
Displaying 1 - 38 of 38CSV

Zhang, D. A., Stephan, S. R., Cho, R. H., Luong, M., Nigh, E. D., Spine, S., & Poon, S. (2024). The Efficacy of Prophylactic Vancomycin in Decreasing Surgical Site Infections in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients: A Large Multicenter Cohort Study. The Iowa orthopaedic journal, 44(2), 93–99.

Publication Date
Columbia Affiliation
Fisher, S., Chihuri, S., Guglielminotti, J., Li, G., & Eisler, L. (2024). Racial and ethnic differences in transfusion rates in adolescent scoliosis surgery: Preoperative anemia as a mediator of disparity. Transfusion, 64(11), 2124–2132. Portico.
Publication Date

Malka, M. S., Givens, R. R., Zervos, T. M., Berube, E., Lu, K., Bainton, N., Vitale, M. G., & Roye, B. D. (2024). Spontaneous Resolution of Kyphoscoliosis Secondary to Guillain-Barre Syndrome. JBJS Case Connector, 14(3).

Publication Date
Nnake, C. O., Concepcion-Gonzalez, A., Malka, M. S., Berube, E., Ferris, A., Bainton, N., Vitale, M. G., & Roye, B. D. (2024). Preoperative Echocardiogram Does Not Contribute to Surgical Risk Assessment in Patients With Large Curve Scoliosis and No Cardiac Risk Factors. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 44(7), 443–447.
Publication Date
Heffernan, M. J., Leonardi, C., Andras, L. M., Fontenot, B., Drake, L., Pahys, J. M., Smith, J. T., Sturm, P. F., Thompson, G. H., Glotzbecker, M. P., Tetreault, T. A., Roye, B. D., & Li, Y. (2024). Lowest instrumented vertebrae in early onset scoliosis: is there a role for a more selective approach? Spine Deformity, 12(4), 1145–1153.
Publication Date
Bonsignore-Opp, L., Malka, M. S., Ball, J., Simhon, M. E., Matsumoto, H., Sturm, P., Pahys, J. M., Vitale, M. G., Larson, A. N., & Roye, B. D. (2024). Institutional Variability in Anesthesia Time for Mehta Casting in Early-Onset Scoliosis (EOS). Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 44(5), 297–302.
Publication Date
Gupta, M. C., Lenke, L. G., Gupta, S., Farooqi, A. S., Boachie-Adjei, O., Erickson, M. A., Newton, P. O., Samdani, A. F., Shah, S. A., Shufflebarger, H. L., Sponseller, P. D., Sucato, D. J., & Kelly, M. P. (2023). Intraoperative neuromonitoring predicts postoperative deficits in severe pediatric spinal deformity patients. Spine Deformity, 12(1), 109–118.
Publication Date
Gupta, M. C., Lenke, L. G., Gupta, S., Farooqi, A. S., Asghar, J. K., Boachie-Adjei, O., Cahill, P. J., Erickson, M. A., Garg, S., Newton, P. O., Samdani, A. F., Shah, S. A., Shufflebarger, H. L., Sponseller, P. D., Sucato, D. J., Bumpass, D. B., McCarthy, R. E., Yaszay, B., … Pahys, J. M. (2023). Perioperative Complications and Health-related Quality of Life Outcomes in Severe Pediatric Spinal Deformity. Spine, 48(21), 1492–1499.
Publication Date
Mohanty, S., Mikhail, C., Lai, C., Hassan, F. M., Stephan, S., Lewerenz, E., Sardar, Z. M., Lehman, R. A., & Lenke, L. G. (2023). Do adult spinal deformity patients who achieve and maintain PI–LL < 10 have better patient-reported and clinical outcomes compared to patients with PI–LL ≥ 10? A propensity score-matched analysis. Spine Deformity, 12(1), 209–219.
