Crisis Response Model Preferences of Mental Health Care Clients With Prior Misdemeanor Arrests and of Their Family and Friends

Pope, L. G., Patel, A., Fu, E., Zingman, M., Warnock, A., Ellis, S., Ashekun, O., Watson, A., Wood, J., & Compton, M. T. (2023). Crisis Response Model Preferences of Mental Health Care Clients With Prior Misdemeanor Arrests and of Their Family and Friends. Psychiatric Services, 74(11), 1163–1170.
Leah G Pope
Ashnee Patel
En Fu
Michael Zingman
Amanda Warnock
Samantha Ellis
Oluwaytoyin Ashekun
Amy Watson
Jennifer Wood
Michael T Compton
Affiliated Authors:
Leah G Pope
Ashnee Patel
En Fu
Michael Zingman
Amanda Warnock
Samantha Ellis
Oluwaytoyin Ashekun
Amy Watson
Jennifer Wood
Michael T Compton
Author Keywords:
criminal justice involvement
crisis intervention
crisis response
mental health crisis
police response
serious mental illness
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