Olfaction, body mass index, and quality of life with cystic fibrosis combination therapy

Tervo, J. P., DiMango, E., Gudis, D. A., Keating, C., Zhang, Y., Leu, C., Altman, K., Vilarello, B., Jacobson, P., & Overdevest, J. B. (2023). Olfaction, body mass index, and quality of life with cystic fibrosis combination therapy. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology, 13(12), 2165–2171. Portico. https://doi.org/10.1002/alr.23209
Jeremy P. Tervo
Emily DiMango
David A. Gudis
Claire Keating
Yuan Zhang
Cheng-Shiun Leu
Kimberly Altman
Brandon Vilarello
Patricia Jacobson
Jonathan B. Overdevest
Affiliated Authors:
Jeremy P. Tervo
Emily DiMango
David A. Gudis
Claire Keating
Yuan Zhang
Cheng-Shiun Leu
Kimberly Altman
Brandon Vilarello
Patricia Jacobson
Jonathan B. Overdevest
Author Keywords:
body image
cystic fibrosis
eating behavior
quality of life
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