Psychotic Disorders

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Balogun, O., DeTore, N. R., Dokholyan, K., Cather, C., Tepper, M. C., Lanca, M., Mueser, K. T., & Russinova, Z. (2025). Barriers and Facilitators to Motivation for Work and School in First Episode Psychosis: A Qualitative Exploration. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 19(2). Portico.
Publication Date
Soares, B. P., Shih, R. Y., Utukuri, P. S., Adamson, M., Austin, M. J., Brown, R. K. J., Burns, J., Cacic, K., Chu, S., Crone, C., Ivanidze, J., Jackson, C. D., Kalnins, A., Potter, C. A., Rosen, S., Soderlund, K. A., Thaker, A. A., Wang, L. L., & Policeni, B. (2024). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Altered Mental Status, Coma, Delirium, and Psychosis: 2024 Update. Journal of the American College of Radiology, 21(11), S372–S383.
Publication Date
Clelland, J. D., Hesson, H., Ramiah, K., Anderson, J., Thengampallil, A., Girgis, R. R., & Clelland, C. L. (2024). The relationship between COMT, proline, and negative symptoms in clinical high risk and recent psychosis onset. Translational Psychiatry, 14(1).
Publication Date
Alliende, L. M., Strauss, G. P., Yang, L. H., & Mittal, V. A. (2024). Perceptions of stigma in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis and depressive symptomatology. Schizophrenia Research, 269, 79–85.
Publication Date
Egger, J. R., Kaaya, S., Swai, P., Lawala, P., Ndelwa, L., Temu, J., Bukuku, E. S., Lukens, E., Susser, E., Dixon, L., Minja, A., Clari, R., Martinez, A., Headley, J., & Baumgartner, J. N. (2024). Functioning and quality of life among treatment-engaged adults with psychotic disorders in urban Tanzania: Baseline results from the KUPAA clinical trial. PLOS ONE, 19(6), e0304367.
Publication Date
van der Ven, E., Olino, T. M., Diehl, K., Nuñez, S. M., Thayer, G., Bridgwater, M. A., Ereshefsky, S., Musket, C., Lincoln, S. H., Rogers, R. T., Klaunig, M. J., Soohoo, E., DeVylder, J. E., Grattan, R. E., Schiffman, J., Ellman, L. M., Niendam, T. A., & Anglin, D. M. (2024). Ethnoracial Risk Variation Across the Psychosis Continuum in the US. JAMA Psychiatry, 81(5), 447.
Publication Date
Sheitman, A., Bello, I., Montague, E., Scodes, J., Dambreville, R., Wall, M., Nossel, I., & Dixon, L. (2024). Observed Trajectories of Cannabis Use and Concurrent Longitudinal Outcomes in Youth and Young Adults Receiving Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 267, 313–321.
Publication Date
Gao, Y. N., Wang, R., Gu, G., Chung, R., & Olfson, M. (2024). Inpatient antipsychotic medication switching and rehospitalization risk among patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. Schizophrenia Research, 267, 165–172.
Publication Date
Lawrence, R. E., & Appelbaum, P. S. (2024). Ethics in placebo-controlled, acute treatment trials in schizophrenia: Two rival ethical frameworks. Schizophrenia Research, 264, 372–377.
Publication Date
Compton, M. T., Tan de Bibiana, J., & Pope, L. G. (2024). Identifying Individuals With Early Psychosis in Jail: Lessons Learned for Coordinated Specialty Care Services. Psychiatric Services, 75(5), 470–476.
Publication Date
Patel, S. R., Stefancic, A., Bello, I., Pagdon, S., Montague, E., Riefer, M., Lyn, J., Archard, J., Rahim, R., Cabassa, L. J., Mathai, C. M., & Dixon, L. B. (2022). “Everything Changed, Would You Like Me to Elaborate?”: A Qualitative Examination of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Community Participation Among Young Adults with Early Psychosis and Their Families. Community Mental Health Journal, 60(1), 27–36.
Publication Date
Kovess-Masfety, V., Sabawoon, A., Keyes, K., & Karam, E. (2023). Prevalence, risk factors, and comorbidities of psychotic experiences in Afghanistan: a highly stressful environment. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 59(1), 99–109.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Smith, W. R., Appelbaum, P. S., Lebowitz, M. S., Gülöksüz, S., Calkins, M. E., Kohler, C. G., Gur, R. E., & Barzilay, R. (2023). The Ethics of Risk Prediction for Psychosis and Suicide Attempt in Youth Mental Health. The Journal of Pediatrics, 263, 113583.
