Combined and sequential exposure to prenatal second hand smoke and postnatal maternal distress is associated with cingulo-opercular global efficiency and attention problems in school-age children

Greenwood, P. B., DeSerisy, M., Koe, E., Rodriguez, E., Salas, L., Perera, F. P., Herbstman, J., Pagliaccio, D., & Margolis, A. E. (2024). Combined and sequential exposure to prenatal second hand smoke and postnatal maternal distress is associated with cingulo-opercular global efficiency and attention problems in school-age children. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 102, 107338.
Paige B Greenwood
Mariah DeSerisy
Emily Koe
Elizabeth Rodriguez
Leilani Salas
Frederica P Perera
Julie Herbstman
David Pagliaccio
Amy E Margolis
Affiliated Authors:
Paige B Greenwood
Mariah DeSerisy
Frederica P Perera
Julie Herbstman
Amy E Margolis
Author Keywords:
secondhand smoke exposure
maternal distress
cognitive control
cinguloopercular network
school-age children
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