Patient and procedural risk factors for decline in lower-extremity motor scores following adult spinal deformity surgery

Mohanty, S., Hassan, F. M., Lenke, L. G., Burton, D., Daniels, A. H., Gupta, M. C., Kebaish, K. M., Kelly, M., Kim, H. J., Klineberg, E. O., Passias, P. G., Protopsaltis, T., Schwab, F., Shaffrey, C. I., Smith, J. S., Line, B. G., Lafage, R., Lafage, V., & Bess, S. (2023). Patient and procedural risk factors for decline in lower-extremity motor scores following adult spinal deformity surgery. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine, 1–11.
Sarthak Mohanty
Fthimnir M Hassan
Lawrence G Lenke
Douglas Burton
Alan H Daniels
Munish C Gupta
Khaled M Kebaish
Michael Kelly
Han Jo Kim
Eric O Klineberg
Peter G Passias
Themistocles Protopsaltis
Frank Schwab
Christopher I Shaffrey
Justin S Smith
Breton G Line
Renaud Lafage
Virginie Lafage
Shay Bess
Affiliated Authors:
Sarthak Mohanty
Fthimnir M Hassan
Lawrence G Lenke
Lordosis (MeSH)
Scoliosis (MeSH)
Spinal Fusion (MeSH)
Author Keywords:
adult spinal deformity
lower extremity
motor deficit
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