashankar, S., Melisko, M., Castillo, P., Brown, T., Heditsian, D., Brain, S., Simmons, C., Hieken, T., Ruddy, K. J., Mainor, C., Afghahi, A., Tevis, S., Blaes, A., Kang, I., Asare, A., Esserman, L., Hershman, D. L., & Basu, A. (2024). Implementation and impact of an electronic patient reported outcomes system in a phase II multi-site adaptive platform clinical trial for early-stage breast cancer. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
Publication Date
Martinez, A. M., Caetano, S. C., Ribeiro, M. V., Restrepo-Henao, A., Okuda, P. M., Fidalgo, T. M., Surkan, P. J., Silva, L. M., & Martins, S. S. (2024). Internalizing problems can differ in boys and girls since early childhood: Findings from the Child Behavioral Checklist 1.5-5 (CBCL 1.5-5). Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry.
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Basch, C. H., Hillyer, G. C., Gold, B., & Basch, C. E. (2024). Wait times for scheduling appointments with hospital affiliated dermatologists in New York City. Archives of Dermatological Research, 316(8).
Publication Date
Farahani, M., Killian, R., Reid, G. A., Musuka, G., Mugurungi, O., Kirungi, W., Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha, H., El-Sadr, W. M., & Justman, J. (2024). Prevalence of syphilis among adults and adolescents in five sub-Saharan African countries: findings from Population-based HIV Impact Assessment surveys. The Lancet Global Health, 12(9), e1413–e1423.
Publication Date
Thimm-Kaiser, M., Whalen, A. M., Lui, M., Furuya, A., & Zadey, S. (2024). Associations of life course obesity with endometrial cancer: could alternative categorization of BMI change improve inference about cumulative risks? International Journal of Epidemiology, 53(5).
Publication Date