Development of the Residual Lesion Score for congenital heart surgery: the RAND Delphi methodology

Nathan, M., Newburger, J. W., Bell, M., Tang, A., Gongwer, R., Dunbar-Masterson, C., Atz, A. M., Bacha, E., Colan, S., Gaynor, J. W., Kanter, K., Levine, J. C., Ohye, R., Pizarro, C., Schwartz, S., Shirali, G., Tani, L., Tweddell, J., & Gurvitz, M. (2022). Development of the Residual Lesion Score for congenital heart surgery: the RAND Delphi methodology. Cardiology in the Young, 33(6), 977–990.
Meena Nathan
Jane W. Newburger
Margaret Bell
Alexander Tang
Russell Gongwer
Carolyn Dunbar-Masterson
Andrew M. Atz
Emile Bacha
Steven Colan
J. William Gaynor
Kirk Kanter
Jami C. Levine
Richard Ohye
Christian Pizarro
Steven Schwartz
Girish Shirali
Lloyd Tani
James Tweddell
Michelle Gurvitz
Affiliated Authors:
Emile Bacha
Author Keywords:
congenital heart disease
residual lesion score
rand delphi methodology
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