
Displaying 1 - 33 of 33
Kim, Y. E., Dobko, M., Li, H., Shao, T., Periyakoil, P., Tipton, C., Colasacco, C., Serpedin, A., Elemento, O., Sabuncu, M., Pitman, M., Sulica, L., & Rameau, A. (2025). A Deep‐Learning Model for Multi‐class Audio Classification of Vocal Fold Pathologies in Office Stroboscopy. The Laryngoscope. Portico.
Publication Date
Handal, K., Koehnke, J., McInerney, M., Besing, J., & Lalwani, A. K. (2024). The Effect of Ear Covering on Sound Localization and Speech Intelligibility in Operating Room. The Laryngoscope. Portico.
Publication Date
Ahmed, I., Yu, M., Chaves, V., Xu, R., Lavallée, A., Warmingham, J. M., Firestein, M., Kyle, M. H., Fisher, K., Merriman, E. T., Rodriguez, C., Mace, W., Fernandez, C., Dumitriu, D., & Lalwani, A. K. (2024). Risk of Hearing Loss in Neonates and Toddlers with in Utero Exposure to SARS‐CoV‐2. The Laryngoscope. Portico.
Publication Date
Rameau, A., Tucker, L. H., Denham, M. W., Kang, Y. J., Choi, N., Lachs, M., Rosen, T. E., Stewart, M., Czaja, S., & Golub, J. S. (2024). Voice Disorders and Hearing Loss May Be Additive Risk Factors for Depression in a National Cohort. The Laryngoscope, 134(9), 4060–4065. Portico.
Publication Date
Kemfack, A. M., Hernandez‐Morato, I., Moayedi, Y., & Pitman, M. J. (2024). Transcriptome Analysis of Left Versus Right Intrinsic Laryngeal Muscles Associated with Innervation. The Laryngoscope, 134(8), 3741–3753. Portico.
Publication Date
Doruk, C., Kennedy, E. L., Tipton, C., Abdel‐Aty, Y., & Pitman, M. J. (2024). Botulinum Toxin Injection for Retrograde Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction: A Prospective Cohort Study. The Laryngoscope. Portico.
Publication Date
Beswick, D. M., Liu, C. M., Overdevest, J. B., Zemke, A., Khatiwada, A., Gudis, D. A., Miller, J. E., Kimple, A., Tervo, J. P., DiMango, E., Goralski, J. L., Keating, C., Senior, B., Stapleton, A. L., Eshaghian, P. H., Mace, J. C., Markarian, K., Alt, J. A., Bodner, T. E., … Taylor Cousar, J. L. (2024). Predictors of Sinonasal Improvement After Highly Effective Modulator Therapy in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis. The Laryngoscope. Portico.
Publication Date
Santapuram, P., Tierney, W. S., Huang, L., Chen, S., Berry, L. D., Francis, D. O., & Gelbard, A. (2024). Impact of Procedural Variation in Endoscopic Dilation for Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis. The Laryngoscope, 134(7), 3260–3266. Portico.
Publication Date
Doruk, C., Curtis, J. A., Dakin, A. E., & Troche, M. S. (2023). Cough and Swallowing Therapy and Their Effects on Vocal Fold Bowing and Laryngeal Lesions. The Laryngoscope, 134(3), 1127–1132. Portico.
Publication Date
Pennington‐FitzGerald, W., Joshi, A., Honzel, E., Hernandez‐Morato, I., Pitman, M. J., & Moayedi, Y. (2023). Development and Application of Automated Vocal Fold Tracking Software in a Rat Surgical Model. The Laryngoscope, 134(1), 340–346. Portico.
Publication Date
Doruk, C., & Pitman, M. J. (2023). Lateral Transcervical In‐office Botulinum Toxin Injection for Retrograde Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction. The Laryngoscope, 134(1), 283–286. Portico.
Publication Date
Feng, S. J., Leong, S., Aksit, A., Hébert, D., Olson, E. S., Kysar, J. W., & Lalwani, A. K. (2023). Physiologic Effects of Microneedle‐Mediated Intracochlear Dexamethasone Injection in the Guinea Pig. The Laryngoscope, 134(1), 388–392. Portico.
