Assessing the impact of a 6-year health sciences enrichment program for underrepresented minority youth on healthcare workforce diversity, career path, and public health

Kohut, O. B., Wang, Z., Sanchez, R. R., Rausch, J. C., Nieto, A., & Minguez, M. M. (2023). Assessing the impact of a 6-year health sciences enrichment program for underrepresented minority youth on healthcare workforce diversity, career path, and public health. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
Oscar B. Kohut
Zhiru Wang
R Sanchez
John C. Rausch
Álvarez Nieto
Mara M. Minguez
Affiliated Authors:
Oscar B. Kohut
Zhiru Wang
R Sanchez
John C. Rausch
Álvarez Nieto
Mara M. Minguez
Author Keywords:
constant comparative analysis
grounded theory
health sciences education
pipeline program
qualitative program evaluation
underrepresented minority youth
youth development
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