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Laleu, B., Rubiano, K., Yeo, T., Hallyburton, I., Anderson, M., Crespo‐Fernandez, B., Gamo, F., Antonova‐Koch, Y., Orjuela‐Sanchez, P., Wittlin, S., Jana, G. P., Maity, B. C., Chenu, E., Duffy, J., Sjö, P., Waterson, D., Winzeler, E., Guantai, E., Fidock, D. A., & Hansson, T. G. (2022). Exploring a Tetrahydroquinoline Antimalarial Hit from the Medicines for Malaria Pathogen Box and Identification of its Mode of Resistance as PfeEF2. ChemMedChem, 17(22). Portico.
Publication Date
Garvey, R. W., Lacivita, E., Niso, M., Duszyńska, B., Harris, P. E., & Leopoldo, M. (2022). Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of a Novel Fluoroprobe for Live Human Islet Cell Imaging of Serotonin 5‐HT1A Receptor. ChemMedChem, 17(10). Portico.
Publication Date