Publication Date
Lin, J. D., Schupper, A. J., Matthew, J., Lee, N., Osorio, J. A., Marciano, G., Lombardi, J. M., Sardar, Z., Lehman, R. A., & Lenke, L. G. (2023). A New Objective Radiographic Criteria for Diagnosis of Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis: Apical Pedicle Diameter Asymmetry. World Neurosurgery, 178, e141–e146.
Publication Date
Diebo, B. G., Tataryn, Z., Alsoof, D., Lafage, R., Hart, R. A., Passias, P. G., Ames, C. P., Scheer, J. K., Lewis, S. J., Shaffrey, C. I., Burton, D. C., Deviren, V., Line, B. G., Soroceanu, A., Hamilton, D. K., Klineberg, E. O., Mundis, G. M., Kim, H. J., … Gum, J. L. (2023). Height Gain Following Correction of Adult Spinal Deformity. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 105(18), 1410–1419.
Publication Date
Gupta, A., Badin, D., Leland, C. R., Vitale, M. G., & Sponseller, P. D. (2023). Updating the Evidence: Systematic Literature Review of Risk Factors and Strategies for Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Surgical Site Infection After Pediatric Scoliosis Surgery. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 43(8), e657–e668.
Publication Date
Fano, A. N., Quan, T., Bonsignore-Opp, L., Roye, B. D., Vitale, M. G., & Matsumoto, H. (2023). Evaluating consensus and uncertainty among treatment options for early-onset scoliosis: new generation and international perspectives. Spine Deformity, 11(5), 1271–1282.
Publication Date
Coury, J. R., Sardar, Z. M., Shen, Y., Ren, M., Hosein-Woodley, R., & Lenke, L. G. (2023). Risk factors for proximal junctional kyphosis in a multicenter study of Lenke type 5 and 6 adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients. Spine Deformity, 12(1), 173–180.
Publication Date
Echt, M., Bakare, A. A., Varela, J. R., Platt, A., Abdul Sami, M., Molenda, J., Kerolus, M., & Fessler, R. G. (2023). Comparison of minimally invasive decompression alone versus minimally invasive short-segment fusion in the setting of adult degenerative lumbar scoliosis: a propensity score–matched analysis. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 1–10.
Publication Date
Li, Y., Yang, D., Bergman, R., Jha, S., Casden, M., Smith, J. T., Vitale, M., Heffernan, M., Abdullah, A. S. A., Ahn, E., Akbarnia, B., Akoto, H., Albanese, S., Anari, J., Anderson, J., Anderson, R., Andras, L., Bauer, J., … Zhang, T. J. (2023). Preoperative left shoulder elevation > 1 cm is predictive of severe postoperative shoulder imbalance in early onset idiopathic scoliosis patients treated with growth-friendly instrumentation. Spine Deformity, 11(5), 1157–1167.
Publication Date
Mohanty, S., Lai, C., Mikhail, C., Greisberg, G., Hassan, F. M., Stephan, S. R., Sardar, Z. M., Lehman, R. A., & Lenke, L. G. (2023). Outcomes and reoperation rates of adult spinal deformity patients with baseline sagittal malalignment based on the cranial axis to the hip at 2 years postoperatively. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 1–10.
Publication Date
Mohanty, S., Hassan, F. M., Lenke, L. G., Burton, D., Daniels, A. H., Gupta, M. C., Kebaish, K. M., Kelly, M., Kim, H. J., Klineberg, E. O., Passias, P. G., Protopsaltis, T., Schwab, F., Shaffrey, C. I., Smith, J. S., Line, B. G., Lafage, R., Lafage, V., & Bess, S. (2023). Patient and procedural risk factors for decline in lower-extremity motor scores following adult spinal deformity surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 1–11.
Publication Date
Lertudomphonwanit, T., Gupta, M. C., Theologis, A. A., Jauregui, J. J., Lenke, L. G., Bridwell, K. H., Wondra, J. P., & Kelly, M. P. (2023). Mechanical complications and patient-reported outcome measures associated with high pelvic incidence and persistent pelvic retroversion: the Roussouly “false type 2” profile. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 1–6.
