The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers: study protocol for the COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErS (HEROES) study

Mascayano, F., van der Ven, E., Moro, M. F., Schilling, S., Alarcón, S., Al Barathie, J., Alnasser, L., Asaoka, H., Ayinde, O., Balalian, A. A., Basagoitia, A., Brittain, K., Dohrenwend, B., Durand-Arias, S., Eskin, M., Fernández-Jiménez, E., Freytes Frey, M. I., Giménez, L., … Gisle, L. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers: study protocol for the COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErS (HEROES) study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57(3), 633–645.
Franco Mascayano
Els van der Ven
Maria Francesca Moro
Sara Schilling
Sebastián Alarcón
Josleen Al Barathie
Lubna Alnasser
Hiroki Asaoka
Olatunde Ayinde
Arin A. Balalian
Armando Basagoitia
Kirsty Brittain
Bruce Dohrenwend
Sol Durand-Arias
Mehmet Eskin
Eduardo Fernández-Jiménez
Marcela Inés Freytes Frey
Luis Giménez
Lydia Gisle
Hans W. Hoek
Rodrigo Ezequiel Jaldo
Jutta Lindert
Humberto Maldonado
Gonzalo Martínez-Alés
Carmen Martínez-Viciana
Roberto Mediavilla
Clare McCormack
Landon Myer
Javier Narvaez
Daisuke Nishi
Uta Ouali
Victor Puac-Polanco
Jorge Ramírez
Alexandra Restrepo-Henao
Eliut Rivera-Segarra
Ana M. Rodríguez
Dahlia Saab
Dominika Seblova
Andrea Tenorio Correia da Silva
Linda Valeri
Rubén Alvarado
Ezra Susser
Affiliated Authors:
Franco Mascayano
Maria Francesca Moro
Lubna Alnasser
Arin A. Balalian
Bruce Dohrenwend
Hans W. Hoek
Gonzalo Martínez-Alés
Clare McCormack
Victor Puac-Polanco
Alexandra Restrepo-Henao
Dominika Seblova
Linda Valeri
Ezra Susser
Pandemics (MeSH)
Author Keywords:
mental health
global collaboration
cohort study
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