Central memory T cells are the most effective precursors of resident memory T cells in human skin

Matos, T. R., Gehad, A., Teague, J. E., Dyring-Andersen, B., Benezeder, T., Dowlatshahi, M., Crouch, J., Watanabe, Y., O’Malley, J. T., Kupper, T. S., Yang, C., Watanabe, R., & Clark, R. A. (2022). Central memory T cells are the most effective precursors of resident memory T cells in human skin. Science Immunology, 7(70). https://doi.org/10.1126/sciimmunol.abn1889
Tiago R Matos
Ahmed Gehad
Jessica E Teague
Beatrice Dyring-Andersen
Theresa Benezeder
Mitra Dowlatshahi
Jack Crouch
Yoshinori Watanabe
John T O'Malley
Thomas S Kupper
Chao Yang
Rei Watanabe
Rachael A Clark
Affiliated Authors:
Mitra Dowlatshahi
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