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Shuffrey, L. C., Pini, N., Mei, H., Rodriguez, C., Gimenez, L. A., Barbosa, J. R., Rodriguez, D. J., Rayport, Y., Sania, A., Monk, C., & Fifer, W. P. (2024). Maternal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Moderates the Association Between Birth Weight and EEG Power in Healthy Term‐Age Newborns. Developmental Psychobiology, 67(1). Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/dev.70014
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Hammond, J., Sahni, R., Grieve, P., Isler, J., Werner, E., Ostlund, B., Alschuler, D., Lee, S., & Monk, C. (2024). Differences Between Preterm and Full‐Term Infants in Electroencephalogram Power Spectral Density Slope. Developmental Psychobiology, 66(8). Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/dev.70001
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McSweeney, M., Morales, S., Valadez, E. A., Buzzell, G. A., Yoder, L., Fifer, W. P., Pini, N., Shuffrey, L. C., Elliott, A. J., Isler, J. R., & Fox, N. A. (2023). Age-related trends in aperiodic EEG activity and alpha oscillations during early- to middle-childhood. NeuroImage, 269, 119925. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119925
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