Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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Santarisi, A., Suleiman, A., Redaelli, S., von Wedel, D., Beitler, J. R., Talmor, D., Goodspeed, V., Jung, B., Schaefer, M. S., & Baedorf Kassis, E. (2025). Transpulmonary Pressure as a Predictor of Successful Lung Recruitment: Reanalysis of a Multicenter International Randomized Clinical Trial. Respiratory Care, 70(1), 1–9.
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Greendyk, R., Abrams, D., Agerstrand, C., Parekh, M., & Brodie, D. (2024). Extracorporeal Support for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Clinics in Chest Medicine, 45(4), 905–916.
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Lee, E. Y., Xu, L., Liszewski, M. C., Foust, A. M., Williams-Weekes, T., & Winant, A. J. (2024). Respiratory Distress in Children: Review and Update of Imaging Assessment. Seminars in Roentgenology, 59(3), 267–277.
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Cañas, A., Wolf, A., Chen, E. C., Ruddy, J., El-Sadek, S., Gomez, L., Furfaro, D., Fullilove, R., Burkart, K. M., Zelnick, J., & O’Donnell, M. R. (2024). Racial and ethnic disparities post-hospitalization for COVID-19: barriers to access to care for survivors of COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome. Scientific Reports, 14(1).
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Baedorf-Kassis, E., Murn, M., Dzierba, A. L., Serra, A. L., Garcia, I., Minus, E., Padilla, C., Sarge, T., Goodspeed, V. M., Matthay, M. A., Gong, M. N., Cook, D., Loring, S. H., Talmor, D., Beitler, J. R., Talmor, D., Sarge, T., Goodspeed, V., … Fish, E. (2024). Respiratory drive heterogeneity associated with systemic inflammation and vascular permeability in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Critical Care, 28(1).
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Santos, A., Motta-Ribeiro, G. C., de Prost, N., Tucci, M. R., Wellman, T. J., Vidal Melo, M. F., & Winkler, T. (2024). Regional pulmonary perfusion, blood volume, and their relationship change in experimental early ARDS. Scientific Reports, 14(1).
Publication Date
Fernando, S. M., Brodie, D., Barbaro, R. P., Agerstrand, C., Badulak, J., Bush, E. L., Mueller, T., Munshi, L., Fan, E., MacLaren, G., & McIsaac, D. I. (2024). Age and associated outcomes among patients receiving venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory failure: analysis of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization registry. Intensive Care Medicine, 50(3), 395–405.
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Capaccione, K. M., & Vidal Melo, M. F. (2024). Structure–Function Relationships Determining Hypoxemia in COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Anesthesiology, 140(2), 186–188.
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Florin, T. A., Ramilo, O., Banks, R. K., Schnadower, D., Quayle, K. S., Powell, E. C., Pickett, M. L., Nigrovic, L. E., Mistry, R., Leetch, A. N., Hickey, R. W., Glissmeyer, E. W., Dayan, P. S., Cruz, A. T., Cohen, D. M., Bogie, A., Balamuth, F., Atabaki, S. M., VanBuren, J. M., … Kuppermann, N. (2023). Radiographic pneumonia in young febrile infants presenting to the emergency department: secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study. Emergency Medicine Journal, 41(1), 13–19.
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McCabe, B. C., Morrison, W. E., Morgan, R. W., & Himebauch, A. S. (2023). Admission Functional Status is Associated With Intensivists Perception of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Candidacy for Pediatric Acute Respiratory Failure. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 25(4), 354–361.
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Zeng, C., Zhu, M., Motta-Ribeiro, G., Lagier, D., Hinoshita, T., Zang, M., Grogg, K., Winkler, T., & Vidal Melo, M. F. (2023). Dynamic lung aeration and strain with positive end-expiratory pressure individualized to maximal compliance versus ARDSNet low-stretch strategy: a study in a surfactant depletion model of lung injury. Critical Care, 27(1).
