Crohn Disease

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Yanover, C., Magen-Rimon, R., Voss, E. A., Swerdel, J., Sheahan, A., Hall, N., Park, J., Park, R. W., Lee, K. J., Shin, S. J., Seo, S. I., Lee, K.-J., Falconer, T., Haas, L., Nagy, P., Bowring, M. G., Cook, M., Miller, S., El-Hay, T., … Weisshof, R. (2024). Characteristics and Outcomes of Over a Million Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Seven Countries: Multinational Cohort Study and Open Data Resource. Digestive Diseases and Sciences.
Publication Date
Choi, B., Church, J., Khoshknabi, D., Jabi, O., & Kiran, R. P. (2024). Outcomes after right-sided colon surgery in Crohn’s disease versus cancer. Techniques in Coloproctology, 28(1).
Publication Date
Lamichhane, N., Melas, N., Bergqvist, V., Ekholm, N.-P., Olén, O., Ludvigsson, J. F., Hjortswang, H., Marsal, J., Eriksson, C., & Halfvarson, J. (2024). Real-World Outcomes of Patients Starting Intravenous and Transitioning to Subcutaneous Vedolizumab in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 69(6), 2175–2183.
Publication Date
Sehgal, P., Su, S., Zech, J., Nobel, Y., Luk, L., Economou, I., Shen, B., Lewis, J. D., & Freedberg, D. E. (2023). Visceral Adiposity Independently Predicts Time to Flare in Inflammatory Bowel Disease but Body Mass Index Does Not. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 30(4), 594–601.
Publication Date
Mao, L., Li, Y., Cui, B., Lu, L., Dou, W., Pylypenko, D., Zhu, J., & Li, H. (2024). Multiparametric MRI for Staging of Bowel Inflammatory Activity in Crohn’s Disease with MUSE-IVIM and DCE-MRI: A Preliminary Study. Academic Radiology, 31(3), 880–888.
Publication Date
Eriksson, C., Sun, J., Bryder, M., Bröms, G., Everhov, Å. H., Forss, A., Jernberg, T., Ludvigsson, J. F., & Olén, O. (2024). Impact of inflammatory bowel disease on the risk of acute coronary syndrome: A Swedish Nationwide Cohort Study. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 59(9), 1122–1133. Portico.
Publication Date
Dokmak, A., Sweigart, B., Orekondy, N. S., Jangi, S., Weinstock, J. V., Hamdeh, S., Kochar, G. S., Shen, B., & Levy, A. N. (2023). Efficacy and Safety of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 58(2), 120–130.
Publication Date
Varma, S., Trudeau, S. J., Li, J., & Freedberg, D. E. (2023). Proton pump Inhibitors and Risk of Enteric Infection in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Self-controlled Case Series. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 30(1), 38–44.
Publication Date
Uchida, A. M., Garber, J. J., Pyne, A., Peterson, K., Roelstraete, B., Olén, O., Halfvarson, J., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2023). Eosinophilic esophagitis is associated with increased risk of later inflammatory bowel disease in a nationwide Swedish population cohort. United European Gastroenterology Journal, 12(1), 34–43. Portico.
Publication Date
Barnes, E. L., Kayal, M., & Schwartzberg, D. M. (2023). The Rational Use of Advanced Therapies for Inflammatory Conditions of the Pouch. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 29(12), 2007–2009.
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Zubrzycka, I., Bogale, K., Stuart, A., Cesaire, M., Walter, V., Dalessio, S., Tinsley, A., Williams, E., Clarke, K., & Coates, M. D. (2023). Abdominal pain is associated with an increased risk of future healthcare resource utilization in inflammatory bowel disease. International Journal of Colorectal Disease, 38(1).
Publication Date
Olén, O., Smedby, K. E., Erichsen, R., Pedersen, L., Halfvarson, J., Hallqvist-Everhov, Å., Bryder, N., Askling, J., Ekbom, A., Sachs, M. C., Sørensen, H. T., Ludvigsson, J. F., Olsson, M., Myrelid, P., Hjortswang, H., Bengtsson, J., Strid, H., Andersson, M., Jäghult, S., … Karling, P. (2023). Increasing Risk of Lymphoma Over Time in Crohn’s Disease but Not in Ulcerative Colitis: A Scandinavian Cohort Study. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 21(12), 3132–3142.
