Demographic and health characteristics associated with fish and n-3 fatty acid supplement intake during pregnancy: results from pregnancy cohorts in the ECHO program

Oken, E., Musci, R. J., Westlake, M., Gachigi, K., Aschner, J. L., Barnes, K. L., Bastain, T. M., Buss, C., Camargo, C. A., Cordero, J. F., Dabelea, D., Dunlop, A. L., Ghassabian, A., Hipwell, A. E., Hockett, C. W., Karagas, M. R., Lugo-Candelas, C., Margolis, A. E., O’Connor, T. G., … Lyall, K. (2024). Demographic and health characteristics associated with fish and n-3 fatty acid supplement intake during pregnancy: results from pregnancy cohorts in the ECHO programme. Public Health Nutrition, 27(1).
Emily Oken
Rashelle J. Musci
Matt Westlake
Kennedy Gachigi
Judy L. Aschner
Kathrine L. Barnes
Theresa M. Bastain
Claudia Buß
Carlos A. Camargo
José F. Cordero
Dana Dabelea
Anne L. Dunlop
Akhgar Ghassabian
Alison E. Hipwell
Christine W. Hockett
Margaret R. Karagas
Claudia Lugo‐Candelas
Amy Margolis
Thomas G. O’Connor
Coral L. Shuster
Jennifer K. Straughen
Kristen Lyall
Affiliated Authors:
Amy Margolis
Author Keywords:
n-3 fatty acid
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