Publication Date
Madahar, P., Capaccione, K. M., Salvatore, M. M., Short, B., Wahab, R., Abrams, D., Parekh, M., Geleris, J. D., Furfaro, D., Anderson, M. R., Zucker, J., Brodie, D., Cummings, M. J., O’Donnell, M., McGroder, C. F., Wei, Y., Garcia, C. K., & Baldwin, M. R. (2023). Fibrotic-Like Pulmonary Radiographic Patterns Are Not Associated With Adverse Outcomes in COVID-19 Chronic Critical Illness. Critical Care Medicine, 51(11), e209–e220.
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Laothamatas, K., Benvenuto, L., D’Ovidio, F., & Arcasoy, S. M. (2024). Changing patterns in lung transplant for respiratory failure due to COVID-19 in the U.S. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 43(2), 350–353.
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Rudym, D., Pham, T., Rackley, C. R., Grasselli, G., Anderson, M., Baldwin, M. R., Beitler, J., Agerstrand, C., Serra, A., Winston, L. A., Bonadonna, D., Yip, N., Emerson, L. J., Dzierba, A., Sonett, J., Abrams, D., Ferguson, N. D., Bacchetta, M., Schmidt, M., … Smith, R. (2023). Mortality in Patients with Obesity and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Receiving Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: The Multicenter ECMObesity Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 208(6), 685–694.
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Emin, M. T., Lee, M. J., Bhattacharya, J., & Hough, R. F. (2023). Mitochondria of lung venular capillaries mediate lung-liver cross talk in pneumonia. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 325(3), L277–L287.
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Motta-Ribeiro, G. C., Winkler, T., Costa, E. L. V., de Prost, N., Tucci, M. R., & Vidal Melo, M. F. (2023). Worsening of lung perfusion to tissue density distributions during early acute lung injury. Journal of Applied Physiology, 135(2), 239–250.
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Gladstone, D. E., D’Alessio, F., Howard, C., Lyu, M.-A., Mock, J. R., Gibbs, K. W., Abrams, D., Huang, M., Zeng, K., Herlihy, J. P., Castillo, S. T., Bassett, R., Sadeghi, T., Parmar, S., Flowers, C. R., Mukherjee, S., Schoenfeld, D., Thall, P. F., & Slutsky, A. S. (2023). Randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of allogeneic cord blood T-regulatory cells for treatment of COVID-19 ARDS. Blood Advances, 7(13), 3075–3079.
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Worku, E., Brodie, D., Ling, R. R., Ramanathan, K., Combes, A., & Shekar, K. (2022). Venovenous extracorporeal CO2 removal to support ultraprotective ventilation in moderate-severe acute respiratory distress syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature. Perfusion, 38(5), 1062–1079.
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Grasselli, G., Calfee, C. S., Camporota, L., Poole, D., Amato, M. B. P., Antonelli, M., Arabi, Y. M., Baroncelli, F., Beitler, J. R., Bellani, G., Bellingan, G., Blackwood, B., Bos, L. D. J., Brochard, L., Brodie, D., Burns, K. E. A., Combes, A., D’Arrigo, S., … De Backer, D. (2023). ESICM guidelines on acute respiratory distress syndrome: definition, phenotyping and respiratory support strategies. Intensive Care Medicine, 49(7), 727–759.
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Malfertheiner, S. F., Brodie, D., Burrell, A., Taccone, F., Broman, L., Shekar, K., Agerstrand, C. L., Serra, A. L., Fraser, J., & Malfertheiner, M. (2022). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during pregnancy and peripartal. An international retrospective multicenter study. Perfusion, 38(5), 966–972.
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Parekh, M., Abrams, D., Agerstrand, C., Badulak, J., Dzierba, A., Alexander, P. M. A., Price, S., Fan, E., Mullin, D., Diaz, R., Hodgson, C., & Brodie, D. (2023). The Use of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for COVID-19: Lessons Learned. Clinics in chest medicine, 44(2), 335–346.