Publication Date
Zapata, K. A., Dieckmann, R. J., Hresko, M. T., Sponseller, P. D., Vitale, M. G., Glassman, S. D., Smith, B. G., Jo, C.-H., & Sucato, D. J. (2023). A United States multi-site randomized control trial of Schroth-based therapy in adolescents with mild idiopathic scoliosis. Spine Deformity, 11(4), 861–869.
Publication Date
Iyer, R. R., Fano, A. N., Matsumoto, H., Sinha, R., Roye, B. D., Vitale, M. G., & Anderson, R. C. E. (2022). Younger age at spinal cord detethering is potentially associated with a reduced risk of curve progression in children with early onset scoliosis. Spine Deformity, 11(3), 739–745.
Publication Date
Viraraghavan, G., Cahill, P. J., Vitale, M. G., Williams, B. A., & Balasubramanian, S. (2023). Automated Clustering Technique (ACT) for Early Onset Scoliosis: A preliminary report. Spine Deformity, 11(3), 723–731.
Publication Date
Quan, T., Matsumoto, H., Bonsignore-Opp, L., Ramo, B., Murphy, R. F., Brooks, J. T., Welborn, M. C., Emans, J. B., Anari, J. B., Johnston, C. E., Akbarnia, B. A., McCarthy, R., Flynn, J., Sawyer, J. R., Vitale, M. G., & Roye, B. D. (2022). Definition of Tweener: Consensus Among Experts in Treating Early-onset Scoliosis. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 43(3), e215–e222.
Publication Date
Skaggs, K. F., Bainton, N. M., Boby, A. Z., Rymond, C. C., Fields, M. W., Roye, B. D., & Vitale, M. G. (2022). Reliability of Preoperative Supine Versus Bending Radiographs in Estimating the Structural Nature of Curves in EOS. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 43(2), 70–75.
Publication Date
Matsumoto, H., Fano, A. N., Quan, T., Akbarnia, B. A., Blakemore, L. C., Flynn, J. M., Skaggs, D. L., Smith, J. T., Snyder, B. D., Sponseller, P. D., McCarthy, R. E., Sturm, P. F., Roye, D. P., Emans, J. B., & Vitale, M. G. (2022). Re-evaluating consensus and uncertainty among treatment options for early onset scoliosis: a 10-year update. Spine Deformity, 11(1), 11–25.
Publication Date
Pulido, N. A., Vitale, M. G., Parent, S., Milbrandt, T. A., Miyanji, F., El-Hawary, R., & Larson, A. N. (2022). Vertebral body tethering for non-idiopathic scoliosis: initial results from a multicenter retrospective study. Spine Deformity, 11(1), 139–144.
Publication Date
Wondra, J. P., Kelly, M. P., Greenberg, J., Yanik, E. L., Ames, C. P., Pellise, F., Vila-Casademunt, A., Smith, J. S., Bess, S., Shaffrey, C. I., Lenke, L. G., Serra-Burriel, M., & Bridwell, K. H. (2022). Validation of Adult Spinal Deformity Surgical Outcome Prediction Tools in Adult Symptomatic Lumbar Scoliosis. Spine, 48(1), 21–28.
Publication Date
Roye, B. D., Fano, A. N., Quan, T., Matsumoto, H., Garg, S., Heffernan, M. J., Poon, S. C., Glotzbecker, M. P., Fletcher, N. D., Sturm, P. F., Ramirez, N., Vitale, M. G., & Anari, J. B. (2022). Modified Clavien–Dindo-Sink system is reliable for classifying complications following surgical treatment of early-onset scoliosis. Spine Deformity, 11(1), 205–212.
Publication Date
Kunes, J., Quan, T., Iyer, R., Fano, A. N., Matsumoto, H., Erickson, M., McCarthy, R., Brockmeyer, D., Anderson, R. C. E., & Vitale, M. G. (2022). Reduced complication rate with simultaneous detethering and spinal deformity correction surgery compared to staged surgeries in patients with early onset scoliosis. Spine Deformity, 10(6), 1473–1480.
