Center for Children’s Environmental Health

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Soni, M., Arunachalam, S., Ramarao, M. V. S., Efstathiou, C. I., Rick, C., Buckley, L., Dinesh, C., Willis, M., Perera, F., Kinney, P., Levy, J. I., & Buonocore, J. (2025). A high resolution multipollutant assessment of health damages due to the onroad sector in Boston, Massachusetts. Science of The Total Environment, 969, 178847.
Publication Date
Yang, H., Cohen, JW., Pagliaccio, D., Ramphal, B., Rauh, V., Perera, F., Peterson, BS., Andrews, H., Rundle, AG., Herbstman, J., & Margolis, AE. (2025). Prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, reduced hippocampal subfield volumes, and word reading. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 72, 101508.
Publication Date
Marcelle, ET., Yang, H., Cohen, JW., Ramphal, B., Pagliaccio, D., Rauh, V., Peterson, BS., Perera, F., Andrews, H., Rundle, AG., Herbstman, J., & Margolis, AE. (2025). The role of the hippocampus in working memory and word reading: Novel neural correlates of reading among youth living in the context of economic disadvantage. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 71, 101491.
Publication Date
Perera, F. (2024). Policies to curb fossil fuel pollution and mitigate climate change benefit child and adult health and the economy, but assessments can do better. Environmental Research Letters, 19(11), 111007.
Publication Date
Lau, K., Guo, J., Miao, Y., Ross, Z., Riley, K. W., Wang, S., Herbstman, J., & Perera, F. (2024). Major air pollution and climate policies in NYC and trends in NYC air quality 1998–2021. Frontiers in Public Health, 12.
Publication Date
Perera, F., Miao, Y., Ross, Z., Rauh, V., Margolis, A., Hoepner, L., Riley, K. W., Herbstman, J., & Wang, S. (2024). Prenatal exposure to air pollution during the early and middle stages of pregnancy is associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes at ages 1 to 3 years. Environmental Health, 23(1).
Publication Date
DeSerisy, M., Salas, L., Akhundova, E., Pena, D., Cohen, J. W., Pagliaccio, D., Herbstman, J., Rauh, V., & Margolis, A. E. (2024). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure effects on trajectories of maternal and adolescent mental health. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 18(1).
Publication Date
Kervezee, L., Romijn, M., van de Weijer, K. N. G., Chen, B. S. J., Burchell, G. L., Tollenaar, M. S., Tamayo-Ortiz, M., Philbrook, L. E., de Weerth, C., Cao, Y., Rotteveel, J., Eiden, R. D., Azar, R., Bush, N. R., Chis, A., Kmita, G., Clearfield, M. W., Beijers, R., Gröschl, M., … Finken, M. J. J. (2024). Development of 24-Hour Rhythms in Cortisol Secretion Across Infancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.
Publication Date
Symeonides, C., Vacy, K., Thomson, S., Tanner, S., Chua, H. K., Dixit, S., Mansell, T., O’Hely, M., Novakovic, B., Herbstman, J. B., Wang, S., Guo, J., Chia, J., Tran, N. T., Hwang, S. E., Britt, K., Chen, F., Kim, T. H., Reid, C. A., … Boon, W. C. (2024). Male autism spectrum disorder is linked to brain aromatase disruption by prenatal BPA in multimodal investigations and 10HDA ameliorates the related mouse phenotype. Nature Communications, 15(1).
Publication Date
Riley, K. W., Burke, K., Dixon, H., Holmes, D., Calero, L., Barton, M., Miller, R. L., Bramer, L. M., Waters, K. M., Anderson, K. A., Herbstman, J., & Rohlman, D. (2024). Development and Outcomes of Returning Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Exposure Results in the Washington Heights, NYC Community. Environmental Health Insights, 18.
Publication Date
Foster, S. F., Rundle, A. G., Tsai, I., Genkinger, J. M., Burns, N. R., Hoepner, L. A., Abrego, M. R., Dube, S., Nichols, A. R., Ramirez-Carvey, J., Oberfield, S. E., Hassoun, A., Perera, F., & Widen, E. M. (2024). Postpartum Obesity Is Associated With Increases in Child Adiposity in Midchildhood in a Cohort of Black and Dominican Youth. Current Developments in Nutrition, 8(6), 103770.
Publication Date
Balalian, A. A., Stingone, J. A., Kahn, L. G., Herbstman, J. B., Graeve, R. I., Stellman, S. D., & Factor-Litvak, P. (2024). Perinatal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and child neurodevelopment: A comprehensive systematic review of outcomes and methodological approaches. Environmental Research, 252, 118912.
Publication Date
Berberian, A. G., Perera, F., Arunachalam, S., Levy, J. I., Buckley, L., Arter, C., Coomes, K. E., & Buonocore, J. J. (2024). Children’s health impacts from a proposed decarbonization policy in the transportation sector in the Eastern United States. Environmental Research Letters, 19(4), 044001.
Publication Date
Pac, A., Majewska, R., Nidecka, N., Sochacka-Tatara, E., & Perera, F. P. (2024). Health benefits to the pediatric population from reduction of ambient particulate matter in Krakow, Poland. Environmental Research Letters, 19(4), 044014.
Publication Date
Greenwood, P. B., Cohen, J. W., Liu, R., Hoepner, L., Rauh, V., Herbstman, J., Pagliaccio, D., & Margolis, A. E. (2023). Effects of prenatal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and childhood material hardship on reading achievement in school-age children: A preliminary study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Publication Date
Greenwood, P. B., DeSerisy, M., Koe, E., Rodriguez, E., Salas, L., Perera, F. P., Herbstman, J., Pagliaccio, D., & Margolis, A. E. (2024). Combined and sequential exposure to prenatal second hand smoke and postnatal maternal distress is associated with cingulo-opercular global efficiency and attention problems in school-age children. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 102, 107338.
