Digital assessment of cognition in neurodegenerative disease: a data driven approach leveraging artificial intelligence

Libon, D. J., Swenson, R., Price, C. C., Lamar, M., Cosentino, S., Bezdicek, O., Kling, M. A., Tobyne, S., Jannati, A., Banks, R., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2024). Digital assessment of cognition in neurodegenerative disease: a data driven approach leveraging artificial intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 15.
David J Libon
Rod Swenson
Catherine C Price
Melissa Lamar
Stephanie Cosentino
Ondrej Bezdicek
Mitchel A Kling
Sean Tobyne
Ali Jannati
Russell Banks
Alvaro Pascual-Leone
Affiliated Authors:
Stephanie Cosentino
Author Keywords:
digital assessment of cognition
executive control
episodic memory
alzheimer's disease
mild cognitive impairment
boston process approach
philadelphia (repeatable) verbal learning test
backward digit span test
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