Gastric Cancer Research and Treatment

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Chen, L. N., Ma, X., Herzberg, B., Henick, B. S., Biswas, A. K., Acharyya, S., & Shu, C. A. (2024). Weight loss in patients on osimertinib for metastatic EGFR-mutant non-small cell lung cancer. The Oncologist.
Publication Date
Artin, M. G., Soddano, J., Rustgi, S. D., Aziz, Z., Lim, F., Yang, J. Y., Ingram, M. A., Nathanson, J. T., Kao, J. Y., & Hur, C. (2025). Initial Diagnostic Strategies for Helicobacter Pylori in Patients With Bleeding Peptic Ulcers Undergoing Endoscopy: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Gastro Hep Advances, 4(4), 100602.
Publication Date
Andersen, G. T., Ianevski, A., Resell, M., Pojskic, N., Rabben, H.-L., Geithus, S., Kodama, Y., Hiroyuki, T., Kainov, D., Grønbech, J. E., Hayakawa, Y., Wang, T. C., Zhao, C.-M., & Chen, D. (2024). Multi-bioinformatics revealed potential biomarkers and repurposed drugs for gastric adenocarcinoma-related gastric intestinal metaplasia. Npj Systems Biology and Applications, 10(1).
Publication Date
Kumar, A., Gwalani, P., Iyer, P. G., Wang, K. K., Falk, G. W., Ginsberg, G. G., Lightdale, C. J., Del Portillo, A., Lagana, S. M., Li, Y., Li, H., Genkinger, J., Jin, Z., Rustgi, A. K., Wang, T. C., Wang, H. H., Quante, M., & Abrams, J. A. (2024). Shifts in Serum Bile Acid Profiles Associated With Barrett’s Esophagus and Stages of Progression to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology.
Publication Date
Kumar, A., Rara, M., Yu, M., Wen, K. W., Grady, W. M., Chak, A., Iyer, P. G., Rustgi, A. K., Wang, T. C., Rubenstein, J. H., Liu, Y., Kresty, L., Westerhoff, M., Kwon, R. S., Wamsteker, E., Wang, T., Berry, L., Canto, M. I., Shaheen, N. J., … Stachler, M. D. (2024). Molecular Analysis of Persistent and Recurrent Barrett’s Esophagus in the Setting of Endoscopic Therapy. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology.
Publication Date
Malick, A., Ferris, J. S., Hur, C., Abrams, J. A., & Soroush, A. (2024). Racial, Ethnic, and Sex Differences in Incidence-Based Mortality of Aggregate Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology.
Publication Date
Djinbachian, R., Rex, D. K., Chiu, H., Fukami, N., Aihara, H., Bastiaansen, B. A. J., Bechara, R., Bhandari, P., Bhatt, A., Bourke, M. J., Byeon, J., Cardoso, D., Chino, A., Chiu, P. W. Y., Dekker, E., Draganov, P. V., Elkholy, S., Emura, F., Goldblum, J., … von Renteln, D. (2024). International consensus on the management of large (≥20 mm) colorectal laterally spreading tumors: World Endoscopy Organization Delphi study. Digestive Endoscopy. Portico.
Publication Date
Yang, F. F., Serrano, E., Bilodeau, K. S., Weykamp, M., Silvestri, C. J., Bull, A. C. M., Lin, B., Schaefer, S. L., Galet, C., Garcia, L. J., Gitonga, B., Kolodziej, D. T., Esposito, S., Parker-Brigham, M., Luhar, R., Mamgain, A., Brown, K. C., Dewdney, S., Price, T. P., … Flum, D. R. (2024). Use and Outcomes of Dexamethasone in the Management of Malignant Small Bowel Obstruction. Annals of Surgery Open, 5(2), e431.
Publication Date
Iyer, P. G., Slettedahl, S. W., Mahoney, D. W., Giakoumopoulos, M., Olson, M. C., Krockenberger, M., Taylor, W. R., Foote, P., Berger, C., Leggett, C., Wu, T.-T., Antpack, E., Falk, G. W., Ginsberg, G. G., Abrams, J. A., Lightdale, C. J., Ramirez, F., Kahn, A., Wolfsen, H., … Kisiel, J. B. (2024). Algorithm Training and Testing for a Nonendoscopic Barrett’s Esophagus Detection Test in Prospective Multicenter Cohorts. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 22(8), 1596-1604.e4.
Publication Date
Maas, M. H. J., Neumann, H., Shirin, H., Katz, L. H., Benson, A. A., Kahloon, A., Soons, E., Hazzan, R., Landsman, M. J., Lebwohl, B., Lewis, S. K., Sivanathan, V., Ngamruengphong, S., Jacob, H., & Siersema, P. D. (2024). A computer-aided polyp detection system in screening and surveillance colonoscopy: an international, multicentre, randomised, tandem trial. The Lancet Digital Health, 6(3), e157–e165.
