Journal of Psychiatric Research

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Mason, A., Rapsey, C., Sampson, N., Lee, S., Albor, Y., Al-Hadi, A. N., Alonso, J., Al-Saud, N., Altwaijri, Y., Andersson, C., Atwoli, L., Auerbach, R. P., Ayuya, C., Báez-Mansur, P. M., Ballester, L., Bantjes, J., Baumeister, H., Bendtsen, M., Benjet, C., … van der Heijde, C. (2025). Prevalence, age-of-onset, and course of mental disorders among 72,288 first-year university students from 18 countries in the World Mental Health International College Student (WMH-ICS) initiative. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 183, 225–236.
Publication Date
Xi, W., Banerjee, S., Alexopoulos, G. S., Olfson, M., & Pathak, J. (2025). Geography and risk of suicidal ideation and attempts post outpatient psychiatric visit in commercially insured US adults. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 182, 537–544.
Publication Date
Cao, X., Liu, Y., Lu, Y., Jin, H., Sershen, H., Davis, J. M., Li, C., & Smith, R. C. (2025). Effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation on measures of cognition and symptom scores in Chinese patients with schizophrenia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 183, 10–15.
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Columbia Affiliation
Lieberman, J. A., Mendelsohn, A., Goldberg, T. E., & Emsley, R. (2025). Preventing disease progression in schizophrenia: What are we waiting for. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 181, 716–727.
Publication Date
Elran-Barak, R., Sznitman, S., Eisenberg, M. E., Zhang, L., Wall, M. M., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. (2025). Cannabis use and binge eating among young adults: The role of depressive symptoms. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 181, 553–559.
Publication Date
Li, L. Y., Grzelak, L. N., Auerbach, R. P., & Shankman, S. A. (2025). Siblings’ similarity in neural responses to loss reflects mechanisms of familial transmission for depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 181, 286–293.
Publication Date
Qiu, X., Danesh Yazdi, M., Wang, C., Kosheleva, A., Wu, H., Vokonas, P. S., Spiro, A., Laurent, L. C., DeHoff, P., Kubzansky, L. D., Weisskopf, M. G., Baccarelli, A. A., & Schwartz, J. D. (2024). Extracellular microRNAs associated with psychiatric symptoms in the Normative Aging Study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 178, 270–277.
Publication Date
Sackeim, H. A., Aaronson, S. T., Bunker, M. T., Conway, C. R., George, M. S., McAlister-Williams, R. H., Prudic, J., Thase, M. E., Young, A. H., & Rush, A. J. (2024). Update on the assessment of resistance to antidepressant treatment: Rationale for the Antidepressant Treatment History Form: Short Form-2 (ATHF-SF2). Journal of Psychiatric Research, 176, 325–337.
Publication Date
Hen-Shoval, D., Indig-Naimer, T., Moshe, L., Kogan, N. M., Zaidan, H., Gaisler-Salomon, I., Okun, E., Mechoulam, R., Shoval, G., Zalsman, G., & Weller, A. (2024). Unraveling the molecular basis of cannabidiolic acid methyl Ester’s anti-depressive effects in a rat model of treatment-resistant depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 175, 50–59.
Publication Date
Feingold, D., Neria, Y., & Bitan, D. T. (2024). PTSD, distress and substance use in the aftermath of October 7th, 2023, terror attacks in Southern Israel. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 174, 153–158.
Publication Date
Amsalem, D., Fisch, C. T., Wall, M., Liu, J., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., LeBeau, M., Hinds, M., Thompson, K., Smith, T. E., Lewis-Fernández, R., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2024). The role of income and emotional engagement in the efficacy of a brief help-seeking video intervention for essential workers. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 173, 232–238.
Publication Date
Díaz-Faes, D. A., & Widom, C. S. (2024). From childhood maltreatment to intimate partner violence perpetration: A prospective longitudinal examination of the roles of executive functioning and self-esteem. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 173, 271–280.
Publication Date
Annam, J., Galfalvy, H. C., Keilp, J. G., Simpson, N., Huang, Y., Nandakumar, R., Byrnes, A., Nitahara, K., Hall, A., Stanley, B., Mann, J. J., & Sublette, M. E. (2024). Plasma cytokine and growth factor response to acute psychosocial stress in major depressive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 169, 224–230.
Publication Date
Itzhaky, L., Levin, Y., Har-Sinay, M., Levy, T., Benatov, J., & Zalsman, G. (2023). COVID-19 and the impact on psychiatric and suicide-related emergency department visits of 5–18-year-Old youth in Israel. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 168, 300–303.
Publication Date
Shmulewitz, D., Budney, A. J., Borodovsky, J. T., Bujno, J. M., Walsh, C. A., Struble, C. A., Livne, O., Habib, M. I., Aharonovich, E., & Hasin, D. S. (2023). Dimensionality and differential functioning of DSM-5 cannabis use disorder criteria in an online sample of adults with frequent cannabis use. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 163, 211–221.
Publication Date
Pantazatos, S. P., Ogden, T., Melhem, N. M., Brent, D. A., Lesanpezeshki, M., Burke, A., Keilp, J. G., Miller, J. M., & Mann, J. J. (2023). Smaller cornu ammonis (CA3) as a potential risk factor for suicidal behavior in mood disorders. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 163, 262–269.
