Male autism spectrum disorder is linked to brain aromatase disruption by prenatal BPA in multimodal investigations and 10HDA ameliorates the related mouse phenotype

Symeonides, C., Vacy, K., Thomson, S., Tanner, S., Chua, H. K., Dixit, S., Mansell, T., O’Hely, M., Novakovic, B., Herbstman, J. B., Wang, S., Guo, J., Chia, J., Tran, N. T., Hwang, S. E., Britt, K., Chen, F., Kim, T. H., Reid, C. A., … Boon, W. C. (2024). Male autism spectrum disorder is linked to brain aromatase disruption by prenatal BPA in multimodal investigations and 10HDA ameliorates the related mouse phenotype. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Christos Symeonides
Toby Mansell
Martin O'Hely
Boris Novakovic
David Burgner
Mimi L. K. Tang
Richard Saffery
Peter Vuillermin
Anne-Louise Ponsonby
Kristina Vacy
Sarah Thomson
Sam Tanner
Hui Kheng Chua
Shilpi Dixit
Jessalynn Chia
Nhi Thao Tran
Sang Eun Hwang
Feng Chen
Tae Hwan Kim
Christopher A. Reid
Anthony El-Bitar
Gabriel B. Bernasochi
Wah Chin Boon
Yann W. Yap
Chloe J. Love
Peter D. Sly
Julie B. Herbstman
Shuang Wang
Jia Guo
Kara Britt
Vincent R. Harley
Lea M. Durham Delbridge
Leonard C. BIS Investigator Group
Deborah Dewey
Jochen F. Mueller
Nicole Rinehart
Bruce Tonge
Affiliated Authors:
Julie B. Herbstman
Shuang Wang
Jia Guo
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Web of Science

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