The impact of unplanned return to the operating room on health-related quality of life at the end of growth-friendly surgical treatment for early-onset scoliosis

Roye, B. D., Fano, A. N., Matsumoto, H., Fields, M. W., Emans, J. B., Sponseller, P., Smith, J. T., Thompson, G. H., White, K. K., & Vitale, M. G. (2021). The Impact of Unplanned Return to the Operating Room on Health-related Quality of Life at the End of Growth-friendly Surgical Treatment for Early-onset Scoliosis. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics, 42(1), 17–22.
Benjamin D. Roye
Adam N. Fano
Hiroko Matsumoto
Michael W. Fields
John B. Emans
Paul Sponseller
John T. Smith
George H. Thompson
Klane K. White
Michael G. Vitale
Affiliated Authors:
Benjamin D. Roye
Adam N. Fano
Hiroko Matsumoto
Michael W. Fields
Michael G. Vitale
Author Keywords:
early-onset scoliosis
growth-friendly instrumentation
unplanned return to the operating room
health-related quality of life
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