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Tran, A., Fernando, S. M., Rochwerg, B., Barbaro, R. P., Hodgson, C. L., Munshi, L., MacLaren, G., Ramanathan, K., Hough, C. L., Brochard, L. J., Rowan, K. M., Ferguson, N. D., Combes, A., Slutsky, A. S., Fan, E., & Brodie, D. (2023). Prognostic factors associated with mortality among patients receiving venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 11(3), 235–244.
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Mannes, P. Z., Barnes, C. E., Biermann, J., Latoche, J. D., Day, K. E., Zhu, Q., Tabary, M., Xiong, Z., Nedrow, J. R., Izar, B., Anderson, C. J., Villanueva, F. S., Lee, J. S., & Tavakoli, S. (2023). Molecular imaging of chemokine-like receptor 1 (CMKLR1) in experimental acute lung injury. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(3).
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Kelebeyev, S., Davison, W., Ford, B. L., Pitman, M. J., & Bulman, W. A. (2022). The Effects of Endotracheal Tube Size During Bronchoscopy in Simulated Models of Intubated Patients. The Laryngoscope, 133(1), 147–153. Portico.
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Abramov, A., Su, I., Agerstrand, C., Flatley, M., Dubois, R., Feldhaus, D., Stanifer, B. P., Sonett, J., Brodie, D., & Lemaitre, P. (2022). Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Support in COVID-19 Patients: A Propensity Score Analysis. ASAIO Journal, 68(12), e224–e229.
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Valenzuela, E. D., Mercado, P., Pairumani, R., Medel, J. N., Petruska, E., Ugalde, D., Morales, F., Eisen, D., Araya, C., Montoya, J., Gonzalez, A., Rovegno, M., Ramirez, J., Aguilera, J., Hernández, G., Bruhn, A., Slama, M., & Bakker, J. (2022). Cardiac function in critically ill patients with severe COVID: A prospective cross-sectional study in mechanically ventilated patients. Journal of Critical Care, 72, 154166.
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Ling, R. R., Ramanathan, K., Sim, J. J. L., Wong, S. N., Chen, Y., Amin, F., Fernando, S. M., Rochwerg, B., Fan, E., Barbaro, R. P., MacLaren, G., Shekar, K., & Brodie, D. (2022). Evolving outcomes of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during the first 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care, 26(1).
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Villalba, J. A., Hilburn, C. F., Garlin, M. A., Elliott, G. A., Li, Y., Kunitoki, K., Poli, S., Alba, G. A., Madrigal, E., Taso, M., Price, M. C., Aviles, A. J., Araujo-Medina, M., Bonanno, L., Boyraz, B., Champion, S. N., Harris, C. K., Helland, T. L., Hutchison, B., … Shih, A. R. (2022). Vasculopathy and Increased Vascular Congestion in Fatal COVID-19 and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 206(7), 857–873.
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Supady, A., Combes, A., Barbaro, R. P., Camporota, L., Diaz, R., Fan, E., Giani, M., Hodgson, C., Hough, C. L., Karagiannidis, C., Kochanek, M., Rabie, A. A., Riera, J., Slutsky, A. S., & Brodie, D. (2022). Respiratory indications for ECMO: focus on COVID-19. Intensive Care Medicine, 48(10), 1326–1337.
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Telias, I., Brochard, L. J., Gattarello, S., Wunsch, H., Junhasavasdikul, D., Bosma, K. J., Camporota, L., Brodie, D., Marini, J. J., Slutsky, A. S., & Gattinoni, L. (2022). The physiological underpinnings of life-saving respiratory support. Intensive Care Medicine, 48(10), 1274–1286.
Publication Date
Combes, A., Brodie, D., Aissaoui, N., Bein, T., Capellier, G., Dalton, H. J., Diehl, J.-L., Kluge, S., McAuley, D. F., Schmidt, M., Slutsky, A. S., & Jaber, S. (2022). Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal for acute respiratory failure: a review of potential indications, clinical practice and open research questions. Intensive Care Medicine, 48(10), 1308–1321.