Publication Date
Mårild, K., Söderling, J., Axelrad, J., Halfvarson, J., Forss, A., Olén, O., Ludvigsson, J. F., Olsson, M., Myrelid, P., Hjortswang, H., Bengtsson, J., Strid, H., Andersson, M., Jäghult, S., Eberhardson, M., Nordenvall, C., Björk, J., Rejler, M., Grip, O., … Karling, P. (2024). Histologic Activity in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Risk of Serious Infections: A Nationwide Study. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 22(4), 831–846.
Publication Date
Axelrad, J. E., Olén, O., Söderling, J., Roelstraete, B., Khalili, H., Song, M., Faye, A., Eberhardson, M., Halfvarson, J., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2023). Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Risk of Colorectal Polyps: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study From Sweden. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 17(9), 1395–1409.
Publication Date
Santiago, P., Coelho-Prabhu, N., Lennon, R., Rui, S., Rajauria, P., Friton, J., Raffals, L. E., Deepali, F., Daoud, N., Farraye, F. A., Tuck, J., Malik, T., Leleiko, N. S., Shapiro, J., Shah, S. A., Sands, B. E., & Ungaro, R. C. (2023). Baseline Clinical Factors Are Associated With Risk of Complications in Crohn’s Disease: Appraisal of the American Gastroenterological Association Clinical Care Pathway. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 119(1), 147–154.
Publication Date
D’Antongiovanni, V., Pellegrini, C., Fornai, M., Nemeth, Z. H., Haskó, G., & Antonioli, L. (2023). Pharmacological modulation of P2X4 in inflammatory bowel diseases: the way towards novel therapeutics? Journal of Drug Targeting, 31(7), 693–699.
Publication Date
Schreidah, C. M., Fahmy, L. M., Lapolla, B. A., Kwinta, B. D., Magro, C. M., & Geskin, L. J. (2023). Clinical Remission of Primary Cutaneous Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma in a Patient With Crohn’s Disease After Helicobacter pylori Quadruple Therapy and Vedolizumab. The American Journal of Dermatopathology, 45(8), 572–576.
Publication Date
Chandan, S., Dhindsa, B. S., Khan, S. R., Deliwala, S., Kassab, L. L., Mohan, B. P., Chandan, O. C., Loras, C., Shen, B., & Kochhar, G. S. (2022). Endoscopic Stenting in Crohn’s Disease-related Strictures: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Outcomes. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 29(7), 1145–1152.
Publication Date
Eriksson, C., Söderling, J., Karlqvist, S., Bröms, G., Everhov, Å. H., Bergemalm, D., Ludvigsson, J. F., Olén, O., & Halfvarson, J. (2023). Ustekinumab Versus Anti-tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha Agents as Second-Line Biologics in Crohn’s Disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 68(7), 3119–3128.
Publication Date
Wang, K., Olén, O., Emilsson, L., Khalili, H., Halfvarson, J., Song, M., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2023). Association of inflammatory bowel disease in first‐degree relatives with risk of colorectal cancer: A nationwide case‐control study in Sweden. International Journal of Cancer, 152(11), 2303–2313. Portico.
Publication Date
Liu, J. J., Abraham, B. P., Adamson, P., Barnes, E. L., Brister, K. A., Damas, O. M., Glover, S. C., Hooks, K., Ingram, A., Kaplan, G. G., Loftus, E. V., McGovern, D. P. B., Narain-Blackwell, M., Odufalu, F.-D., Quezada, S., Reeves, V., Shen, B., Stappenbeck, T. S., & Ward, L. (2022). The Current State of Care for Black and Hispanic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 29(2), 297–307.
Publication Date
Forss, A., Clements, M., Myrelid, P., Strid, H., Söderman, C., Wagner, A., Andersson, D., Hjelm, F., Olén, O., Halfvarson, J., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2022). Ustekinumab Is Associated with Real-World Long-Term Effectiveness and Improved Health-Related Quality of Life in Crohn’s Disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 68(1), 65–76.
Publication Date
Lee, K. E., Lim, F., Faye, A. S., Shen, B., & Hur, C. (2022). Endoscopic Balloon Dilation Is Cost-Effective for Crohn’s Disease Strictures. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 67(12), 5462–5471.
Publication Date
Xu, Z., Chen, J. J., Mei, Q., Li, Y., & Xu, J. (2022). Expression of 5-hydroxytryptamine 7 receptor in intestinal mucosa correlates with the degree of intestinal inflammation in Crohn’s disease. BMC Gastroenterology, 22(1).
Publication Date
Angistriotis, A., Shen, B., & Kiran, R. P. (2022). Construction of and Conversion to Continent Ileostomy: A Systematic Review. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 65(S1), S26–S36.
