Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience

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Orsini, F., Pascente, R., Martucci, A., Palacino, S., Fraser, P., Arancio, O., & Fioriti, L. (2024). SUMO2 rescues neuronal and glial cells from the toxicity of P301L Tau mutant. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 18.
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Riboldi, G. M., Faravelli, I., Rinchetti, P., & Lotti, F. (2023). SMN post-translational modifications in spinal muscular atrophy. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17.
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Jiang, S., Sydney, E. J., Runyan, A. M., Serpe, R., Srikanth, M., Figueroa, H. Y., Yang, M., & Myeku, N. (2024). 5-HT4 receptor agonists treatment reduces tau pathology and behavioral deficit in the PS19 mouse model of tauopathy. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 18.
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Aoun, A., Shetler, O., Raghuraman, R., Rodriguez, G. A., & Hussaini, S. A. (2024). Beyond correlation: optimal transport metrics for characterizing representational stability and remapping in neurons encoding spatial memory. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17.
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Imitola, J., Hollingsworth, E. W., Watanabe, F., Olah, M., Elyaman, W., Starossom, S., Kivisäkk, P., & Khoury, S. J. (2023). Stat1 is an inducible transcriptional repressor of neural stem cells self-renewal program during neuroinflammation. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17.
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Delgardo, M., Tang, A. J., Tudor, T., Pascual-Leone, A., & Connolly, E. S. (2023). Role of gC1qR as a modulator of endothelial cell permeability and contributor to post-stroke inflammation and edema formation. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17.
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Colombo, S., Reddy, H. P., Petri, S., Williams, D. J., Shalomov, B., Dhindsa, R. S., Gelfman, S., Krizay, D., Bera, A. K., Yang, M., Peng, Y., Makinson, C. D., Boland, M. J., Frankel, W. N., Goldstein, D. B., & Dascal, N. (2023). Epilepsy in a mouse model of GNB1 encephalopathy arises from altered potassium (GIRK) channel signaling and is alleviated by a GIRK inhibitor. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17.
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Eigenhuis, K. N., Somsen, H. B., van der Kroeg, M., Smeenk, H., Korporaal, A. L., Kushner, S. A., de Vrij, F. M. S., & van den Berg, D. L. C. (2023). A simplified protocol for the generation of cortical brain organoids. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17.
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Tenza-Ferrer, H., Collodetti, M., Nicolau, E. de S., Birbrair, A., Magno, L. A. V., & Romano-Silva, M. A. (2022). Transiently Nav1.8-expressing neurons are capable of sensing noxious stimuli in the brain. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 16.
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Connor, S. M., Rashid, M., Ryan, K. J., Patel, K., Boyd, J. D., Smith, J., Elyaman, W., Bennett, D. A., & Bradshaw, E. M. (2022). GW5074 Increases Microglial Phagocytic Activities: Potential Therapeutic Direction for Alzheimer’s Disease. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 16.
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Wallings, R. L., Hughes, L. P., Staley, H. A., Simon, Z. D., McFarland, N. R., Alcalay, R. N., Garrido, A., Martí, M. J., Sarró, E. T., Dzamko, N., & Tansey, M. G. (2022). WHOPPA Enables Parallel Assessment of Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 and Glucocerebrosidase Enzymatic Activity in Parkinson’s Disease Monocytes. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 16.
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