Cardiology in the Young
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Lynch, A., Helmers, A., Jeewa, A., Haller, C., & Kirsch, R. (2024). Bioethics at the bedside: considering the adolescent voice in withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy. Cardiology in the Young, 1–3.
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Columbia Affiliation
Bansal, N., D’Souza, N., Wisotzkey, B. L., Albers, E., Shih, R., Exil, V., McQueen, M., Hillenburg, J. P., Azeka, E., Law, S., Peng, D. M., O’Connor, M., Gajarski, R., Vanderpluym, C., Lorts, A., Barnes, A., Sojka, M., Bano, M., Keating, M., … Nandi, D. (2023). Successful implementation of telehealth visits in the paediatric heart failure and heart transplant population. Cardiology in the Young, 34(3), 531–534.
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Columbia Affiliation
Potter, K. L., Richmond, M. E., Goldstone, A. B., & Cheung, E. W. (2023). Association of post-operative ICU requirements with early extubation in the fontan procedure. Cardiology in the Young, 34(2), 356–363.
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Columbia Affiliation
Chou, F. L., Donovan, D. J., Weller, R. J., Fremed, M. A., Glickstein, J. S., & Krishnan, U. S. (2023). Disparities in resource utilisation by families of children with cardiac conditions. Cardiology in the Young, 34(2), 325–333.
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Columbia Affiliation
Bainton, J., Trachtenberg, F., McCrindle, B. W., Wang, K., Boruta, R., Brosig, C. L., Egerson, D., Sood, E., Calderon, J., Doman, T., Golub, K., Graham, A., Haas, K., Hamstra, M., Lindauer, B., Sylvester, D., Woodard, F., Young-Borkowski, L., & Mussatto, K. A. (2023). Prevalence and associated factors of post-traumatic stress disorder in parents whose infants have single ventricle heart disease. Cardiology in the Young, 33(11), 2171–2180.
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Bartucca, L. M., Shaykh, R., Stock, A., Dayton, J. D., Bacha, E., Haque, K. D., & Nellis, M. E. (2022). Epidemiology of severe bleeding in children following cardiac surgery involving cardiopulmonary bypass: use of Bleeding Assessment Scale for critically Ill Children (BASIC). Cardiology in the Young, 33(10), 1913–1919.
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Columbia Affiliation
Donovan, D. J., Siskind, T., Thanjan, M. T., Holzer, R. J., Dayton, J. D., & Carroll, S. J. (2022). Chylous pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade in a child treated with imatinib. Cardiology in the Young, 33(7), 1217–1219.
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Columbia Affiliation
Nathan, M., Newburger, J. W., Bell, M., Tang, A., Gongwer, R., Dunbar-Masterson, C., Atz, A. M., Bacha, E., Colan, S., Gaynor, J. W., Kanter, K., Levine, J. C., Ohye, R., Pizarro, C., Schwartz, S., Shirali, G., Tani, L., Tweddell, J., & Gurvitz, M. (2022). Development of the Residual Lesion Score for congenital heart surgery: the RAND Delphi methodology. Cardiology in the Young, 33(6), 977–990.
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Columbia Affiliation
Apfel, G., Choi, N. H., Silver, E. S., & Liberman, L. (2023). Assessing the utility of atrial fibrillation induction to risk stratify children with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Cardiology in the young, 1–5. Advance online publication.
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Columbia Affiliation
Fremed, M. A., Healy, E. W., Choi, N. H., Cheung, E. W., Choudhury, T. A., Jiang, P., Liberman, L., Zucker, J., Lytrivi, I. D., & Starc, T. J. (2022). Elevated cardiac biomarkers and outcomes in children and adolescents with acute COVID-19. Cardiology in the Young, 33(2), 183–189.
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Columbia Affiliation
Slater, E. D., Lewis, M. J., Zemer-Wassercug, N., & Rosenbaum, M. S. (2022). Timing of pulmonary valve replacement: can we use the same volumetric thresholds in repaired tetralogy of Fallot and pulmonary stenosis? Cardiology in the Young, 33(1), 90–95.
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Columbia Affiliation
Gal, D. B., Clyde, C. O., Colvin, E. L., Colyer, J., Ferris, A. M., Figueroa, M. I., Hills, B. K., Lagergren, S. M., Mangum, J., Mann, J. L., McKeta, A. S., Patel, S. S., Reeves, J. F., Richter, M., Ring, L. M., Rosenblum, J. M., Tindel, K., Weiner, J. G., Williams, K. G., … Madsen, N. L. (2022). Management of routine postoperative pain for children undergoing cardiac surgery: a Paediatric Acute Care Cardiology Collaborative Clinical Practice Guideline. Cardiology in the Young, 32(12), 1881–1893.
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Columbia Affiliation
Arthur, L., Renno, M. S., Altman, C. A., Batlivala, S. P., Glickstein, J., Johnson, J. N., Miller, J. R., Nguyen, Q.-T., Selamet Tierney, E. S., & Ronai, C. (2022). Paediatrician’s guide to post-operative care for biventricular CHD: a review. Cardiology in the Young, 32(11), 1721–1727.
Publication Date
Ronai, C., Batlivala, S. P., Nguyen, Q.-T., Renno, M. S., Arthur, L., Glickstein, J., Johnson, J. N., Miller, J. R., Altman, C. A., & Selamet Tierney, E. S. (2022). Paediatrician’s guide to post-operative care for functionally univentricular CHD: a review. Cardiology in the Young, 32(10), 1547–1553.
Publication Date
Fremed, M. A., Niaz, T., Hope, K. D., Altman, C. A., Levy, V. Y., Glickstein, J. S., & Johnson, J. N. (2021). Adaptations of paediatric cardiology practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cardiology in the Young, 32(9), 1446–1450.
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Columbia Affiliation