Publication Date
McLarnan, S. M., Bramer, L. M., Dixon, H. M., Scott, R. P., Calero, L., Holmes, D., Gibson, E. A., Cavalier, H. M., Rohlman, D., Miller, R. L., Kincl, L., Waters, K. M., Anderson, K. A., & Herbstman, J. B. (2024). Predicting personal PAH exposure using high dimensional questionnaire and wristband data. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.
Publication Date
DeSerisy, M., Cohen, J. W., Dworkin, J. D., Stingone, J. A., Ramphal, B., Herbstman, J. B., Pagliaccio, D., & Margolis, A. E. (2023). Early life stress, prenatal secondhand smoke exposure, and the development of internalizing symptoms across childhood. Environmental Health, 22(1).
Publication Date
Miller, R. L., Rivera, J., Lichtiger, L., Govindarajulu, U. S., Jung, K. H., Lovinsky-Desir, S., Perera, F., Balcer Whaley, S., Newman, M., Grant, T. L., McCormack, M., Perzanowski, M., & Matsui, E. C. (2023). Associations between mitochondrial biomarkers, urban residential exposures and childhood asthma outcomes over 6 months. Environmental Research, 239, 117342.
Publication Date
Liu, R., Pagliaccio, D., Herbstman, J. B., Fox, N. A., & Margolis, A. E. (2023). Prenatal exposure to air pollution and childhood internalizing problems: roles of shyness and anterior cingulate cortex activity. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64(7), 1037–1044. Portico.
Publication Date
Lovasi, G. S., Treat, C. A., Fry, D., Shah, I., Clougherty, J. E., Berberian, A., Perera, F. P., & Kioumourtzoglou, M.-A. (2022). Clean fleets, different streets: evaluating the effect of New York City’s clean bus program on changes to estimated ambient air pollution. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 33(3), 332–338.
Publication Date
Medley, E. A., Kruchten, K. E., Spratlen, M. J., Ureño, M., Cole, A., Joglekar, R., & Herbstman, J. B. (2023). Usage of Children’s Makeup and Body Products in the United States and Implications for Childhood Environmental Exposures. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2114.
Publication Date
Coomes, K. E., Buonocore, J. J., Levy, J. I., Arter, C., Arunachalam, S., Buckley, L., Berberian, A., Gunasti, J., & Perera, F. (2022). Assessment of the health benefits to children of a transportation climate policy in New York City. Environmental Research, 215, 114165.
Publication Date
Liu, R., DeSerisy, M., Fox, N. A., Herbstman, J. B., Rauh, V. A., Beebe, B., & Margolis, A. E. (2022). Prenatal exposure to air pollution and maternal stress predict infant individual differences in reactivity and regulation and socioemotional development. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(11), 1359–1367. Portico.
Publication Date
Margolis, A. E., Cohen, J. W., Ramphal, B., Thomas, L., Rauh, V., Herbstman, J., & Pagliaccio, D. (2022). Prenatal Exposure to Air Pollution and Early-Life Stress Effects on Hippocampal Subregional Volumes and Associations With Visuospatial Reasoning. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science, 2(3), 292–300.
Publication Date
Zeinomar, N., Grant-Alfieri, A., Burke, K. R., de Hoz, M., Tehranifar, P., Walker, D. A. H., Morton, T., Shepard, P., Herbstman, J. B., Miller, R. L., Perera, F., & Terry, M. B. (2021). Cancer Risk Reduction Through Education of Adolescents: Development of a Tailored Cancer Risk-Reduction Educational Tool. Journal of Cancer Education, 37(4), 1220–1227.
Publication Date
Dixon, H. M., Bramer, L. M., Scott, R. P., Calero, L., Holmes, D., Gibson, E. A., Cavalier, H. M., Rohlman, D., Miller, R. L., Calafat, A. M., Kincl, L., Waters, K. M., Herbstman, J. B., & Anderson, K. A. (2022). Evaluating predictive relationships between wristbands and urine for assessment of personal PAH exposure. Environment International, 163, 107226.
Publication Date
Margolis, A. E., Liu, R., Conceição, V. A., Ramphal, B., Pagliaccio, D., DeSerisy, M. L., Koe, E., Selmanovic, E., Raudales, A., Emanet, N., Quinn, A. E., Beebe, B., Pearson, B. L., Herbstman, J. B., Rauh, V. A., Fifer, W. P., Fox, N. A., & Champagne, F. A. (2022). Convergent neural correlates of prenatal exposure to air pollution and behavioral phenotypes of risk for internalizing and externalizing problems: Potential biological and cognitive pathways. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 137, 104645.
Publication Date
Widen, E. M., Burns, N., Daniels, M., Backlund, G., Rickman, R., Foster, S., Nichols, A. R., Hoepner, L. A., Kinsey, E. W., Ramirez‐Carvey, J., Hassoun, A., Perera, F. P., Bukowski, R., & Rundle, A. G. (2022). Gestational weight change and childhood body composition trajectories from pregnancy to early adolescence. Obesity, 30(3), 707–717. Portico.
Publication Date
Spratlen, M. J., Perera, F. P., Sjodin, A., Wang, Y., Herbstman, J. B., & Trasande, L. (2022). Understanding the Role of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Stress in the Association between Proximity to the World Trade Center Disaster and Birth Outcomes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), 2008.
Publication Date
Durham, T., Guo, J., Cowell, W., Riley, K. W., Wang, S., Tang, D., Perera, F., & Herbstman, J. B. (2022). Prenatal PM2.5 Exposure in Relation to Maternal and Newborn Telomere Length at Delivery. Toxics, 10(1), 13.
Publication Date