A multi-organ chip with matured tissue niches linked by vascular flow

Ronaldson-Bouchard, K., Teles, D., Yeager, K., Tavakol, D. N., Zhao, Y., Chramiec, A., Tagore, S., Summers, M., Stylianos, S., Tamargo, M., Lee, B. M., Halligan, S. P., Abaci, E. H., Guo, Z., Jacków, J., Pappalardo, A., Shih, J., Soni, R. K., Sonar, S., … Vunjak-Novakovic, G. (2022). A multi-organ chip with matured tissue niches linked by vascular flow. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 6(4), 351–371. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-022-00882-6
Kacey Ronaldson-Bouchard
Diogo Teles
Keith Yeager
Daniel Naveed Tavakol
Yimu Zhao
Alan Chramiec
Somnath Tagore
Max Summers
Sophia Stylianos
Manuel Tamargo
Busub Marcus Lee
Susan P Halligan
Erbil Hasan Abaci
Zongyou Guo
Joanna Jacków
Alberto Pappalardo
Jerry Shih
Rajesh K Soni
Shivam Sonar
Carrie German
Angela M Christiano
Andrea Califano
Karen K Hirschi
Christopher S Chen
Andrzej Przekwas
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
Affiliated Authors:
Kacey Ronaldson-Bouchard
Diogo Teles
Keith Yeager
Daniel Naveed Tavakol
Yimu Zhao
Alan Chramiec
Somnath Tagore
Max Summers
Sophia Stylianos
Manuel Tamargo
Busub Marcus Lee
Susan P Halligan
Erbil Hasan Abaci
Zongyou Guo
Joanna Jacków
Alberto Pappalardo
Rajesh K Soni
Angela M Christiano
Andrea Califano
Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic
Liver (MeSH)
MicroRNAs (MeSH)
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