Independent Prognostic Factors Associated With Improved Patient-Reported Outcomes in the Prospective Evaluation of Elderly Deformity Surgery (PEEDS) Study

Hassan, F. M., Lenke, L. G., Berven, S. H., Kelly, M. P., Smith, J. S., Shaffrey, C. I., Dahl, B. T., de Kleuver, M., Spruit, M., Pellise, F., Cheung, K. M. C., Alanay, A., Polly, D. W., Sembrano, J., Matsuyama, Y., Qiu, Y., & Lewis, S. J. (2023). Independent Prognostic Factors Associated With Improved Patient-Reported Outcomes in the Prospective Evaluation of Elderly Deformity Surgery (PEEDS) Study. Global Spine Journal, 219256822311741.
Fthimnir M. Hassan
Lawrence G. Lenke
Sigurd Berven
Michael P. Kelly
Justin S. Smith
Christopher I. Shaffrey
Benny Dahl
Marinus de Kleuver
Maarten Spruit
Ferràn Pellisé
Kmc Cheung
Ahmet Alanay
David W. Polly
Jonathan N. Sembrano
Yukihiro Matsuyama
Yong Qiu
Stephen J. Lewis
Affiliated Authors:
Fthimnir M. Hassan
Lawrence G. Lenke
Author Keywords:
health measures
minimal clinically important difference
patient reported outcome
spine deformity
spine surgery
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