Psychiatric Services
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Appelbaum, P. S. (2025). Electroconvulsive Therapy, Manufacturers’ Liability, and Learned Intermediaries. Psychiatric Services, 76(1), 102–104.
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Columbia Affiliation
Hankerson, S. H., Squirewell, C. T., & Flowers, M. (2025). Evaluating Partnerships Between Faith Communities and the Mental Health Sector. Psychiatric Services, 76(1), 1–1.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Rosenblatt, A., George, P., Ghose, S. S., Zhu, X., Ren, W., Krenzke, T., Opsomer, J., Daley, T., Dixon, L., & Goldman, H. (2024). Fidelity to Common Elements of Coordinated Specialty Care: Outcomes of Clients With First-Episode Psychosis. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Torrey, E. F., & Lieberman, J. (2024). The Underuse of Clozapine and Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Appelbaum, P. S. (2024). “A Liability to the University”—Addressing Student Mental Health Needs on Campus. Psychiatric Services, 75(10), 1053–1055.
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Columbia Affiliation
Bareis, N., Edlund, M., Ringeisen, H., Guyer, H., Dixon, L. B., Olfson, M., Smith, T. E., Chwastiak, L., Monroe-DeVita, M., Swartz, M., Swanson, J., Sinclair Hancq, E., Geiger, P., Kreski, N. T., & Stroup, T. S. (2024). Characterizing Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: Results of the U.S. Mental and Substance Use Disorders Prevalence Study. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Gao, Y. N., & Olfson, M. (2024). High Out-of-Pocket Cost Burden of Mental Health Care for Adult Outpatients in the United States. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Gonzales, L., Saperstein, A. M., Jones, N., Erlich, M. D., & Medalia, A. (2024). Perceived Stigma Toward Cognitive Impairment Among People With Schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Amsalem, D. (2024). Social Media–Based Brief Video Interventions to Support Youths’ Mental Health. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Chen, Q., Gopaldas, M., Castillo, F., Leckman-Westin, E., Nunes, E. V., Levin, F. R., & Finnerty, M. T. (2024). Prevalence of Opioid Use Disorder and Opioid Overdose Rates Among People With Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Alon, N., Perret, S., Cohen, A., Partiquin, M., LeMelle, S., Boyd, C., Aguilera, J., Reat, C., Hough, E., Walsh, J., Dwyer, B., Hogan, J., Smith, A. H., & Torous, J. (2024). Digital Navigator Training to Increase Access to Mental Health Care in Community-Based Organizations. Psychiatric Services, 75(6), 608–611.
Publication Date
Appelbaum, P. S. (2024). Patients’ Suits Against Psychiatrists for Not Preventing the Patients’ Criminal Acts. Psychiatric Services, 75(4), 384–386.
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Columbia Affiliation
Cullen, S. W., Olfson, M., Xie, M., & Marcus, S. C. (2024). Impact of Emergency Department Safety Planning on 30-Day Mental Health Service Use. Psychiatric Services, 75(6), 528–533.
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Columbia Affiliation
Hirschtritt, M. E., Staglin, B., Buttlaire, S., Ahearn, K., Oglesby, S., Dixon, L. B., Shern, D., Ewing, T., & Niendam, T. A. (2024). Reimbursement for a Broader Array of Services in Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Psychosis. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Moreno, M. A., Dixon, L. B., Jankowski, S., Adler, D. A., Berlant, J., Brunette, M. F., Castillo, E. G., Edwards, M. L., Erlich, M. D., First, M. B., Kozloff, N., Oslin, D., Siris, S., & Talley, R. M. (2024). The Need to Adapt the Psychiatric Clinical Assessment to the Digital Age: A Practical Approach. Psychiatric Services.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Zisman-Ilani, Y., Parker, M., Thomas, E. C., Suarez, J., Hurford, I., Bowen, A., Calkins, M., Deegan, P., Nossel, I., & Dixon, L. B. (2024). Usability and Feasibility of the Antipsychotic Medication Decision Aid in a Community Program for First-Episode Psychosis. Psychiatric Services.
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Columbia Affiliation
Pope, L. G., Patel, A., Watson, A. C., & Compton, M. T. (2024). Making Decisions About Calling 988 Versus 911: Understanding End-User Views Before the Launch of 988. Psychiatric Services, 75(7), 646–651.
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Columbia Affiliation
Wai, J. M., Blevins, D., Hunt, T., Gilbert, L., Campbell, A. N. C., Levin, F. R., El-Bassel, N., & Nunes, E. (2024). An Approach to Enhancing Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in the HEALing Communities Study. Psychiatric Services, 75(6), 580–588.