Publication Date
Hagan, K., Datta, N., Stern, M., & Bohon, C. (2023). Aberrant reward-related neural activation: Dimensional correlate of binge-eating severity or categorical marker of binge eating? Journal of Psychiatric Research, 161, 54–61.
Publication Date
Schneier, F. R., Feusner, J., Wheaton, M. G., Gomez, G. J., Cornejo, G., Naraindas, A. M., & Hellerstein, D. J. (2023). Pilot study of single-dose psilocybin for serotonin reuptake inhibitor-resistant body dysmorphic disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 161, 364–370.
Publication Date
Samuels, J., Bienvenu, O. J., Krasnow, J., Grados, M. A., Cullen, B. A., Goes, F. S., McLaughlin, N. C., Rasmussen, S. A., Fyer, A. J., Knowles, J. A., McCracken, J. T., Geller, D., Riddle, M. A., Piacentini, J., Stewart, S. E., Greenberg, B. D., Nestadt, G., & Nestadt, P. (2023). Prevalence and correlates of lifetime suicide attempt in obsessive-compulsive disorder with major depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 161, 228–236.
Publication Date
Gutkind, S., Askari, M. S., Perlmutter, A. S., Nesoff, E. D., Mauro, P. M., & Martins, S. S. (2023). Associations between relative deprivation with opioid use among working-age adults during the great recession. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 160, 101–109.
Publication Date
Bootsma, E., Jansen, L., Kiekens, G., Voorpoels, W., Mortier, P., Proost, S., vande Poel, I., Jacobs, K., Demyttenaere, K., Alonso, J., Kessler, R. C., Cuijpers, P., Auerbach, R. P., & Bruffaerts, R. (2023). Mood disorders in higher education in Flanders during the 2nd and 3 COVID-19 wave: Prevalence and help-seeking: Findings from the Flemish College Surveys (FLeCS). Journal of Psychiatric Research, 159, 33–41.
Publication Date
Hruska, B., Patterson, P. D., Doshi, A. A., Guyette, M. K., Wong, A. H., Chang, B. P., Suffoletto, B. P., & Pacella-LaBarbara, M. L. (2023). Examining the prevalence and health impairment associated with subthreshold PTSD symptoms (PTSS) among frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 158, 202–208.
Publication Date
Wolfova, K., Wu, D., Weiss, J., Cermakova, P., Kohler, H.-P., Skirbekk, V. F., Stern, Y., Gemmill, A., & Tom, S. E. (2022). Sons and parental cognition in mid-life and older adulthood. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 156, 284–290.
Publication Date
Fink, D. S., Shmulewitz, D., Mannes, Z. L., Stohl, M., Livne, O., Wall, M., & Hasin, D. S. (2022). Construct validity of DSM-5 cannabis use disorder diagnosis and severity levels in adults with problematic substance use. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 155, 387–394.
Publication Date
Nichter, B., Na, P. J., Stanley, I. H., Marx, B. P., Herzog, S., Moynahan, V., Hill, M. L., Norman, S. B., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2022). Identifying factors associated with elevated suicidal intent among U.S. military veterans. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 155, 68–74.
Publication Date
Riehm, K. E., Cho, J., Smail, E. J., Pedersen, E., Lee, J. O., Davis, J. P., & Leventhal, A. M. (2022). Drug use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 154, 145–150.
Publication Date
Hezel, D. M., Rapp, A. M., Wheaton, M. G., Kayser, R. R., Rose, S. V., Messner, G. R., Middleton, R., & Simpson, H. B. (2022). Resilience predicts positive mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic in New Yorkers with and without obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 150, 165–172.
Publication Date
Herzog, S., Nichter, B., Hill, M. L., Norman, S. B., & Pietrzak, R. H. (2022). Factors associated with remission of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in U.S. military veterans with a history of suicide attempt. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 149, 62–67.
Publication Date
Trombello, J. M., Cooper, C. M., Fatt, C. C., Grannemann, B. D., Carmody, T. J., Jha, M. K., Mayes, T. L., Greer, T. L., Yezhuvath, U., Aslan, S., Pizzagalli, D. A., Weissman, M. M., Webb, C. A., Dillon, D. G., McGrath, P. J., Fava, M., Parsey, R. V., McInnis, M. G., Etkin, A., & Trivedi, M. H. (2022). Neural substrates of emotional conflict with anxiety in major depressive disorder: Findings from the Establishing Moderators and biosignatures of Antidepressant Response in Clinical Care (EMBARC) randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 149, 243–251.
Publication Date
Montoya, M. I., Kogan, C. S., Rebello, T. J., Sadowska, K., Garcia-Pacheco, J. A., Khoury, B., Kulygina, M., Matsumoto, C., Robles, R., Huang, J., Andrews, H. F., Ayuso-Mateos, J. L., Denny, K., Gaebel, W., Gureje, O., Kanba, S., Maré, K., Medina-Mora, M. E., Pike, K. M., … Reed, G. M. (2022). An international survey examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on telehealth use among mental health professionals. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 148, 188–196.
Publication Date
Ortiz-Calvo, E., Martínez-Alés, G., Mediavilla, R., González-Gómez, E., Fernández-Jiménez, E., Bravo-Ortiz, M.-F., & Moreno-Küstner, B. (2022). The role of social support and resilience in the mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic among healthcare workers in Spain. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 148, 181–187.
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