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Kaslow, S. R., Reimer, J. A., Pinezich, M. R., Hudock, M. R., Chen, P., Morris, M. G., Kain, M. L., Leb, J. S., Ruzal-Shapiro, C. B., Marboe, C. C., Bacchetta, M., Dorrello, N. V., & Vunjak-Novakovic, G. (2022). A clinically relevant model of acute respiratory distress syndrome in human-size swine. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 15(10).
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Zochios, V., Brodie, D., Shekar, K., Schultz, M. J., & Parhar, K. K. S. (2022). Invasive mechanical ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome receiving extracorporeal support: a narrative review of strategies to mitigate lung injury. Anaesthesia, 77(10), 1137–1151. Portico.
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Kohne, J. G., MacLaren, G., Cagino, L., Boonstra, P. S., Brodie, D., & Barbaro, R. P. (2022). Tracheostomy Practices and Outcomes in Patients With COVID-19 Supported by Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: An Analysis of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Registry. Critical Care Medicine, 50(9), 1360–1370.
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Baiden, F., & T Wilson, P. (2021). Continuous positive airway pressure in managing acute respiratory distress in children in district hospitals: evidence for scale-up. Ghana Medical Journal, 55(3), 221–225.
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Files, D. C., Matthay, M. A., Calfee, C. S., Aggarwal, N. R., Asare, A. L., Beitler, J. R., Berger, P. A., Burnham, E. L., Cimino, G., Coleman, M. H., Crippa, A., Discacciati, A., Gandotra, S., Gibbs, K. W., Henderson, P. T., Ittner, C. A. G., Jauregui, A., Khan, K. T., Koff, J. L., … Liu, K. D. (2022). I-SPY COVID adaptive platform trial for COVID-19 acute respiratory failure: rationale, design and operations. BMJ Open, 12(6), e060664.
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Dianti, J., Tisminetzky, M., Ferreyro, B. L., Englesakis, M., Del Sorbo, L., Sud, S., Talmor, D., Ball, L., Meade, M., Hodgson, C., Beitler, J. R., Sahetya, S., Nichol, A., Fan, E., Rochwerg, B., Brochard, L., Slutsky, A. S., Ferguson, N. D., Serpa Neto, A., … Goligher, E. C. (2022). Association of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure and Lung Recruitment Selection Strategies with Mortality in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 205(11), 1300–1310.
Publication Date
Yusuff, H., Zochios, V., & Brodie, D. (2022). Thrombosis and coagulopathy in COVID-19 patients receiving ECMO: a narrative review of current literature. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia, 36(8), 3312–3317.
Publication Date
Abrams, D., Agerstrand, C., Beitler, J. R., Karagiannidis, C., Madahar, P., Yip, N. H., Pesenti, A., Slutsky, A. S., Brochard, L., & Brodie, D. (2022). Risks and Benefits of Ultra–Lung-Protective Invasive Mechanical Ventilation Strategies with a Focus on Extracorporeal Support. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 205(8), 873–882.
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Kochanek, M., Kochanek, J., Böll, B., Eichenauer, D. A., Beutel, G., Bracht, H., Braune, S., Eisner, F., Friesecke, S., Günther, U., Heinz, G., Hallek, M., Karagiannidis, C., Kluge, S., Kogelmann, K., Lebiedz, P., Lepper, P. M., Liebregts, T., Lueck, C., … Shimabukuro-Vornhagen, A. (2022). Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (vv-ECMO) for severe respiratory failure in adult cancer patients: a retrospective multicenter analysis. Intensive Care Medicine, 48(3), 332–342.
Publication Date
Brodie, D., Abrams, D., MacLaren, G., Brown, C. E., Evans, L., Barbaro, R. P., Calfee, C. S., Hough, C. L., Fowles, J., Karagiannidis, C., Slutsky, A. S., & Combes, A. (2022). Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation during Respiratory Pandemics: Past, Present, and Future. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 205(12), 1382–1390.
Publication Date