Publication Date
Honzel, E., Hernandez‐Morato, I., Joshi, A., Pennington‐Fitzgerald, W., Moayedi, Y., & Pitman, M. J. (2023). Temporal Expression of Hox Genes and Phox2b in the Rat Nucleus Ambiguus During Development: Implications on Laryngeal Innervation. The Laryngoscope, 133(12), 3462–3471. Portico.
Publication Date
Kelly, S. M., Kim, A. H., & Lalwani, A. K. (2023). Does Intraoperative Electrocochleography Improve Hearing Preservation in Cochlear Implantation? The Laryngoscope, 134(4), 1496–1497. Portico.
Publication Date
Riley, C. A., & Gudis, D. A. (2023). Is There a Role for Adjuvant Therapy in Patients with Large Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibromas? The Laryngoscope, 133(11), 2831–2833. Portico.
Publication Date
Brewer, D. M., Bernstein, C. M., Calandrillo, D., Muscato, N., Introcaso, K., Bosworth, C., Olson, A., Vovos, R., Stillitano, G., & Sydlowski, S. (2023). Teledelivery of Aural Rehabilitation to Improve Cochlear Implant Outcomes. The Laryngoscope, 134(4), 1861–1867. Portico.
Publication Date
Alter, I. L., Hamiter, M., & Lalwani, A. K. (2023). Is Hyperbaric Oxygen Effective in the Treatment of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss? The Laryngoscope, 134(2), 504–506. Portico.
Publication Date
Axiotakis, L. G., Enver, N., Kennedy, E. L., Duncan, K. A., & Pitman, M. J. (2023). Duration of Clinical Response After In‐Office Steroid Injection for Vocal Fold Scar. The Laryngoscope, 133(9), 2333–2339. Portico.
Publication Date
Blount, Q., Hernandez‐Morato, I., Moayedi, Y., & Pitman, M. J. (2022). Expression of Glial Cell‐Derived Neurotrophic Factor Receptors Within Nucleus Ambiguus During Rat Development. The Laryngoscope, 133(9), 2240–2247. Portico.
Publication Date
Liebowitz, A., Spielman, D. B., Schlosser, R. J., Stewart, M. G., & Gudis, D. A. (2022). Demographic Disparities in the Federal Drug Approval Process for Allergic Rhinitis Medications. The Laryngoscope, 133(4), 755–763. Portico.
Publication Date
Cole, C. L., Yu, V. X., Perry, S., Seenauth, A., Lumpkin, E. A., Troche, M. S., Pitman, M. J., & Moayedi, Y. (2022). Healthy Human Laryngopharyngeal Sensory Innervation Density Correlates with Age. The Laryngoscope, 133(4), 773–784. Portico.
Publication Date
Irace, A. L., Sharma, R. K., Smith, T. L., Stewart, M. G., & Gudis, D. A. (2022). Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Rhinologic Cancer Presentation, Treatment, and Outcomes. The Laryngoscope, 133(1), 43–50. Portico.
Publication Date
Kelebeyev, S., Davison, W., Ford, B. L., Pitman, M. J., & Bulman, W. A. (2022). The Effects of Endotracheal Tube Size During Bronchoscopy in Simulated Models of Intubated Patients. The Laryngoscope, 133(1), 147–153. Portico.
Publication Date
Chillakuru, Y. R., Gerhard, E. F., Shim, T., Selesnick, S. H., Lustig, L. R., Krouse, J. H., Hanna, E. Y., Smith, T. L., Fisher, E. W., Kerschner, J. E., & Monfared, A. (2021). Impact of COVID‐19 on Otolaryngology Literature. The Laryngoscope, 132(7), 1364–1373. Portico.
Publication Date
Yang, N., Feldstein, N. A., & Gudis, D. A. (2022). A Modified Endoscopic Draf III Approach in the Non‐Pneumatized Frontal Bone for Dermoid Cysts. The Laryngoscope, 132(8), 1530–1531. Portico.
Publication Date
Teh, B. M., & Lalwani, A. K. (2021). Does Stereotactic Radiosurgery Worsen Vestibular Symptoms In Patients With Vestibular Schwannoma? The Laryngoscope, 132(3), 497–498. Portico.
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