Publication Date
Matsumoto, H., Sinha, R., Roye, B. D., Ball, J. R., Skaggs, K. F., Brooks, J. T., Welborn, M. C., Emans, J. B., Anari, J. B., Johnston, C. E., Akbarnia, B. A., Vitale, M. G., & Murphy, R. F. (2022). Contraindications to magnetically controlled growing rods: consensus among experts in treating early onset scoliosis. Spine Deformity, 10(6), 1289–1297.
Publication Date
Puvanesarajah, V., Marciano, G. F., Hassan, F. M., Lee, N. J., Thuet, E. D., Lombardi, J. M., Sardar, Z. M., Lehman, R. A., & Lenke, L. G. (2022). The deformity angular ratio: can three-dimensional computed tomography improve prediction of intraoperative neuromonitoring events? Spine Deformity, 10(5), 1047–1053.
Publication Date
Matsumoto, H., Boby, A. Z., Sinha, R., Campbell, M. L., Hung, C. W., Gbolo, F. C., Marciano, G. F., Levine, S., Fano, A. N., Simhon, M. E., Quan, T., Bainton, N. M., George, A., Mizerik, A. S., Roye, B. D., Roye, D. P., & Vitale, M. G. (2022). Development and Validation of a Health-Related Quality-of-Life Measure in Older Children and Adolescents with Early-Onset Scoliosis. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 104(15), 1393–1405.
Publication Date
Gomez, J. A., Ge, D. H., Boden, E., Hanstein, R., Alvandi, L. M., Lo, Y., Hwang, S., Samdani, A. F., Sponseller, P. D., Garg, S., Skaggs, D. L., Vitale, M. G., & Emans, J. (2022). Posterior-only Resection of Single Hemivertebrae With 2-Level Versus >2-Level Fusion: Can We Improve Outcomes? Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 42(7), 354–360.
Publication Date
Zuckerman, S. L., Segar, A. H., Cerpa, M., Chanbour, H., Sardar, Z. M., & Lenke, L. G. (2022). Three-Dimensional Assessment of Vertebral Derotation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Review of a Surgical Technique and Its Success in Achieving Derotation in the Instrumented and Uninstrumented Spine. Operative Neurosurgery, 22(6), 380–386.
Publication Date
Matsumoto, H., Fano, A. N., Ball, J., Roye, B. D., George, A., Garg, S., Erickson, M., Samdani, A., Skaggs, D., Roye, D. P., & Vitale, M. G. (2022). Uncorrected Pelvic Obliquity Is Associated With Worse Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in Children and Their Caregivers at the End of Surgical Treatment for Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS). Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 42(4), e390–e396.
Publication Date

Coury, J. R., Skaggs, K. F., Marciano, G. F., Pinyavat, T., Naseef, M., Roye, B. D., & Vitale, M. G. (2022). Intraoperative Anaphylaxis to the Bovine Flowable Gelatin Matrix: A Report of 2 Cases. JBJS case connector, 12(1), e21.00753.

Publication Date
Guzek, R. H., Murphy, R., Hardesty, C. K., Emans, J. B., Garg, S., Smith, J. T., Roye, B. D., Glotzbecker, M. P., Sturm, P. F., Snyder, B. D., Poon, S. C., Poe-Kochert, C., & Anari, J. B. (2022). Mortality in Early-Onset Scoliosis During the Growth-friendly Surgery Era. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 42(3), 131–137.
Publication Date
Negrini, S., Aulisa, A. G., Cerny, P., de Mauroy, J. C., McAviney, J., Mills, A., Donzelli, S., Grivas, T. B., Hresko, M. T., Kotwicki, T., Labelle, H., Marcotte, L., Matthews, M., O’Brien, J., Parent, E. C., Price, N., Manuel, R., Stikeleather, L., Vitale, M. G., … Smith, B. G. (2022). The classification of scoliosis braces developed by SOSORT with SRS, ISPO, and POSNA and approved by ESPRM. European Spine Journal, 31(4), 980–989.
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