Publication Date
Ku, B. S., Addington, J., Bearden, C. E., Cadenhead, K. S., Cannon, T. D., Compton, M. T., Cornblatt, B. A., Druss, B. G., Gülöksüz, S., Mathalon, D. H., Perkins, D. O., Tsuang, M. T., Walker, E. F., Woods, S. W., & Carrión, R. E. (2023). Associations Between Childhood Area-Level Social Fragmentation, Maladaptation to School, and Social Functioning Among Healthy Youth and Those at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(6), 1437–1446.
Publication Date
Livne, O., Malte, C. A., Olfson, M., Wall, M. M., Keyes, K. M., Maynard, C., Gradus, J. L., Saxon, A. J., Martins, S. S., Keyhani, S., McDowell, Y., Fink, D. S., Mannes, Z. L., Gutkind, S., & Hasin, D. S. (2024). Trends in Prevalence of Cannabis Use Disorder Among U.S. Veterans With and Without Psychiatric Disorders Between 2005 and 2019. American Journal of Psychiatry, 181(2), 144–152.
Publication Date
Lake, K. N., Wilkins, V. M., Ford, E. B., Parish, S. J., Slattery, R. M., Russ, M. J., & Brody, B. D. (2023). A 23-Year-Old Woman with Psychotic Mania and a Report of Sexual Violence During a Psychiatric Hospitalization. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 31(5), 234–241.
Publication Date
Birkenæs, V., Refsum Bakken, N., Frei, E., Jaholkowski, P., Smeland, O. B., Tesfaye, M., Agartz, I., Susser, E., Bresnahan, M., Røysamb, E., Nordbø Jørgensen, K., Nesvåg, R., Havdahl, A., Andreassen, O. A., & Elken Sønderby, I. (2023). Psychometric Properties and Diagnostic Associations of the Short-Form Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences in a Population-Based Sample of 29 021 Adult Men. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(5), 1229–1238.
Publication Date
Myers, N., Hutnyan, M., Daley, T. C., Bello, I., Chacon, M., Currie, A., Davis, B. J., Dixon, L. B., George, P. E., Giannicchi, A., Kwashie, A. N., McCormick, K. A., Meyer-Kalos, P., Nagendra, A., Nayar, S., Sarpal, D. K., Sepahpour, T. Y., Shapiro, D. I., & Taylor-Zoghby, J. (2023). Pathways Through Early Psychosis Care for U.S. Youths From Ethnically and Racially Minoritized Groups: A Systematic Review. Psychiatric Services, 74(8), 859–868.
Publication Date
Compton, M. T., Pope, L. G., de Bibiana, J. T., Boswell, T., Fu, E., Zern, A., Bello, I., Broussard, B., Ford, E., Jones, N., Monahan Pollard, J., Watson, A. C., & Dixon, L. (2023). Changes in knowledge, behavioural expectations, self‐efficacy, and stigma after an educational campaign about early psychosis for jail correction officers. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(8), 798–806. Portico.
Publication Date
Sturm, E. T., Thomas, M. L., Sares, A. G., Dave, S., Baron, D., Compton, M. T., Palmer, B. W., Jester, D. J., & Jeste, D. V. (2023). Review of Major Social Determinants of Health in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders: II. Assessments. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(4), 851–866.
Publication Date
Jester, D. J., Thomas, M. L., Sturm, E. T., Harvey, P. D., Keshavan, M., Davis, B. J., Saxena, S., Tampi, R., Leutwyler, H., Compton, M. T., Palmer, B. W., & Jeste, D. V. (2023). Review of Major Social Determinants of Health in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Psychotic Disorders: I. Clinical Outcomes. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(4), 837–850.
Publication Date
van der Zeijst, M. C. E., Veling, W., Chiliza, B., & Hoek, H. W. (2023). Traditional and faith-based healthcare in the management of psychotic disorders in Africa: in search for synergy. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 36(4), 337–344.
Publication Date
Pagdon, S., & Jones, N. (2023). Psychosis Outside the Box: A User-Led Project to Amplify the Diversity and Richness of Experiences Described as Psychosis. Psychiatric Services, 74(7), 760–763.
Publication Date
Martínez-Alés, G., Bello, I., Basaraba, C., Van der Ven, E., Mascayano, F., Nossel, I., Labouliere, C., Susser, E., Wall, M., Stanley, B., & Dixon, L. B. (2023). Incidence, prevalence, and trajectories of suicidal ideation among clients enrolled in early intervention services for first episode psychosis in New York State. Schizophrenia Research, 256, 17–25.