Publication Date
Shrestha, S., Brand, J. S., Järås, J., Schoultz, I., Montgomery, S., Askling, J., Ludvigsson, J. F., Olen, O., Halfvarson, J., Olsson, M., Hjortswang, H., Myrelid, P., Bengtsson, J., Strid, H., Andersson, M., Jäghult, S., Eberhardson, M., Nordenvall, C., … Karling, P. (2022). Association Between Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Spondyloarthritis: Findings from a Nationwide Study in Sweden. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis, 16(10), 1540–1550.
Publication Date
Gupta, N., Lustig, R. H., Andrews, H., Guthery, S. L., Patel, A. S., Gokhale, R., Goyal, A., Siebold, L., Sylvester, F., & Leu, C.-S. (2022). Sex-Specific Pathways Lead to Statural Growth Impairment in Children with Crohn’s Disease. The Journal of Pediatrics, 249, 75-83.e1.
Publication Date
Lan, N., & Shen, B. (2022). Endoscopic Therapy for Fistulas and Abscesses in Crohn’s Disease. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America, 32(4), 733–746.
Publication Date
Adler, J., Eder, S. J., Gebremariam, A., Moran, C. J., Bass, L. M., Moses, J., Lewis, J. D., Singer, A. A. M., Morhardt, T. L., Picoraro, J. A., Cardenas, V., Zacur, G. M., & Colletti, R. B. (2021). Quantification of Mucosal Activity from Colonoscopy Reports via the Simplified Endoscopic Mucosal Assessment for Crohn’s Disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, 28(10), 1537–1542.
Publication Date
Everhov, Å. H., Erichsen, R., Järås, J., Pedersen, L., Halfvarson, J., Askling, J., Ekbom, A., Ludvigsson, J. F., Sørensen, H. T., & Olén, O. (2022). Colorectal cancer in elderly‐onset inflammatory bowel disease: a 1969–2017 Scandinavian register‐based cohort study. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 56(7), 1168–1182. Portico.
Publication Date
Householder, S., & Picoraro, J. A. (2022). Diagnosis and Classification of Fistula from Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Related Surgery. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America, 32(4), 631–650.
Publication Date
Faye, A. S., Lee, K. E., Dodson, J., Chodosh, J., Hudesman, D., Remzi, F., Wright, J. D., Friedman, A. M., Shaukat, A., & Wen, T. (2022). Increasing rates of venous thromboembolism among hospitalised patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide analysis. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 56(7), 1157–1167. Portico.
Publication Date
Mårild, K., Söderling, J., Lebwohl, B., Green, P. H. R., Pinto-Sanchez, M. I., Halfvarson, J., Roelstraete, B., Olén, O., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2022). Association of Celiac Disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Nationwide Register-Based Cohort Study. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 117(9), 1471–1481.
Publication Date
Wen, T., Faye, A. S., Lee, K. E., Friedman, A. M., Wright, J. D., Lebwohl, B., & Colombel, J.-F. (2021). Risk of Postpartum Flare Hospitalizations in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Persists After Six Months. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 67(9), 4278–4286.
Publication Date
Azab, B., Rabab’h, O., Aburizeg, D., Mohammad, H., Dardas, Z., Mustafa, L., Khasawneh, R. A., Awad, H., Hatmal, M. M., & Altamimi, E. (2022). Potential Composite Digenic Contribution of NPC1 and NOD2 Leading to Atypical Lethal Niemann-Pick Type C with Initial Crohn’s Disease-like Presentation: Genotype-Phenotype Correlation Study. Genes, 13(6), 973.
Publication Date
Abraham, B., Eksteen, B., Nedd, K., Kale, H., Patel, D., Stephens, J., Shelbaya, A., Chambers, R., & Soonasra, A. (2022). Impact of Infliximab-dyyb (Infliximab Biosimilar) on Clinical and Patient-Reported Outcomes: 1-Year Follow-up Results from an Observational Real-World Study Among Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in the US and Canada (the ONWARD Study). Advances in Therapy, 39(5), 2109–2127.
Publication Date
Kim, D. J., Tischler, E. H., Kong, R. M., Nehme, F., Dolphin, E. J., Ho, E. S., Lescaille, Y., & Naziri, Q. (2022). Crohn’s disease in total knee arthroplasty patients correlates with increased rates of 90-day and overall postoperative complications and readmissions. The Knee, 34, 238–245.
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Columbia Affiliation