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Columbia Affiliation
Ghose, S. S., George, P., Goldman, H. H., Ren, W., Zhu, X., Dixon, L. B., & Rosenblatt, A. (2024). Community- and Program-Level Predictors of Funding Streams Used by Coordinated Specialty Care Programs. Psychiatric Services, 75(2), 155–160.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Compton, M. T., Tan de Bibiana, J., & Pope, L. G. (2024). Identifying Individuals With Early Psychosis in Jail: Lessons Learned for Coordinated Specialty Care Services. Psychiatric Services, 75(5), 470–476.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Dixon, L. B., Goldman, H. H., & Talbott, J. A. (2024). Continuity and Change: 75 Years of Psychiatric Services. Psychiatric Services, 75(1), 1–2.
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Columbia Affiliation
Mootz, J. J., Chantre, C., Sikkema, K., Greene, M. C., Lovero, K. L., Gouveia, L., Santos, P., Suleman, A., Comé, A. S., Feliciano, P., Uribe-Restrepo, J. M., Sweetland, A. C., Shelton, R. C., Kane, J., Mello, M., Fumo, W., Cadena-Camargo, Y., Weissman, M., & Wainberg, M. L. (2024). Leveraging a Digitized Mental Wellness (DIGImw) Program to Provide Mental Health Care for Internally Displaced People. Psychiatric Services, 75(1), 98–101.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Appelbaum, P. S. (2024). Older Workers, Cognitive Impairment, and Discrimination. Psychiatric Services, 75(1), 87–89.
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Columbia Affiliation
Amsalem, D., Jankowski, S. E., Pagdon, S., Markowitz, J. C., Martin, A., & Dixon, L. B. (2024). Stigma Reduction Via Brief Video Interventions: Comparing Presentations by an Actor Versus a Person With Lived Experience. Psychiatric Services, 75(5), 485–488.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Kozelka, E. E., Acquilano, S. C., Al-Abdulmunem, M., Guarino, S., Elwyn, G., Drake, R. E., & Carpenter-Song, E. (2024). Digital Mental Health and Its Discontents: Assumptions About Technology That Create Barriers to Equitable Access. Psychiatric Services, 75(3), 299–302.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Young, A. S., Findling, R. L., Riehm, K. E., Seegan, P., Crum, R. M., Mojtabai, R., Chiappini, E. A., Youngstrom, E. A., Fristad, M. A., Arnold, L. E., Birmaher, B., & Horwitz, S. M. (2023). Adequacy of Children’s Psychopharmacology Services: Variations by Race and Clinical Characteristics. Psychiatric Services, 74(12), 1218–1226.
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Columbia Affiliation
Compton, M. T. (2023). Food and Nutrition Insecurity: A Social Determinant Hungry for Attention by Mental Health Professionals. Psychiatric Services, 74(12), 1303–1306.
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Columbia Affiliation
Gopaldas, M., Wenzel, K., Campbell, A. N. C., Jalali, A., Fishman, M., Rotrosen, J., Nunes, E. V., & Murphy, S. M. (2023). Impact of Medication-Based Treatment on Health Care Utilization Among Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder. Psychiatric Services, 74(12), 1227–1233.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Patel, S. R., La Fleur, R., Margolies, P. J., Simpson, H. B., Dixon, L. B., Myers, R. W., Bond, G. R., & Drake, R. E. (2024). Evidence-Based Supported Employment for Individuals With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Psychiatric Services, 75(4), 381–383.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Ehntholt, A., Rodgers, I. T., Lekas, H.-M., Lewis-Fernández, R., Samaranayake, D., Anderson, A., Capobianco, L., Cohen, D. E., Feeney, S., Leckman-Westin, E., Marinovic, S., Pritam, R., Chen, S., Smith, T. E., Dixon, L. B., & Saake, A. (2024). Disparities in COVID-19–Related Psychological Distress Among Recipients of a State’s Public Mental Health Services. Psychiatric Services, 75(5), 444–450.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Tepper, M. C., Leckman-Westin, E., Sosiak, R., & Smith, T. E. (2024). Workforce Monitoring: Staffing Patterns in the Public Mental Health Workforce in New York State, 2009–2021. Psychiatric Services, 75(1), 81–82.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Pope, L. G., Patel, A., Fu, E., Zingman, M., Warnock, A., Ellis, S., Ashekun, O., Watson, A., Wood, J., & Compton, M. T. (2023). Crisis Response Model Preferences of Mental Health Care Clients With Prior Misdemeanor Arrests and of Their Family and Friends. Psychiatric Services, 74(11), 1163–1170.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Patel, S. R., Messner, G. R., Radigan, M., Sang, Y., Wang, R., Gu, G., Myers, R. W., Dixon, L. B., & Simpson, H. B. (2023). Retrospective State Medicaid Claims Analysis of Children and Adults With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Psychiatric Services, 74(11), 1185–1188.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Amsalem, D., Fisch, C. T., Wall, M., Choi, C. J., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., LeBeau, M., Hinds, M., Thompson, K., Fisher, P. W., Smith, T. E., Hankerson, S. H., Lewis-Fernández, R., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2023). Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Among Young U.S. Essential Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychiatric Services, 74(10), 1010–1018.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Compton, M. T., Cohen, D. E., Farland, G., En Fu, Gerstler, C., Pope, L. G., & Rotter, M. (2023). Improving Nutrition Security for Individuals With Serious Mental Illnesses: A Partnership of Public and Nonprofit Agencies. Psychiatric Services, 74(10), 1092–1095.
