Journal of Medical Virology
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Tai, C. G., Haviland, M. J., Kissler, S. M., Lucia, R. M., Merson, M., Maragakis, L. L., Ho, D. D., Anderson, D. J., DiFiori, J., Grubaugh, N. D., Grad, Y. H., & Mack, C. D. (2024). Low antibody levels associated with significantly increased rate of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in a highly vaccinated population from the US National Basketball Association. Journal of Medical Virology, 96(3). Portico.
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Truong, T. C., Park, H., Kim, J., Tran, V. T., & Kim, W. (2024). The evolutionary phylodynamics of human parechovirus A type 3 reveal multiple recombination events in South Korea. Journal of Medical Virology, 96(2). Portico.
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Souza, M. S., Farias, J. P., Andreata‐Santos, R., Silva, M. P., Brito, R. D. da S., Duarte Barbosa da Silva, M., Peter, C. M., Cirilo, M. V. de F., Luiz, W. B., Birbrair, A., Vidal, P. O., de Castro‐Amarante, M. F., Candido, E. D., Munhoz, A. S., de Mello Malta, F., Dorlass, E. G., Machado, R. R. G., Pinho, J. R. R., Oliveira, D. B. L., … Amorim, J. H. (2024). Neutralizing antibody response after immunization with a COVID‐19 bivalent vaccine: Insights to the future. Journal of Medical Virology, 96(2). Portico.
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Briese, T., Tokarz, R., Bateman, L., Che, X., Guo, C., Jain, K., Kapoor, V., Levine, S., Hornig, M., Oleynik, A., Quan, P., Wong, W. H., Williams, B. L., Vernon, S. D., Klimas, N. G., Peterson, D. L., Montoya, J. G., & Ian Lipkin, W. (2023). A multicenter virome analysis of blood, feces, and saliva in myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(8). Portico.
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Ishisaka, Y., Aikawa, T., Malik, A., Kampaktsis, P. N., Briasoulis, A., & Kuno, T. (2023). Association of Remdesivir use with bradycardia: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(8). Portico.
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Gao, R., Wang, Z., Uprety, T., Sreenivasan, C. C., Sheng, Z., Hause, B. M., Brunick, C., Wu, H., Luke, T., Bausch, C. L., Sullivan, E. J., Hoppe, A. D., Huber, V. C., Wang, D., & Li, F. (2023). A fully human monoclonal antibody possesses antibody‐dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) activity against the H1 subtype of influenza A virus by targeting a conserved epitope at the HA1 protomer interface. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(7). Portico.
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Ranard, B. L., Chow, C. C., Megjhani, M., Asgari, S., Park, S., & Vodovotz, Y. (2023). A mathematical model of SARS‐CoV‐2 immunity predicts paxlovid rebound. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(6). Portico.
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Ahmed, F., Kang, I. S., Kim, K. H., Asif, A., Rahim, C. S. A., Samantasinghar, A., Memon, F. H., & Choi, K. H. (2023). Drug repurposing for viral cancers: A paradigm of machine learning, deep learning, and virtual screening‐based approaches. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(4). Portico.
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Yao, M., Huang, X., Guo, Y., Zhao, J. V., & Liu, Z. (2023). Disentangling the common genetic architecture and causality of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus with COVID‐19 outcomes: Genome‐wide cross trait analysis and bidirectional Mendelian randomization study. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(2). Portico.
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Farias, J. P., Pinheiro, J. R., Andreata‐Santos, R., Fogaça, M. M. C., da Silva Brito, R. D., da Cruz, E. F., de Castro‐Amarante, M. F., Pereira, S. S., dos Santos Almeida, S., Moreira, L. M., da Conceição Simões, R., Luiz, W. B., Birbrair, A., Belmok, A., Ribeiro, B. M., Maricato, J. T., Braconi, C. T., de Souza Ferreira, L. C., Janini, L. M. R., & Amorim, J. H. (2023). The third vaccine dose significantly reduces susceptibility to the B.1.1.529 (Omicron) SARS‐CoV‐2 variant. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(2). Portico.
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Jiang, W., Johnson, D., Adekunle, R., Heather, H., Xu, W., Cong, X., Wu, X., Fan, H., Andersson, L., Robertson, J., & Gisslén, M. (2022). COVID‐19 is associated with bystander polyclonal autoreactive B cell activation as reflected by a broad autoantibody production, but none is linked to disease severity. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(1). Portico.
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Li, D., Thomas, C., Shrivastava, N., Gersten, A., Gadsden, N., Schlecht, N., Kawachi, N., Schiff, B. A., Smith, R. V., Rosenblatt, G., Augustine, S., Gavathiotis, E., Burk, R., Prystowsky, M. B., Guha, C., Mehta, V., & Ow, T. J. (2023). Establishment of a diverse head and neck squamous cancer cell bank using conditional reprogramming culture methods. Journal of Medical Virology, 95(2). Portico.
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Yu, J., Huang, C., Wang, Z., Kaushik, R. S., Sheng, Z., Li, F., & Wang, D. (2022). Development and characterization of an inducible assay system to measure Zika virus capsid interactions. Journal of Medical Virology, 94(11), 5392–5400. Portico.
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