Publication Date
Ku, B. S., Walker, E. F., Druss, B. G., Murray, C. R., & Compton, M. T. (2023). Residential instability during adolescence predicts earlier age at onset of psychosis: The moderating role of extraversion. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(5), 527–531. Portico.
Publication Date
Basavaraju, R., France, J., Sigmon, H. C., Girgis, R. R., Brucato, G., Lieberman, J. A., Small, S. A., & Provenzano, F. A. (2023). Increased parietal and occipital lobe gyrification predicts conversion to syndromal psychosis in a clinical high-risk cohort. Schizophrenia Research, 255, 246–255.
Publication Date
Dondé, C., Kantrowitz, J. T., Medalia, A., Saperstein, A. M., Balla, A., Sehatpour, P., Martinez, A., O’Connell, M. N., & Javitt, D. C. (2023). Early auditory processing dysfunction in schizophrenia: Mechanisms and implications. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 148, 105098.
Publication Date
Liu, S., Ludvigsson, J. F., Lichtenstein, P., Gudbjörnsdottir, S., Taylor, M. J., Larsson, H., Kuja-Halkola, R., & Butwicka, A. (2023). Educational Outcomes in Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes and Psychiatric Disorders. JAMA Network Open, 6(4), e238135.
Publication Date
Blanken, M. A. J. T., Oudega, M. L., Hoogendoorn, A. W., Sonnenberg, C. S., Rhebergen, D., Klumpers, U. M. H., Van Diermen, L., Birkenhager, T., Schrijvers, D., Redlich, R., Dannlowski, U., Heindel, W., Coenjaerts, M., Nordanskog, P., Oltedal, L., Kessler, U., Frid, L. M., Takamiya, A., Kishimoto, T., … Dols, A. (2023). Sex-specifics of ECT outcome. Journal of Affective Disorders, 326, 243–248.
Publication Date
Jonokuchi, A. J., Fenster, D. B., McCann, T. A., Gangopadhyay, M., Giordano, M., Maddocks, A. B., Ekladios, M., Turek, C. M., Mroczkowski, M. M., Jamal, N., & Vargas, W. S. (2023). Approach to New-Onset Psychosis in Pediatrics: A Review of Current Practice and an Interdisciplinary Consensus-Driven Clinical Pathway at a Single-Center Institution. Journal of Child Neurology, 38(3–4), 216–222.
Publication Date
Ghose, S. S., George, P., Goldman, H. H., Daley, T. C., Dixon, L. B., Ren, W., Zhu, X., & Rosenblatt, A. (2023). State Mental Health Authority Level of Involvement in Coordinated Specialty Care Clinics and Client Outcomes. Psychiatric Services, 74(3), 250–256.
Publication Date
Becker, T. D., Blasco, D., Burrone, M. S., Dishy, G., Velasco, P., Reginatto, G., Mascayano, F., Wu, M. S., Hu, C., Bharadwaj, S., Khattar, S., Calderon, L., Filgueira, C., Alvarado, R., Susser, E. S., & Yang, L. H. (2023). Stigma toward psychosis in urban Chile: Engaging “what matters most” to resist stigma through recovery-oriented services. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 46(1), 65–73.
Publication Date
Erickson, B. R., Ehrie, J., Murray, S., Dougherty, R. J., Wainberg, M. L., Dixon, L. B., & Goldman, M. L. (2023). A Rapid Review of “Low-Threshold” Psychiatric Medication Prescribing: Considerations for Street Medicine and Beyond. Psychiatric Services, 74(3), 282–291.
Publication Date
Amsalem, D., Jankowski, S. E., Pagdon, S., Valeri, L., Yang, L. H., Markowitz, J. C., Neria, Y., Pescosolido, B. A., Dixon, L. B., & Martin, A. (2023). Selfie Videos to Reduce Stigma and Increase Treatment Seeking Among Youths: Two Noninferiority Randomized Controlled Trials. Psychiatric Services, 74(3), 229–236.
Publication Date
Mavridis, D., Nikolakopoulou, A., Moustaki, I., Chaimani, A., Porcher, R., Boutron, I., & Ravaud, P. (2023). Considering multiple outcomes with different weights informed the hierarchy of interventions in network meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 154, 188–196.
Publication Date
Compton, M. T., Zern, A., Langlois, S., & Ashekun, O. (2022). Associations Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Use Among Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses in Public-Sector Treatment Settings. Community Mental Health Journal, 59(2), 363–369.
