The Lumbosacral Fractional Curve vs Maximum Coronal Cobb Angle in Adult Spinal Deformity Patients with Coronal Malalignment: Which Matters More?

Zuckerman, S. L., Chanbour, H., Hassan, F. M., Lai, C. S., Shen, Y., Kerolus, M. G., Ha, A., Buchanan, I., Lee, N. J., Leung, E., Cerpa, M., Lehman, R. A., & Lenke, L. G. (2023). The Lumbosacral Fractional Curve vs Maximum Coronal Cobb Angle in Adult Spinal Deformity Patients with Coronal Malalignment: Which Matters More? Global Spine Journal, 219256822311615.
Scott L. Zuckerman
Hani Chanbour
Fthimnir M. Hassan
Christopher Lai
Yong Shen
Mena G. Kerolus
Alex Ha
Ian A. Buchanan
Nathan J. Lee
Eric Leung
Meghan Cerpa
Ronald A. Lehman
Lawrence G. Lenke
Affiliated Authors:
Fthimnir M. Hassan
Christopher Lai
Yong Shen
Mena G. Kerolus
Alex Ha
Ian A. Buchanan
Nathan J. Lee
Eric Leung
Meghan Cerpa
Ronald A. Lehman
Lawrence G. Lenke
Author Keywords:
adult spinal deformity
lumbosacral curve
max cobb angle
patient-reported outcome
vertical axis
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