Publication Date
Lightdale, C. J., Tiscornia-Wasserman, P., Sethi, A., Abrams, J. A., Laszkowska, M., Dua, A., Kim, J., Soroush, A., Zylberberg, H. M., Nathanson, J. T., & Hur, C. (2024). Endoscopy-Guided High-Pressure Spray “Power-Wash” for Detection of Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia and Dysplasia. Techniques and Innovations in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 26(2), 94–98.
Publication Date
Wu, S. P., Keshavjee, S. H., Yoon, S. S., & Kwon, S. (2023). Survival Outcomes and Patterns of Care for Stage II or III Resected Gastric Cancer by Race and Ethnicity. JAMA Network Open, 6(12), e2349026.
Publication Date
Aziz, Z., Wagner, S., Agyekum, A., Pumpalova, Y. S., Prest, M., Lim, F., Rustgi, S., Kastrinos, F., Grady, W. M., & Hur, C. (2023). Cost-Effectiveness of Liquid Biopsy for Colorectal Cancer Screening in Patients Who Are Unscreened. JAMA Network Open, 6(11), e2343392.
Publication Date
Malick, A., Ferris, J., Hur, C., Abrams, J., & Soroush, A. (2023). S1706 Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Incidence-Based Mortality Is Highest in Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups Not Prioritized by Current Screening Paradigms. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 118(10S), S1274–S1274.
Publication Date
Elbe, P., Ekheden, I., Vujasinovic, M., Maret-Ouda, J., Marsk, E., Thuresson, M., Roelstraete, B., Ye, W., & Ludvigsson, J. F. (2023). 428. PHARYNGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA AND RISK OF LATER ESOPHAGEAL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA. Diseases of the Esophagus, 36(Supplement_2).
Publication Date
Lee, M., Eng, G., Handte-Reinecker, A., Deshpande, V. S., Yilmaz, O. H., Gala, M. K., Jeon, A., Stratulat, E., Zagani, R., Taylor, M. S., Rickelt, S., Kedrin, D., Batra, A., Hashmi, A., Nishioka, N. S., Hur, C., Goyal, L., Bazerbachi, F., & Zukerberg, L. (2023). Germline Determinants of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. Gastroenterology, 165(5), 1276-1279.e7.
Publication Date
Khashab, M. A., Muthusamy, V. R., Akshintala, V. S., Kothari, S., Sethi, A., Rastogi, A., Palmisano, D. J., Zhang, L. Y., Hess, M.-R. R., Rashba, K., Gupta, N., Wani, S., & Komanduri, S. (2023). Best live endoscopy practices: an ASGE white paper. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 97(3), 383-393.e3.
Publication Date
Peng, K., Zhang, F., Wang, Y., Sahgal, P., Li, T., Zhou, J., Liang, X., Zhang, Y., Sethi, N., Liu, T., Zhang, H., & Bass, A. J. (2022). Development of Combination Strategies for Focal Adhesion Kinase Inhibition in Diffuse Gastric Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 29(1), 197–208.
Publication Date
Iyer, P. G., Slettedahl, S., Mahoney, D., Krockenberger, M., Giakoumopoulos, M., Olson, M., Volkmann, C. J., Otto, J. T., Solsrud, A. M., Hanson, H., Taylor, W., Lansing, R., Gibbons, E., Passe, M., Stewart, M., Valdez, K., Lozano, K. N., Doering, K. A., Kelli, B. N., … Kisiel, J. (2022). S410 Algorithm Training and Independent Test Set Performance for a Molecular Non-Endoscopic Test for Detection of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma and Barrett’s Esophagus in Multicenter Cohorts. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 117(10S), e288–e289.
Publication Date
Gwalani, P. V., Kumar, A., Lightdale, C., Falk, G., Ginsberg, G., Iyer, P. G., Wang, K. K., & Abrams, J. (2022). S431 Associations of Dietary Fiber and Fat Intake with Barrett’s Esophagus and Stages of Progression to Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 117(10S), e306–e306.
Publication Date
Oh, A., Truong, H., Kim, J., Rustgi, S. D., Abrams, J. A., & Hur, C. (2022). Cost-effectiveness of screening with polymerase chain reaction for Helicobacter pylori to prevent gastric cancer and peptic ulcers. Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology, 13(5), 2186–2196.
Publication Date
Kang, S., Park, M., Cho, J. Y., Ahn, S. jin, Yoon, C., Kim, S. G., & Cho, S.-J. (2022). Tumorigenic mechanisms of estrogen and Helicobacter pylori cytotoxin-associated gene A in estrogen receptor α-positive diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinoma. Gastric Cancer, 25(4), 678–696.
Publication Date
Marcazzan, S., Braz Carvalho, M. J., Konrad, M., Strangmann, J., Tenditnaya, A., Baumeister, T., Schmid, R. M., Wester, H.-J., Ntziachristos, V., Gorpas, D., Wang, T. C., Schottelius, M., & Quante, M. (2022). CXCR4 peptide-based fluorescence endoscopy in a mouse model of Barrett’s esophagus. EJNMMI Research, 12(1).
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