Publication Date
Herrera, S. N., Sarac, C., Phili, A., Gorman, J., Martin, L., Lyallpuri, R., Dobbs, M. F., DeLuca, J. S., Mueser, K. T., Wyka, K. E., Yang, L. H., Landa, Y., & Corcoran, C. M. (2023). Psychoeducation for individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: A scoping review. Schizophrenia Research, 252, 148–158.
Publication Date
Rogers, R. T., Marino, L., Scodes, J., Wall, M., Nossel, I., & Dixon, L. (2022). Prevalance and course of tobacco use among individuals receiving coordinated specialty care for first‐episode psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 17(2), 192–201. Portico.
Publication Date
Jankowski, S. E., Yanos, P., Dixon, L. B., & Amsalem, D. (2022). Reducing Public Stigma Towards Psychosis: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Effects of Social Contact Based Brief Video Interventions. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(1), 99–107.
Publication Date
Qi, W., Marx, J., Zingman, M., Li, Y., Petkova, E., Blessing, E., Ardekani, B., Sakalli Kani, A., Cather, C., Freudenreich, O., Holt, D., Zhao, J., Wang, J., & Goff, D. C. (2022). Hippocampal Subfield Volumes Predict Disengagement from Maintenance Treatment in First Episode Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 49(1), 34–42.
Publication Date
Morgan, C., Cohen, A., Esponda, G. M., Roberts, T., John, S., Pow, J. L., Donald, C., Olley, B., Ayinde, O., Lam, J., Poornachandrika, P., Dazzan, P., Gaughran, F., Kannan, P. P., Sudhakar, S., Burns, J., Chiliza, B., Susser, E., Weiss, H. A., … Williams, D. (2023). Epidemiology of Untreated Psychoses in 3 Diverse Settings in the Global South. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(1), 40.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Basaraba, C. N., Scodes, J. M., Dambreville, R., Radigan, M., Dachepally, P., Gu, G., Wang, R., Dixon, L. B., & Wall, M. M. (2023). Prediction Tool for Individual Outcome Trajectories Across the Next Year in First-Episode Psychosis in Coordinated Specialty Care. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(1), 49.
Publication Date
Mascayano, F., Bello, I., Andrews, H., Arancibia, D., Arratia, T., Burrone, M. S., Conover, S., Fader, K., Jorquera, M. J., Gomez, M., Malverde, S., Martínez-Alés, G., Ramírez, J., Reginatto, G., Restrepo-Henao, A., Rosencheck, R. A., Schilling, S., Smith, T. E., Soto-Brandt, G., … Alvarado, R. (2022). OnTrack Chile for people with early psychosis: a study protocol for a Hybrid Type 1 trial. Trials, 23(1).
Publication Date
Mabunda, D., Oliveira, D., Sidat, M., Cournos, F., Wainberg, M., & Mari, J. de J. (2022). Perceptions of Community Health Workers (CHW) on barriers and enablers to care for people with psychosis in rural Mozambique: findings of a focus group discussion study using the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behaviour framework (COM-B framework). Human Resources for Health, 20(1).
Publication Date
George, P., Ghose, S. S., Goldman, H. H., O’Brien, J., Daley, T. C., Dixon, L. B., & Rosenblatt, A. (2022). Growth of Coordinated Specialty Care in the United States With Changes in Federal Funding Policies: 2014–2018. Psychiatric Services, 73(12), 1346–1351.
Publication Date
Deckler, E., Ferland, M., Brazis, S., Mayer, M. R., Carlson, M., & Kantrowitz, J. T. (2022). Challenges and Strategies for the Recruitment of Patients With Schizophrenia in a Research Setting. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 25(11), 924–932.
Publication Date
Mascayano, F., Alvarado, R., Andrews, H. F., Baumgartner, J. N., Burrone, M. S., Cintra, J., Conover, S., Dahl, C. M., Fader, K. M., Gorroochurn, P., Galea, S., Jorquera, M. J., Lovisi, G. M., Mitkiewicz de Souza, F., Pratt, C., Restrepo-Toro, M. E., Rojas, G., Rodrigues Sarução, K., Rosenheck, R., … Susser, E. (2022). A Recovery-Oriented Intervention for People With Psychosis: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychiatric Services, 73(11), 1225–1231.
Publication Date
Ehntholt, A., Frimpong, E. Y., Compton, M. T., Rowan, G. A., Ferdousi, W., Swetnam, H., Chaudhry, S., Radigan, M., Smith, T. E., & Rotter, M. (2022). Prevalence and Correlates of Four Social Determinants in a Statewide Survey of Licensed Mental Health Services. Psychiatric Services, 73(11), 1282–1285.
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