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Columbia Affiliation
Appelbaum, P. S. (2023). Preventing Abuses in Guardianship Cases. Psychiatric Services, 74(10), 1108–1111.
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Columbia Affiliation
Covell, N. H., Patel, S. R., Margolies, P. J., Hinds, M. T., Lopez, L. O., & Dixon, L. B. (2024). Support From Intermediary Organizations for Evidence-Based Practices in Behavioral Health Care. Psychiatric Services, 75(2), 191–193.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Kandula, S., Higgins, J., Goldstein, A., Gould, M. S., Olfson, M., Keyes, K. M., & Shaman, J. (2023). Trends in Crisis Hotline Call Rates and Suicide Mortality in the United States. Psychiatric Services, 74(9), 978–981.
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Columbia Affiliation
First, M. B., Clarke, D. E., Yousif, L., Eng, A. M., Gogtay, N., & Appelbaum, P. S. (2023). DSM-5-TR: Rationale, Process, and Overview of Changes. Psychiatric Services, 74(8), 869–875.
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Columbia Affiliation
Samaranayake, D. P., Feeney, S. B., Baker, T., Hans, J. J., Jacobs, D., & Compton, M. T. (2023). Overrepresentation of In-Home, Natural Deaths Among Individuals Treated for Mental Illnesses in New York State. Psychiatric Services, 74(8), 885–888.
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Columbia Affiliation
Myers, N., Hutnyan, M., Daley, T. C., Bello, I., Chacon, M., Currie, A., Davis, B. J., Dixon, L. B., George, P. E., Giannicchi, A., Kwashie, A. N., McCormick, K. A., Meyer-Kalos, P., Nagendra, A., Nayar, S., Sarpal, D. K., Sepahpour, T. Y., Shapiro, D. I., & Taylor-Zoghby, J. (2023). Pathways Through Early Psychosis Care for U.S. Youths From Ethnically and Racially Minoritized Groups: A Systematic Review. Psychiatric Services, 74(8), 859–868.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Walkup, J., Thomas, M. D., Vittinghoff, E., Hermida, R., Crystal, S., Arnold, E. A., Dahiya, P., Olfson, M., Cournos, F., Dawson, L., Dilley, J., Bazazi, A., & Mangurian, C. (2023). Characteristics and Trends in HIV Testing Among Medicaid Enrollees Diagnosed as Having Schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services, 74(7), 709–717.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Smith, T. E., Corbeil, T., Wall, M. M., Tang, F., Essock, S. M., Frimpong, E., Goldman, M. L., Mascayano, F., Radigan, M., Wang, R., Rodgers, I., Dixon, L. B., Olfson, M., & Lewis-Fernández, R. (2023). Community, Hospital, and Patient Factors Contributing to Ethnoracial Disparities in Follow-Up After Psychiatric Hospitalization. Psychiatric Services, 74(7), 684–694.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Appelbaum, P. S. (2023). Prosecutors, Judges, and the Punishment of Mental Illness. Psychiatric Services, 74(7), 778–780.
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Columbia Affiliation
Pagdon, S., & Jones, N. (2023). Psychosis Outside the Box: A User-Led Project to Amplify the Diversity and Richness of Experiences Described as Psychosis. Psychiatric Services, 74(7), 760–763.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Olfson, M., Zuvekas, S. H., McClellan, C., Wall, M. M., Hankerson, S. H., & Blanco, C. (2023). Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Outpatient Mental Health Care in the United States. Psychiatric Services, 74(7), 674–683.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Tepper, M. C., & Farb, E. D. (2023). The Behavioral Health Workforce Crisis and the Need for Complex, Adaptive Change. Psychiatric Services, 74(7), 772–773.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Presskreischer, R., Barry, C. L., Lawrence, A. K., McCourt, A., Mojtabai, R., & McGinty, E. E. (2023). Enforcement of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act: State Insurance Commissioners’ Statutory Capacity. Psychiatric Services, 74(6), 652–655.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Olfson, M., Mauro, C., Wall, M. M., Barry, C. L., Choi, C. J., & Mojtabai, R. (2023). Medicaid Expansion and Racial-Ethnic Health Care Coverage Disparities Among Low-Income Adults With Substance Use Disorders. Psychiatric Services, 74(6), 604–613.
Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Drake, R. E., Bond, G. R., & Mascayano, F. (2023). Modification of the Individual Placement and Support Model of Supported Employment. Psychiatric Services, 74(6), 656–658.
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Columbia Affiliation