International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
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Moon, K. A., Sol, K., Simone, S. M., Zaheed, A. B., Krasnova, A., Andrews, R. M., Vonk, J. M. J., Widaman, K. F., & Armstrong, N. M. (2024). Depression, loneliness, and lower social activity as partial mediators of the association between visual impairment and cognitive decline. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39(7). Portico.
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Columbia Affiliation
Srifuengfung, M., Lenze, E. J., Roose, S. P., Brown, P. J., Lavretsky, H., Karp, J. F., Reynolds, C. F., Yingling, M., Sa‐nguanpanich, N., & Mulsant, B. H. (2024). Alcohol and substance use in older adults with treatment‐resistant depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39(6). Portico.
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Deliyannides, D. A., Graff, J. A., Niño, I., Lee, S., Husain, M. M., Forester, B. P., Crocco, E., Vahia, I. V., & Devanand, D. P. (2023). Effects of lithium on serum Brain‐Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Alzheimer’s patients with agitation. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(9). Portico.
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Zhao, I. Y., Parial, L. L., Montayre, J., Golub, J. S., Ng, J. H., Sweetow, R. W., Chan, E. A., & Leung, A. Y. M. (2023). Social engagement and depressive symptoms mediate the relationship between age‐related hearing loss and cognitive status. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(8). Portico.
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Vanderschelden, B., Gebara, M. A., Oughli, H. A., Butters, M. A., Brown, P. J., Farber, N. B., Flint, A. J., Karp, J. F., Lavretsky, H., Mulsant, B. H., Reynolds, C. F., Roose, S. P., & Lenze, E. J. (2023). Change in patient‐centered outcomes of psychological well‐being, sleep, and suicidality following treatment with intravenous ketamine for late‐life treatment‐resistant depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(7). Portico.
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Zotcheva, E., Strand, B. H., Bowen, C. E., Bratsberg, B., Jugessur, A., Engdahl, B. L., Selbæk, G., Kohler, H., Harris, J. R., Weiss, J., Grøtting, M. W., Tom, S. E., Krokstad, S., Stern, Y., Håberg, A. K., & Skirbekk, V. (2023). Retirement age and disability status as pathways to later‐life cognitive impairment: Evidence from the Norwegian HUNT Study linked with Norwegian population registers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(7). Portico.
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Muhammad, T., Thakkar, S., & Balachandran, A. (2023). Understanding depression in older Indians using diathesis‐stress framework: The role of neighborhood safety and physical and functional health. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 38(7). Portico.
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Brewster, K. K., Zilcha‐Mano, S., Wallace, M. L., Kim, A. H., Brown, P. J., Roose, S. P., Golub, J. S., Galatioto, J., Kuhlmey, M., & Rutherford, B. R. (2022). A precision medicine tool to understand who responds best to hearing aids in late‐life depression. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 37(6). Portico.
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