ATR kinase supports normal proliferation in the early S phase by preventing replication resource exhaustion

Menolfi, D., Lee, B. J., Zhang, H., Jiang, W., Bowen, N. E., Wang, Y., Zhao, J., Holmes, A., Gershik, S., Rabadan, R., Kim, B., & Zha, S. (2023). ATR kinase supports normal proliferation in the early S phase by preventing replication resource exhaustion. Nature Communications, 14(1).
Demis Menolfi
Brian J. Lee
Hanwen Zhang
Wenxia Jiang
Nicole E. Bowen
Yunyue Wang
Junfei Zhao
Antony Holmes
Steven Gershik
Raul Rabadan
Baek Kim
Shan Zha
Affiliated Authors:
Demis Menolfi
Brian J. Lee
Hanwen Zhang
Wenxia Jiang
Yunyue Wang
Junfei Zhao
Antony Holmes
Steven Gershik
Raul Rabadan
Shan Zha
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