Journal of Surgical Research

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Kersh, L. M., Shin, G. J., Swain, S., Sytsma, T., Gallagher, S., Wischmeyer, P. E., Agarwal, S., & Haines, K. L. (2025). Age-Related Vulnerability to Malnutrition-Related Mortality: Younger Patients are at Risk. Journal of Surgical Research, 306, 203–209.
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Columbia Affiliation
Kurapati, S. S., Moeckel, C., Stegman, M. M., Yaghy, A., Genao, I., & Shukla, A. G. (2024). A Flattened Curve: National Trends of Women Physicians and Residents in Surgery Over the Last Decade. Journal of Surgical Research, 303, 506–512.
Publication Date
Poston, L. M., Bassiri, A., Kloos, J., Linden, J., Jiang, B., Sinopoli, J., Tapias Vargas, L., & Towe, C. W. (2024). Inaccurate Clinical Stage is Common and Associated With Poor Survival in Patients With Lung Cancer. Journal of Surgical Research, 301, 154–162.
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Liang, N. E., Perez, N. P., Singhal, V., Pratt, J. S. A., Zitsman, J., & Griggs, C. L. (2024). Regional Variations in Pediatric Metabolic and Bariatric Surgeon Availability: A Call for Action. Journal of Surgical Research, 295, 522–529.
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Duron, V., Schmoke, N., Ichinose, R., Stylianos, S., Kernie, S. G., Dayan, P. S., Slidell, M. B., Stulce, C., Chong, G., Williams, R. F., Gosain, A., Morin, N. P., Nasr, I. W., Kudchadkar, S. R., Bolstridge, J., Prince, J. M., Sathya, C., Sweberg, T., & Dorrello, N. V. (2024). Delphi Process for Validation of Fluid Treatment Algorithm for Critically Ill Pediatric Trauma Patients. Journal of Surgical Research, 295, 493–504.
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Shmelev, A., Schwarzova, K., & Cunningham, S. C. (2023). Seasonality in General Surgery Hospitalizations and Procedures in the US: Workflow Implications. Journal of Surgical Research, 288, 51–63.
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Lois, A., Kohler, J. E., Monsell, S. E., Pullar, K. M., Victory, J., Odom, S. R., Fischkoff, K., Kaji, A. H., Evans, H. L., Sohn, V., Kao, L. S., Dodwad, S.-J., Ehlers, A. P., Alam, H. B., Park, P. K., Krishnadasan, A., Talan, D. A., Siparsky, N., Price, T. P., … Davidson, G. H. (2023). A Video-Based Consent Tool: Development and Effect of Risk–Benefit Framing on Intention to Randomize. Journal of Surgical Research, 283, 357–367.
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Herman, K., Pokala, A., Nemeth, S., & Shen, B. (2023). Ethnic Disparities in Ileal Pouch Anal Anastomosis Outcomes: An ACS-NSQIP Study. Journal of Surgical Research, 283, 84–92.
Publication Date
Coleman, N. L., Berlin, A., Fischkoff, K., Lee-Kong, S. A., Blinderman, C. D., & Nakagawa, S. (2023). Annual Structured Communication Skills Training for Surgery Residents. Journal of Surgical Research, 281, 314–320.
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Lee, J. A. (2022). Kui and Wai Fong Lectureship: Optimizing Surgical Education Through Metacognition and Technology. Journal of Surgical Research, 277, A12–A17.
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Iwai, Y., Prigoff, J. G., Sun, L., Wiechmann, L., Taback, B., Rao, R., & Ugras, S. K. (2022). Shaves off the Cavity or Specimen in Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer. Journal of Surgical Research, 277, 296–302.
Publication Date
Lewit, R. A., Kotagal, M., Duron, V. P., Falcone, R. A., Fortenberry, L. C., Greene, H. M., Leonard, J. C., Makoroff, K., Midura, D., Moody, S., Ramaiah, V., Gosain, A., & Slidell, M. B. (2022). Association of Economic Recession and Social Distancing With Pediatric Non-accidental Trauma During COVID-19. Journal of Surgical Research, 276, 110–119.
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Phair, J., Carnevale, M., Choinski, K., Skripochnik, E., & Koleilat, I. (2022). Vascular Surgeons as Expert Witnesses in Malpractice Litigation. Journal of Surgical Research, 270, 532–538.
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